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July 28, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-28

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Wednesday, July 28% 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY page Three
Baker: In search of consensus

By JIM TOBIN didate without a party to back him.
His Republican credentials are impec-
"I saw that each time you run (for cable, he is hard-working, he possesses
(>olitical office) you owe sosnebody a genuine streak of vote-getting iade-
somethintg. Someebody does you a favor, pendence, and he is personally attrac-
yow &we them somnething, sossebody gives tive, yet it appears his efforts to win
you some money, you os e theemsoine- the August 3 primary have gone all but
thing. I don't lifer that. ir at least an unnoticed by Michigan voters.
independent enough spirt that if I ain "I'm a decent candidate," Baker said
I don't awant to owe anybody anythin." in exasperation last week while discuss-
-Deane Baker ing the pitfalls of his campaign. Tall and
handsome, Baker projects the image of
Throughout his campaign for the U. S. the rugged individualist bucking the hi-
Senate, University Regent Deane Baker erarchy. He has achieved substantial
has found himself in the profoundly success in business (president of the
frustrating position of a convincing can- construction company he founded) and
Polile probing Dehoco
murder look for escapee

taken a role in community leadership
(president of the Detroit Urban League).
He evidently expected that equally hard
work combined with rock-hard Republi-
can views would capture the party lead-
ership and rank-and-file.
BUT SUCH has not been the case so
far. Baker has been faced from the be-
ginning of his campaign with several
tough obstacles.
Three other relatively well - known
candidates jam the Republican field.
Baker is running against Congressman
Marvin Esch (R-2nd District) of Ann
Arbor, former Michigan Supreme Court
Chief Justice Thomas Brennan, and for-
mer U. S. Congressman Robert Huber
(R-18th District), the ultra-conservative
who almost upset Lenore Romney in the
party's 1970 Senate primary.
Baker, generally conservative on fis-
cal and international affairs bit more
moderate on social issues, would appear
to make a good consensus candidate.
"ANY CANDIDATE that expects to
crin in Michigan has to be essentially a
centralist," Baker said in an interview
last week, "but that still gives you free-
dom to be against forced busing and to
be president of the Urban League. I
would hope that I am perceived as a
consensus candidate. That's the kind of

Federal authorities are seeking an
escaped convict, wanted for questioning
in the July 17 shooting death of Dr. Cyn-
thia Miller, head of women's medical
treatment at the Detroit House of Cor-
rection (Dehoco).
A fugitive warrant issued Monday
authorized the FBI to search for Gordon
Wingard, 27, who was serving a 3%12 to
five year term for attempted robbery
when he escaped from Jackson Prison
June 29.
THE WITHDRAWAL and snbsequent
disappearance of $5,0M from Miller's
stvings account have prompted specula-
tion that the 29-year-old physician may
have been killed while trying to meet
with Wingard to arrange for the escape
of another inmate with whom she was
said to be "romantically invlved.'
While employed as a staff doctor at
the prison's infirmary, Miller reportedly
was tlinked romantically with Larry
Wells, a 24-year-old convict from Flint.
Wells, currently serving a 15 to 30
year sentence for armed robbery, work-
ed with Miller as a laboratory techni-
Brown also confirnied that she with-
W ho needs Columbus?
Still another holiday will find its way
onto the already overcrowded calendar
of American festivities. President Ford
proclaimed Monday that October 9 will
forever more be known as "Leif Erik-
son Day" to honor the Norseman who
landed on this continent centuries be-
fore Columbus' 1492 voyage. Ford sug-
gests that all Americans honor Norse-
man with appropriate ceremonies. Won-
der what he means by 'appropriate cere-
monies'? Perhaps a sauna followed by
an Ingmar Bergman film festival
. . the Department of Speech Cam-
munication and Theatre will host the
Summer Speech and Theatre- Confer-
ence. It is a day-long affair that will be
held on the fourth floor of the Rack-
ham Bldg. . . .
Weather or not
Call your friend who has central air
conditioning, and invite yourself over
today, because it's going to be another
bear of a day. The high will be 86, and
the humidity will be right up there. It
will be a cloudy day, and there is a 40
per cent chance of rain. Tonight's low
Wilt be in the nmid-6S's.

drew $5,000 in $100 bills from her account
at the Huron Valley National Bank on
S. Fifth at about 10:30 on the morning
she was killed.
MILLER was found behind the wheel
of her car at 11:54 am. on the shoulder
of 1-696 in Southfield by an officer on
routine patrol. She had been shat twice
See ESCAPEE, Page 10

campaign I'etiedItlut fnorward."
But the potential support for him ap-
pears to have largely been usurped ly
others, so he waits for the unlikely pos-
sibility that "somebody's campaign
(namely, hisi may look attractive to-
people in the last few days."
Baker, it seems, is the odd man out.
Liberals, conservatives and party lead-
ers are already anparently leaning to-
See BAKER, Page 7

Downstream racers
It's a fight to the finish as a group of sailing enthusiasts take advantage of yesterday's balmy weather and wage a gruel-
ing race down the Huron River.
O'Hara eyes Senate seat
By PHILLIP BOKOVOY along with public works projects, can industrial states. Much of this business
Rep. James O'Hara (D-Utica) is for- go a long way in solving the unemploy- relocates to the so-called Sun-Belt states
saking what many see as a comfortable, ment problem in Michigan. The jobless where these standards are not as strin-
safe seat in the House of Representatives rate in the state is about nine per cent. gent.
to seek the Democratic nomination for O'Hara is a strong supporter of the
the U.S. Senate. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the
The nine-term legislator said lie be- 6 constitutionand expressed the hope that
lieves his long experience in Washington Michigan would not rescind its ratifica-
gives him a great sensitivity to what he tion. He also believes working mothers
sees as the major issue facing the coon- should he provided federally-funded day
try-"the failure of the Ford administra- According to O'Hara, another possible care so they can work instead of staving
tion to bring about any kind of economic solution would be to institute "national at home to take care of their children.
prosperity." standards . . . in terms of workman's
compensation, unemployment compensa- BIT O'HARA said he would favor a
HE SUPPORTS the Humphrey-Hawk- tion systems and health and safety laws." constitutional amendment to allow each
ins full employment bill that provides He said that the differences between state to decide whether or not to outlaw
for a maximum of three per cent unem- states in these areas draws business abortion on demand.
ployment. He said that this measure away from Michigan and other northern See O'HARA, Page 7

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