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July 27, 1976 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-27

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Tuescloy, July 27, 1976


Track dominates

By The Associated Press
The United States Track and
Field team picked up three more
medals yesterday-one silver
and two bronze - and several
others advanced toward finals
as the track and field events
reached the halfway point in the
Olympics at Montreal. The
athletes will have today off and
resume competition tomorrow.
So far, five world records

have been smashed, 10 Olympic
records broken and one Games'
mark equalled.
Don Quarrie streaked to a
20.33 second victory in the 200-
meter d a s h for Jamaica's
fourth gold medal in Olympic
h i s t o r y. Americans Millard
Hampton of San Jose City Col-
age and 17-year-old Dwayne
Evans of Phoenix, Ariz., were
second and third.

Hiasely Crawford of Trinidad,
winner of the 100 meters Sun-
day, pulled up lame with a
muscle cramp shortly after the
race started and crumpled to
the track.
Tadeusz Slusarski of Poland
was declared the winner of the
pole vault gold medal with an
Olympic record-equalling 18
feet, one-half inch. Antti Kal-
liomaki of Finland and Dave

Page Eleven
Roberts of the United States percuts in the second round. He
also cleared that height but Slu- ripped a cut on the Pole's nose
sarski was awarded the gold and forced him to take a stand-
on fewer misses. Kalliomaki got ing eight-count with a left-right
the silver and Roberts, the to the head.
world record holder, got the Tate suffered a cut near his
bronze. left eye and was taken imme-
diately back to the Olympic Vil-
FINLAND'S Lasse Viren won lage, a U.S. team spokesman
his second consecutive Olympic said. The cut apparently oc-
gold medal in the 10,000 meters curred in the third round and
with a time of 27:40.4. Carlos was not noticed by the audience.
Lopes of Portugal was second The comeback story of the
and Brendan Foster of Great day was that of Quarrie in the
Britain, third. Viren became 200. He was favored to win the
the second Finn to win the gold event in Munich but was injured
medal twice in that event. The in the semifinals and didn't
first was the legendary Paavo make the finals.
Nurmi in 1920 and 1928.
Viren, winner of the punish- THROUGH all this, there were
ing 5,000- and 10,000-meter races still a few highlights on the con-
at the 1972 Games in Munich, troversy front.
won his second consecutive 10,- While rumors swirled about
000 gold medal. Only three other his defection or kidnaping, Rus-
funrners--Hannes Kolehmainen sian sprinter Valery Borzov was
6f Finland in 1912, Emile Zato- asleep in his room at the Olym-
pek of Czechoslovakia in 1952 pic Village, a Soviet press at-
and Vladimir Kuts of the Soviet tache said Monday morning.
Union in 1956-have won the "Valery Borzov had a good
5,000 and the 10,000 in the same sleep, is having breakfast and
year. No one has done it in will go out to train this morn-
consecutive Olympics. Viren will int g Mikhail Efimov said.
get his chance to make Olympic 'All of this is just a rumor
history in Saturday's 5,000 meter started by the news media."
final. Borzov, 1972 gold medal win-
Debra Sapenter established an ner in the 100 and 200-meter
American record of 51.23 sec- dashes, finished third in Satur-
ondIs in the women's Olympic day's 100 to gain a bronze
400-meter run qualifying. medal.
The U.S. mark of 51.64, set On Sunday, he was removed
by Kathy Hammond in 1972 at from a qualifying heat in the
the Munich Games, was broken 200.
moments earlier by Sheila In- The Canadian Broadcasting
gram of Washington, D.C. Her Corp. television network later
clocking of 51.31 was her second said there were unconfirmed
lifetime best in two days. reports that Borzov had either
America's other entrant in defected or had been kidnaped.
the race, Rosalyn Bryant, also Still later Sunday night, Sgt.
qualified. The finals are sched- Andre Laurendeau of the Mon-
ttled for Thursday. treal Urban Community police
said, "We've investigated to see
THE AMERICAN women re- whether he has defected or been
ceived a setback yesterday kidnaped or anything like that.
when Brenda Morehead, the top We have checked our source
qualifier at the U.S. trials, was back at the Olympic Village."
unable to run in the 200-meter "The answer we got is that
dash because of a leg injury. Valery Borzov is in good hands-
Ms. Morehead was taken to without specifying where he is."
a clinic and apparently was to The Canadian immigration de-
be scratched from the 400-meter partment subsequently said it
relay later in the week. She had no reports of any requests
was injured in the 100-meter for nolitical asylum.
heats Saturday. .."--"".
In boxing, heavyweight John
Tate of Knoxville, Tenn., pound- THE LATEST
ed European champion R yszard HAIRSTYLES
Pasiewicz of Poland bloody with
a barrage of head punches and ARE HEREI
won a unanimous decision to
advance to the quarter-finals. DASCOLA STYLISTS
The 21-year-old Tate, a fight- Arboiand-971-9975
er for only 19 months, started Maple Villoge-761-2733
slowly but then found the range E. L~iberty-668-9329
E. universt--662-0354
with straight lefts and right up-

Lennart Dahlgren of Sweden threatens Dwight Stones' high jump record to express his excite-
ment at having lifted 200 kilograms (440 lbs.) to take first in the heavyweight snatch, clean and
jerk competition at the Montreal St. Michel arena yesterday.
IOC coninues war on drugs;

By The Associated Press
MONTREAL - The Interna-
tional Olympic C o m m i t t e e
struck a second athlete out of
the Games on a doping charge
today but stayed mysteriously
silent about the reasons.
Dragomir Ciorosian of Ro-
mania was disqualified from
the weightlifting on a recom-
mendation by the IOC's Medical
Commission. A terse announce-
ment by the IOC did not say
what drug Ciorosian was found
guilty of taking..
"We are deliberately not giv-
ing that information, for a par-
ticular reason," an IOC spokes-
man said.
In previous cases of dis-
qualification the IOC has al-
ways named the drug con-
Ciorosian was hauled before
the IOC executive 'board after

athlete disqualified
failing a urine test. These tests any athlete found guilty of tak-
are carried out at random on ing a nabolic steroids, t h e
selected athletes in all sports. muscle-building drug which has
A Canadian newspaper, the been the No. 1 enemy in the
Journal de Montreal, reported war against doping.
that Ciorosian had taken medi- The IOC has a list of about 70
cation prescribed by his doctor. drugs which athletes are forbid-
Sunday the IOC disqualified den to use. The list is circulated
Paul Cerrutte, a 65-year-old among all teams and their do-
trapshooter from Monaco. In tors.
his case, the IOC stated specif--- - -
ically he had taken ampheta-
mine, one of the forbidden .
drugs in the group knows as
psychomotor stimulants.
A third athlete, Canadian
y-chtsman Lorne Leibel, failed
a urine test but was allowed to
continue in the Games. Cana- townhous e a cs.
dian sources said Leibel suffers basem-nt, private yard.from
from asthma and apparently s29.000 to $31.950. 5'S down
took medicine that contained available. Nar 1-94 and uS
one of the tOC's forbidden 23. Call daily. 1-6 pm. except
drugs. ues. 434-4475 or 763-6796.
The IOC still has not named

. .

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