T uesday, July 27, 1976 I^HE-MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine ii niuuiQlb get the job doneJ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline Ia 12 noon the day before publaton (4 p.m. Fri. for sun.) including correction and cancelatios. The Daily is nt reponible for more than one incoret inertion of an ad, Advertisementn may be removed from publication but wiii be billed acordine to original num- ber of days ordered. This poliy in also applicable to ads requir- log prepyment iLe., no refunds. Information regarding content of cassified ads canons be di- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisefs names may never be_ revealed. Number of linesIs advertise- mn is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wnted" ads cannot din- crimnate on the basis of se, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferby" Is still dicrimiatory, 'Found" ads are rn free-of- charge to a maimum of 3 lins for 3 days. a . (Continued from Page 8) ROOMMATES FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to shre bedroom in :3-person apt. for Foi. Md. Crnter. $2, 04-031, 71- 00. 5272t MAN NEEDED 10OtSHARE LARGE ROOGM in oodrru2-50m. oapt. nercnmpusted crter. Grad Stutdet prfrrerd. 71-1291e- NEXT YEAR LEASE--Wntd- 1e-le radatensrtudnttocshar 2-bedroom. l apt ih twodlwome.S GR0AGUATE FEMALE SEEKING ROOGM IN COMORTALE HOSE WITH ROOM FOR PIANO with oth- egraduate stdetstowithin 25 tmi- Ils walE to coopttt 05-001. (Oly-..32Y727 FE-MALE.;IROOMMAT'Etafr ooo in -1011oIN Loopo.. Apt Al- All, .1 -.1 7794-547 23Y2 RESEARCH 9101E0 MOELSc PREFEREG '10 099111i10 Nursing-WIrkshi.113. 10 .,trvi-t. 7-3105 4272 1VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDG FOR10SEX tBEtAlOR s1udy7byIt 9 Gradt PERSONAL 7117110(1111F1OM THEL MANAER Farcfour whole dats 10s1 wee I4 0-ti through streets1, 11.7101 1111 I ,taki atdttirolls ad granedtc ,-r the. pro1hiittivepotey 0111719 On, to hre701111' 110 11091.99111e 10 (11111h1at11the At Foo-wa0ov1r id It t onlyftcoms oc17a ,-,high f aortlny,,townlto s010tnd 111h.nstthotig aiang hn the tuit a fwtiteres-tintg things atd elly 11,10 fun. You kow, itas 11111071115how mcoopeple. -ree- ber yotr ling ito'Ann Arot durigitre At Firt Its the cotm- 11an0 that got to te, tr crowdst a1 hotoe were worethahn thor at te Fair. Well, tuntii nettepor then, when Ill e anoustoly await ing the rctr1n o1the annuatotAn AborIAtFatr behiro Bo21 dF We do it your way tI-H Stylists at the UNION Harld Dave and Chet PERSONAL DESIRED: AESTHESTIC WOMAN Of philoophical andod th10r pass1000 possessing self respect and a flair for creating smiles In the sols of others. Reply Daily Box 71. 26F127 INFORMAL Soucly Groops in cl biologyohusnon phyaiology ore now getting starteds. For informations roll Doveatt 004-2451 actor 7p.m. 87F724 FlIREWORKS! Buty direet. We ship throusghott the U.S. lend for free pricelist to- day. Porchaserso mutt be 10 yen, or older. Enelose copy of required Michigan State permits upon pur- chase. Aee Fireworka, Sox 221, Con- neaut, Ohio 44030, Manufocturer, Importer, Wholesaler, Distributor. cFte COPYIRG CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Bools, elassnotes, papers, resume-'- Dissertation quality, low prieee. Fverry day-evening. From 2tae per COPY. 211 S. Slate (near Oinso. 662-3969. certc PERSONAL ROLES FOR THE DAILY C0ONTgolf Srend in your entry before Jtly 20 ond your roy be the iueky winner otf o free 50-word rlassified ad. Juta think of the three best names for the followingI ports of the body: The top of yourr hood, the top of yossr foot, and the little indenta- tion betweens your upper lip and rhe bottom of your nose. Good trek. Send entries r/o Debbie, Bos 21. d STEVES LUNCR - Come for horns cooking. Breskfast all day, great oso and egg rolls. 3 egg omelets wlesfresh vrgetbie soad freesh ben proust served sll day. Sun- days 10-1, 1313 Soth 0niversity. r~te PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS Thiouogh Behavtior SModfication. Weight Control Rational. 004-01019. WE DO IT YOURl WAY. OM Stylisots at the Union. cP728 PERSONAL MAKE LOVE--ROT WAR"1 l it's Igtod for our business.) Austin Diomond 1209 S. Oniversity, 003-71 eFtr OPEN AT 11 A.M. Bowiing, Pinboll, arnd Billiards at the Onion, sF725 ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offaet Printing, Xeese ropiea Xherox reduotions, photostats, half tones, typesetting and muchebmore ST1UGENT ACCOUNTS WELCOMS LUCI TIOTUNIK, British troined as- trotherapist. Latent methods saal- able. Problem solving compatible with TOUR personality tructure. 994-1311. rF8l? PERSONAL WE GIVE a 15'.~dftwout oil11con- tact tlls trepslttr,it-;. Vilog~je Allothelt t 1110 0. Ortivtoity. "1' tat TA's/RA's.,NA'troore ctrdnab ot fraonr. :tofirnootive ,ortion,criss sire, reitwctI-on? GEO reroberohip meetisrg TONIGHT 7/27, 7:30 p.m., Racktham Arnph. 45127 WIN AN ORIGINAl. P'INBALL,. WIZARD'S T-shirt by yr-tttinc the igsittsaore on the T-SHIIRT MACRINE at the Cross- Eyed Mooe. 013 E. Liberty, and Tommoy's Hlidaly Canitp, Pacared and Sttae. rF81l 3010 1S THIE TIME' to prartice yourr gamse. Biiirsart the Onion. tF72l PREGNANT? Nerd heltpy Call Prob- lem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. 400 S. Uivisinn. Preer pregnancy tests, Wanted! people who can: If you cane spend some time, even a fewe hours, xvith someone who needs a hand, not a handout, call your local Voluntary Action Center. W Or write to; "Volunteer,"'Washington, D.C. 20013 Wneed you.~ , ' «wi;, ~~~~~~The National Center far Voluntary Action. *a" oVAt 4 h uO