Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July 27, 1976 I AFF i _ _______ ___ __ Uncontr-'rted Classified Rates WORr D 1 3 4 5 6 add. 0 10 1s 15 305 3.80 4.55 530 .75 1 1,'5 140 2_0 370 4.60 550 640 .90 16 20 165 330 43 5.540 6.45 7.50 1.05 ,2195'> 1 90 380 5 00 6.20 7.40 860 1.20 263?0 2.1 5 4305 65 7.r0 8.35 970 1.35 31-35 2 40 48 0 630 7.80 9.30 1080 1.50 36.40 265 520 6,95 860 1025 1 190 1.65 41-45 2940 58F0 7.60 9.40 1 1.20 1300 1.80 46.50 3 15 6 30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6 30 825 10,20 12.15 1410 1.95 2 565 11 3(1 1475 1820 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 815 16 30 21,25 2620 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10 65 21 '0 2790 34.20 40.65 47.10 6 45 5 13115 26 30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58 10 8.95 N.8: Each arosuo of character, counts as one word. Hvohenoted wcords ooer 5 choracters count as two words this includes telephone nsumbers) 10Otioes eails 1 inch 5 words per ine BUSINESS SERVICES HELP WANTED BANDS for weddiings and parties COMMUNITY COLLEGE port-titoe 0o0i, 701-0431 or 000-2050.'Trt cte positions .-- Fal '71. LIBERAL -ARTS: (M.A.requiredli10mtoas t I AMl o fuil-timue, free lancr typist aesFNEAT:At1it r withconiderbleexpeiene tying Survey (disc. ieaderr), Basic Draw- boost disstertationt, papers. I type iog, Two-Dimensional Design, Me- over ioo wpm., pertet accoraty toisinithig/Jewelry, Percussioo En- giotr.Booerarte 7tt prr page. ebe in.LNUG:Egih IBM Correctitg Selectric. Col Bill, atoie in.LNOO:Ngih 685-0166. cJtc Ratding, Philoophy, Manoal Cam- munications. PHYSICAL EDUOCA- TO:Community Eduurtion, Phps TYPNG ERVCE Ed Actiity ClaseRerreation, 1 EMiBMiga ei ~si et 45-P0 it Aid &Emergency Care. SCI- 116i EEiNC, pi 40-oS EOS& MATHEMATICS: Biology, JlO Php. Scienoe, Matheotlcs. SOCIAL TYPINGO-reaoniable cot s. IB3M Se SCIENCES: Child Developmeent, So- 769-256 afer 11 JS17m cial Wort Tech., Criminal Justice, ir ~ ~ 7J1 517926atHistory (U.S. ), Ecoisnoics, La bhor ____ __ ___ Studies, Political Science, Psythol- T H ESECRETARIAT CTONScolg.TEHIALE: tal Hygiene (Clinical Inatructor), DISSERTATION Medical Office Asoiting, Dental Ao- SPECIALISTS slting. APPLIED SCIENCES : Ar- chitecture & Surveying, Automotive Typing, Copying, Binding, Service, Casting & Farming, Sie- Editing, Rotory Servicr. tricity & Electronica, Hydrauligs & 812 South State Street Pneumatics (Fluid Power), Indus- Open 10-5, 7-10 904-3504 trial Materials, Refrigeration, Beat- _. ing & Air Conditioning, Machining, N E S RV CE Plasic, Phys. Scence & Math, Weld)ng. NOSINESS: Frinciples Ios Acctg., Intro to Business, Bus- Exiperienced, Error-Preer, Guaranteed ineas Mth, Typing. NRBING: As- Mantiscript, Dissertation, Sp e e c h sociate Degree Ruraing (M.A. prefer- Typewriting. Editing, Academic/Pro- red; Michilgon registration & 3 yeara fessional. IBM Seleotrics. Reasan- experience required), DEADLINE role Rates. Copying. Pick-up atnd FOR APPLICANTS: AUGUST 6, Delivery. Personallm-d. Confidenttal. 1978. CONTACT: Mott Community Telephone Dictation and4 Rotsr Collcge, StaffI Personnel Services, Sercs. 122C, 1401 E. Court St., Flint, MI STEPHERS 00503. An EquaI Opportunity/Af- PROPESSIORAL TYPEWRITING firmaiv e Action Emnployer. 30H727 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED 'SALESPERSON TO SELL wootrol'sclothitg. Ft111 timie prvterred. Starting vaiory 62.50 per Scur c.Bitoisc. 3.30 5 Sttr 55. 781- 6207. 29H071 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONAL SEB- VICES AT THE CM i ,sescrtlo qual- tfied applicants for the position of Womenr's Progroan and Co-ordnator wiomen'stadvocait.),Apply at 1t20 IS&A Bldg, hy Aug 6. 5311804 BIKES AND SCOOTERS GIRL'S- 3-SPEED ENGLISH BIKE. $35s. Call 663-0600. dZ WOMEN'S 3 sperd Raleighbhicycle. 1912"troime. New. Revec usrd. $10. 668-7049. 742721 (Continued on Page Nine) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8 MA S OT S'67N ATA At.8ROGE Eoo1SI.I O AROE NRA HBOOR. E {L A O G RE ARNtES3,R IT 9002 PLUIG I RIENE GotT HIAlLS P!E',EDIE GEG'E RT PALE FACE A1L0RSD }SK ETAL T A RSA GjE AM'A N OT ERAME LS3E4EXEGE T E DONATEJS3R.EP I Ntl_ ROSA RY E EL A6815 FOR RENT FOB PALL-Roo' it i iiie hed- rasii ,0ow eCo,-otp tic iba clain. Loot ing for todic ocoh.oig peo- ple. 761-6008430731 FALL -WfN'THR SAItIS DPOUBlE IN IFRIENDLY Set cuiisCo- op).io~eto to ttr-.iey-ltcitc ioulior, oa.rdit ng (,cc taitisdec. P0ccrocot), Dotcioiiol Ca tal flii'iiii.S o, 1Totils iF,9:63- 6(ia:-0236 51C7:'_ FALL '76 rwo >OIdi . opt. Ini iooa',ioarg}e clcl , et) cit lcitiion. Cci h'cci L ctbe i CAMPUS RENTALS, LTD. Sooll ivcerity it Wo,hi'inw 665-0025 ecte OVERSIZED 2 hi'deooi als7pietmenfa. Fuil roiipii'iPrivate vowiminitig pool. Nattier Sti Piecotd can- seitig alon,,ti" di ltron i Oisc. .Prime $200-$21 5. EASTERN HIGHLANDS 483-728 KINGSLEY APTS. hlospital location,csos hedrm. fuc- ioncd, 2 or 3 person, fail occupan- cy. $250.00 per t nhincI udes heat, tae, par1ig. CAMPUS MAN GEMNTr INC. 683-4101 SOBOITY is sccepting women for Fal1 and Winter terPs.orinor mationscall6865-8150 or094-412a. 84C728 BARGAIN CORNER HOOSEHOLD AUCTION, ANTIQUES, boksAnnArbo, July31, 1 pm, 2431 Shaowood 38W730 SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN I MS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEV I'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE Lee and Wrangler Denim Jackets * . Levi's Corduroy Jackets special grouping of Levi's and Wrangler Shirt s.. 1/7off 207 E. L ibe rty 663-8611 FOR RENT SANS SOUCI APTS. toe 'e. foenlohed, 2 bdrm, apt. aval- rahic- throigh Alg oat $160 per month w ith)Pll 0pt11n. Choice 1 snd 2 hdrmi apt. xtiii soxilsble for fall. Call 094-3955,ectc MODERN APTS. FURNISHED, modern, 1 bedroom apt. for the fall, csmpuss location. 6t3-3641. 418 E. Washington. Office eCta 8 me. Fail/Winter Lease FURNISHED APTS. Starting at $95/ma. Messed Swimming Paol Weekly Bousekeeping One black from campus University Towere Call 761-2688 ecte PALL CONTBACTS FOR WOMEN: immcediately available in North Csamptso Co-opt. Lovely ares, regu- lar hilt service. Call 662-4414 or come to the Inter Cooperative Council off ice, room 4002 Michigan Union . 160711 FOR SALE BIOFEE DBACK Professional EEG Brnd New. Autogen 70. Sponge and preciosus eleetrodes, apeaker, inxtruetions. $385 or brat offer. Call 481-8373, 4811731 MOVING -- MOST SELL-AntIque Oat Tail Boy Dresser with mirror. Refinlised. 975.00. 781-8413. 3911728 SOFA AND LARGE 5-drawer cheat. Best offer. 071-1127. 751177 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS GIBSON GUITAR SALE: Shure mites, eoth iaups, Apollo Music Center, 769-1480. cX727 USED FENDER suaper reverb. 781- 9430. cX727 CLASSICAL and Steel Gutarss, New and used. a65-734a, 429,9241. c~tc WANTED TO RENT Need 1978-52 PARKING PLACE on compusl Will pay generousoly. Phone 094-5311 between 5-8 p.m. or after 9 p.m. P.O. Boa 111 Ypilnt. Mich. Ma. Stephens 434-1904 SUBLET NO A/C, BUT IT'S COOL! Spacioua, basemnst apartment. Large win- dows, I bedroom at Packard and State. August sublet or 13-ma. lease. Col 6g2-4763. 8111722 SUMMER SINGLE ROOMS avail- able immediately in ca-ops. One- month contraets are available. Share friends and good food. Rea- sonable costs. Call 682-4414 or coma to the Inter Cooperative Council of- flee, 4002 Michigan Onion. 18U731 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, one and two bedrm. furnised apts, lose to csampus. 882-7787, cutc FOR Typing/Editing/Tutoring Sn English, eall Dorothy, 995-1075, J8l7 WANTED TO BUY CAMERA NEEDED-College student wishes to rent or buy a used Minolta 180 or 288 aecies Camera. Colt. Scott at 894-4914 or 764-0553. EK729 USED CARS 1116 CHEVY Stotion Wagon--Good transportatian. $120.-701-7052. 4411720 19660 CHEVELLE Convertible. Fully automatic, new front end align- nment, plugs, tuned, timed, and cleaned. Best offer. Alice, 992-9489. Read and Use Daily Classifieds CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1Lure 5 Force 10 D~avenport 14 Part of AD. 15 Stag's relative 26 Campus area: Colloq. 17 Persuasive 19 Heavenly bear 20 Affirmative 21 Rolcall response 22 Comfortably warmed 24 Certain lectures 26 Speakers' place 27 Grassland: Poeat 28 Awning 32 Deep-blue gloss 34 Ancient Persian 35 -Plaines, Ill. 38 Common solecism 37 Ecuadorian city 3$ Footnote abbr. 40 Type of train: Abbr. 41 Potantial baby sitter 42 Wading hird O taco61.01 ANGELES TIMES 43 Start of an 18 Young pig old-time 23 Seine tributary campaign sang 25 Blend 45 Quips 26 Kind of song 46 Increase 28 Strike with 47 Ancient force Cretans 29 Ethiopian 50 Spread out capital 53 -soit qui 30 Abstruse mal ypense 31 Girlsname 54 Neckwear 32 Secure 85 Africen country 33 Star in Cetus 86 Mencken, for 37 Vidkun of Nov, one way 59 Pecan treats 38 Wavy, in 60 Saltpeter heraldry 61 Rose's huaband 39 Toward the cen- 62 Bridge bid tar 63 Jane and Zsne 41 Part of Saudi 64 Poeat Arabia 42 -boom DOWN 44 Axiom 1 Foundation 45 Persons under 2 Electricel term age 3 Notifiers 47 Cash 4 Kid 48 Negative 5 Be near at hand answer 6 Ties up at a pier 49 Made replete 7 Part of a bonnet 50 Arbitars: Coiloq. 8 Native: Suffix 51 Much-polished 9 Becoming slow- object er, in music 52 Chigger 10 Crush 53 Table d'- 11 Not theirs 67 Ring: Abbr. 12 Expeditious 58 Student's work- 13 CTallit roo MORE MONEY-SAVING COUPONS IN TODAY'S MICHIGAN DAILY SEE MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES-Page 5 I 2 3 4 5 61 7 8:9 10 1112i1 20 21- 22 23 - - 24 25 - - 286 27 - - 28 - 29 30 31 32 33 314 - 35 - - 36 37 38 3 10 41 42 43 - 4- 4 -45 46 47 48 '49 50 51 -5253 5 556 57 - 58 59 611 2I6 - I I