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July 23, 1976 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-23

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Poge tignt


Friday, July 23, 1976

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Congress hopefuls'
debate at City Hall

Ford, Reagan campaigns
close to spending limit

(Continued froms Page 3)
Congress still has a long way
to go before it will meet up to
the expectations of the Ameri-
can people.
sell, a Republican hopeful,
said Congress needs people
who - are 'constructive cata-
lysts who can solve problems.'
He cited his record in the
state legislature, and said he
was confident he could win
election and follow in the steps
of fellow Republican Marvin
Esch. Esch is stenping down
from his Second Congressional
District post to vie for Phillip
Mart's United States Senate
Pursell's opponent in the Au-
gust 3rd Rentlican primary,
Ann Arbor City Couciltmoan
Ron Trowbridg-. criticized him
for being too liberal.
T R 0 W 1I R I D G E also
spoke of the nation's economic

problems, urging a cut in deficit
spending to reduce inflation.
ie said that the federal gov-
ernment should "live within its
Democratic and Republican
Senate hopefuls were also in-
vited to the "Candidates
Night," but none were able to
attend. Also in attendance were
Democratic Congressional can-
didates Delbert Hoffman and
John Spillson.
golfer Gibby Gilbert says he
does not know his first name.
Iis initials are C. L. and he is
a junior.
"My dad was nicknamed
Gib' when he was young,"
says golfer Gilbert. "It carried
Over and became Gibby for me.
Now there is a Gibby the
third." The third Gibby is the
aolfer's son.

and R e a g a n campaigns are
bumping close to federal spend-
ing limits in the homestretch of
t h e i r Republican nomination
fight, forcing them to close or
curtail many state headquarters
Both sides are hanging onto
as much of their remaining
spending room as they can in
order not to be caught short for
the final hectic wooing of dele-
gates at the Republican Na-
tional Convention Aug. 16-19.
NEW FEDERAL election law
limits primary campaign spend-
ing this year to $. .million,
plts 20 per cent for fund rais-
ing. As of June 30, according to
reports filed with the Federal
Election Commission, Ford's
campaign had spent $9.52 mil-
lion of its allowable $10.91 mil-
lion and Reagan's campaign
had spent $8.42 million.
The Ford campaign, closer to
the ceiling, has had to take the

more drastic steps.
"We had to close the head-
quarters in virtually every sin-
gle state," a spokeswoman said.
"This is all because we can't
afford to keep them open and
still stay under the spending
ceiling. It's a shame not to have
a headquarters open in these
states, because people are try-
ing to volunteer and there is no
Ford headquarters to call."
A REAGAN campaign spokes-
man said "any expense that is
not absolutely essential is being
limited to the lowest possible
level. We're doing that all over
the country, cutting off phones,
letting staff go, letting office
leases run ou."
The Reagan official said with
primaries and state conventions
now over, "we would be cutting
back to some extent just out of
good sense. But we still want to
have a going operation so we
can hit the ground running after
the convention concludes. We're
cutting back tighter than we
might have otherwise" because
of the limitation.
Neither camp will say what it
is budgeting for operations at
the convention in Kansas City.
"That's a strategy decision,"
said the Ford official.
MEANWHILE, Ford rejected
yesterday Reagan's challenge to
a debate at the GOP National
Reagan's challenge came in
an interview yesterday on
NBC's "Today" show. White
House spokesman Ron Nessen
said Ford would not take part
in such a debate and a Ford
campaign spokesman said a
convention debate would be "di-
Reagan, in the interview con-
ducted at his California ranch,
said he was issuing the chal-
lenge in response to Ford's
statement that there were no
substantial differences between
the two men.
"THIS IS NOT true," Reagan
said. "There are very funda-
mental differences between us

and I have come to the conclu-
sion that there is only one logi-
cal way to settle this . . .
"And that is that both of us
should appear before he Repub-
lican convention and let them
make their decision," he said.
Reagan did not offer details,
but he said that he and the
President had different views
on foreign policy, inflation and
domestic policy which he said
should be debated, particularly
for "the legitimately, sincerely
uncommitted who are trying to
make up their minds."
PETER KAYE, a spokesman
for the President Ford Commit-
tee, said: "The feeling is that
the President and Reagan really
have debated the issues of this
campaign since the first of the
year, and there is little in issues
or differences left to discuss."
He said, "It would seem a
good idea to talk about the
things necessary to unite the
party. A debate would be divi-
Ford has indicated no inter-
est in debating Reagan and has
said that his position were well-
known through official acts and
itatements as president.
BUT REAGAN said that in
light of recent Ford statements
that the two have like outlooks,
"I feel that I have a right to
point out that there are very
definite differences between
Meanwhile, Democratic no-n-
inee Jimmy Carter's running
mate Sen. Walter Mondale (D-
Minn.) met with House leaders
yesterday to map out a co-
ordinated campaign strategy
between the presidential and
vice-presidential nominees and
Democrats running for Con-
The Minnesota senator said
after the session that no de-
tailed schedule has been drawn
up, but added, "We're going
into all the states" to cam-
He said extensive campaign-
ing is necessary, for him at
least, because "I'm not a well-
known national public figure."

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'U',GEO take steps
to speed negotiations
(continued from Page 3) Also discussed was the cut-
policy of not giving GSAs hired off point for health benefits in
for the summer half-term the present contract. Under the
health insurance benefits. current ,clause, only GSAs who
worked quarter-time or over
IN RESPONSE, Forsyth said could qualify for benefits.
this was a "long-standing" "It's the people under quar-
University policy because it in- ter-time who are already feel-
volved too much paper work for ing the economic cruch worst,"
both the University and the in- maintained GEO bargainer Bar-
surance company - resulting in bara Weinstein, "it seems that
significant costs to the Univer- these benefits would be most
sity. helpful to these people."
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