A2's public housing snare By LARRY LEMPERT r "ENANTS IN ANN ARBOR public housing got some bad news in the mail a few weeks ago. One mother, who lives with her three children in a five- bedroom unit, is now paying $96 per month. "Please be noti- fied," her form letter from the Ann Arbor Housing Commission stated, "that your rent will be $177 a month, beginning Sept. 1, 1976." For other public housing ten- ants, the news was worse. If the increases planned by the Commission go into effect, rents for many families will be three times greater than now, and for some, more than four times greater. The specter of the increase has sparked many questions among tenants who wonder if they are getting their money's worth, even at current rent lev- els. It has also fueled concern about the receptivity of hous- ing administrators to tenant problems and about the red tape morass that threatens to trap, rather than assist, low-in- come tenants. The immediate problem is that the 1974 amendments to the National Housing Act are coming to town. Enacted by Congress in 1937 and overhauled periodically, the Act provides funds for low-income housing, to be built and managed by local authorities under federal guidelines. The 1974 amendments bear the mark of the "new federal- ism" of recent vintage, the trend toward shifting responsi- bilities from federal to state hands. HIere, the issue was state welfare payments earmarked for housing costs. The rent of public housing tenants receiv- Legal Aid Society attorney John Coyne, "every month they're living from hand to mouth." Excluding senior citizens, who will not be affected, Coyne es- timates 80 per cent of the city's public housing tenants are re- ceiving DSS assistance. Most are in the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) program, which is intended to assist children who lack sufficient parental sup- port. With the assistance of Legal Aid attorneys, leaders of the Public Housing Tenants Organi- zation (PHTO) have been fight- ing to delay and possibly block the rent increases. PHTO Pres- ident Albert Johnson offers these examples of families who will be hit hard if the rent is the past has been that "tenants have not been consulted in de- cisions about public housing." And the tenant organization, which technically includes all public housing tenants, "has not been as active in past years as it might have been." There is plenty of concern and activity now. The five-per- son Housing Commission, ap- pointed by the mayor with the approval of City Council, man- ages 352 units housing about 700 people. Some residents are on home-ownership plans, purchas- ing from the Commission, but most simply rent their units. Interestingly, the section of the federal law that mandates the rent increases also defines the "low-income housing" that Thelma Wallace, who is paid a part-time salary from the Commission "tenant services" budget to act as a PHTO con- tact person for tenants, says the complaints are typical of other sites as well. "I'm a ten- ant aide," she says, "and I'm also a tenant. I get those com- plaints. I get them all the time." City Council, too, is express- ing concern about the quality of public housing. Early in June, Council voted unanimous- ly to conduct a review of the program. "Many of the public housing units and sites are be- low the health, safety and sani- tary standards required by the city code," the Council resolu- tion stated. "These conditions Many people wish that Ann Arbor could simply start over again with its public housing program. Says one tenant ... "If I had my way, I'd put a stick of dynamite under them and blow them down. raised. One three-person family, ac- cording to Johnson, will see an increase from $79 to $175 per month; another, from $126 to $204 per month. One family of seven, he says, will see the rent jump from $34 to $160; another, from $43 to $182. The PHTO has been success- ful in delaying the changes, so far. New rent was originally intended to be effective in May. The PHTO and Legal Aid turn- ed to the regulations of the Dept. of Housing and Urban De- velopment (HUD), the federal agency overseeing public hous- ing programs, and argued that requirements for notifying ten- The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Friday, July 23, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 should be provided: "decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings within the financial reach of families of low income." As far as Ann Arbor tenants are concerned, the section con- tradicts itself. If the increases are enforced, many say they will be forced from public hous- ing, although low-cost alterna- tives in the area are hard to come by. Further, many tenants say their units and sites are not decent, safe, or sanitary. Sev- eral weeks ago at South Maple Park, one of five sizeable pub- lic housing sites in Ann Arbor, a tenant standing outside her apartment saw her neighbor come to the door. "Elmira," the first woman said, "the gen- tlemen are asking if we have complaints about our apart- ments." ELMIRA COLLINS looked cyn- nically at PHTO President Johnson and the reporter next to him, and said, "How much time do you have?" It took several hours to re- cord the complaints of South Maple tenants. They spoke of a severe cockroach problem; of bad drainage on the 30-unit site and, as a result, leaky base- ments; of broken closet doors and raggedy screens; of poor exterior and grounds mainte- nance; of inadequate outdoor lighting and of units easily bur- glarized; of slow response to maintenance requests; and of the Commission's failure to en- force basic sanitation require- ments against a small number of tenants who make sanitation difficult for the larger number. A Commission maintenance man concurred in the com- plaints about inadequate main- tenance, and said that 95 per cent of the residents were "very conscientious" about taking care of their homes. have led to increased tenant dis- satisfaction and also to deteri- orating relationships between tenants, staff and commission. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Gene Warren heads a regular staff of twelve responsible to the Housing Commission. He be- lieves many of the maintenance and repair complaints have more to do with poor communi- cations than with poor mainte- nance performance. But Warren acknowledges, "Generally speaking, a lot of complaints I hear in public housing are valid." For one thing, he says, "Those units weren't built like units in the private sector." As far as that statement goes, "amens" ring out from tenants to public officials across the city. Most of the projects are six to eight years old. "If units had been constructed up to code then," says Commission Vice- President T. R. Meadows, "we wouldn't have the problems we're having now." R o g e r Bertoia (R-Third Ward), a member of the four- person Council subcommittee looking into public housing, ex- presses the same sentiment: "Largely, the units were bad when they were built. That's no particular secret in this town." The program has had its ad- ministrative difficulties as well. Directors have worn out faster than dwelling units. Meadows says, as a result, it has been difficult to get long-range plans moving. Staff members assert that prior administrations have been irresponsible about budgeting, record-keeping, and handling funds. HUD's supervisor for this area, Tom Jones, acknowledges that "over a protracted period, there has been room for im- provement" in the Ann Arbor operation. Warren says the program has been cleaned up considerably since his arrival in January, 1975. Meadows has been a mem- ber of the Commission for sev- eral years, and he agrees: "The Commission has a duty to op- erate efficiently. At this time, we are certainly operating at that level." Not all concerned are ready to say that administrative prob- lems have been alleviated. John- son, for one, openly doubts that the Warren administration knows where it is going. "I seem to see no goals or time- tables," he says. And in April, the Commission president, Jona- than Bulkley, resigned, citing "a lack of mutual confidence between the director and my- self." AT ANY RATE, if poor con- strutction and administra- tion have been problems in the past, Warren says the biggest limitations on the program now come from BUD. The watchful federal eye is felt most keenly when it comes to dollars. With respect to hous- ing owned by the Commission and leased to tenants, the Com- mission's umbilical cord is the HUD operating subsidy, intend- ed to cover the difference be- tween income (mostly from rent) and expenditures (mostly administrative and maintenance expenses). "Many of the pub- lic housing units and sites are below the health, safety, and sanitary stand- ards required by the city code . , t e s e conditions have led to increas- ed tenant dissatis- faction . .." -- part of a City Council resolution, J u n e 1976. Under a "performance fund- ing system" instituted in the '75-76 fiscal year, HUD will provide only what it determines a well-managed program need to operate efficiently. Its deter- mination is based on national and regional surveys. For better or worse, Commission expendi- tures have to be kept with the See A2, Page S Larry Lempert, a former Daily Editor, is a University law student. ing such payments could be no less than the amount earmark- ed by the state, Congress said. N WASHTENAW COUNTY, the Dept. of Social Services (DSS) allows families up to $155 per month for shelter costs, and up to $62 more for utilities. These are maximum levels un- der state DSS guidelines. Until now, most rent pay- ments have been far less than $155. Families juggle any left- over shelter dollars into food stamps, clothing, or other cate- gories. Even with that juggling, according to Washtenaw County ants and getting tenant input had not been fulfilled. 1UD AGREED. Coyne says the increase can now be effected no earlier than Octo- ber. Substantive legal challeng- es are being considered as well, and the PHTO is also involved in negotiating a new lease for use in public housing. All this tenant "input" - to use a polite word - is new for the 11-year-old public housing program. Says Michael Bixby, former director of Legal Aid, one of the biggest problems in Bly Pete Schneeberger and John Guillean Ie? v r 1on r9 li/IIt secret m' i've bee n hi A Iny lofdefecsbry Ahem 1., mean, I've peen 'h n7 Of }>e -feet * q -ny horse rod'ine.