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July 23, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-23

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Page Two


Friday, July 23, 1976

Congress enacts jobs bill

(Continued from Page 1)
200,000 jobs while protecting
another 90,000 state and local
government jobs. The bill also
authorizes $700 million for
waste water treatment works.
Actual funds for all the pro-
grams depend on votes later on
House has clearly shown it
recognizes the need to relieve
unemployment," Democratic

Leader Thomas O'Neill of Mas-
sachusetts credited Democratic
congressional initiatives for the
improvement up to now in the
"This bill is crucial to main-
tnin the momentum," he said.
Renublican Leader John J.
Rhodes of Arizona said that
"this bill is designed mainly to
attract votes in November."
"It is a cruel hoax to ask
people to put faith in a program

like this," he said, arguing that
the jobs created, even if they
reached the 300,000 figure cited
by Democrats, would be only
Carl Albert said Democrats
were leading the way out of
"the Ford recession."
He said Republican leaders
like Rhodes and Ford, who also
headed House Republicans be-

fore becoming vice president, cifically creates needed pube
"have a distinguished 20-year works jobs in private industry."
record of leading Republicans Mayor Kenneth Gibson of
to defeat at the polls - and Newark, president of the Unit-
they are doing it today." ed States Conference of May-
Congressman Marvin Esch ors, praised the congressional
(R.-Mich.) left the campaign action in overriding Ford's
trail yesterday to return to veto of the jobs bill.
Washington for the House over- "We see this as a major vic-
ride vote. tory for all Americans because
"I THINK reasonable men it provides immediate fiscal re-
can differ - and on this spe- lief to hard pressed central ci-
cific legislation I believe the ties, serves as a vehicle for
president is wrong," said Esch. generating needed jobs, and
He added, "This bill is not one thereby reduces national levels
that calls for massive public of unemployment," Gibson said
employment . . . rather it spe- in a statement.
Senate candidates debate
issues in Grand Rapids

Ypsi tenant group tells tales of
eviction threats, housing woes

(Continued from Page 1)
thers of Southfield - has used
bogus excuses to justify some
evictions, and has ordered oth-
ers without any excuse whatso-
Tyrone Steels, for instance,
receives monthly rent checks
from the government that are
sent directly to the manage-
ment company. But now, he
says, the firm won't take the
government checks and are ac-
cusing him of nonpayment.
"They wouldn't even accept
them," he said. 'They told me,
'All we want you to do is
STEELS SAID the manager,
John Sanderson, offered to give
him a month's rent free if he
would agree to move out.
Another family was told it
had violated its lease because
it had children who were "run-
ning around making noise."
Nothing in the lease mentions
children, noisy or otherwise.
Tyrone Lewis was told he
had "too much traffic, too many
visitors at late hours," and that

neighbors had repeatedly com-
plained about him.
"I WORK full-time, and I'm
a student at Washtenaw Col-
lege," said Lewis. "I'm hardly
ever home; and when I am, I'm
usually studying or reading. I
asked them to show me the
signed complaints they said
they had, but they wouldn't
produce them."
Some people who pay their
rents get eviction notices for no
reason at all, Galbraith claim-
ed, saying, "It looks like they're
just trying to get rid of single
mothers, blacks, and other
low-income people."
The maintenance problems
ore almost as bad, if the pic-
ture of neglect painted by the
tenants is at all accurate.
GALBRAITH told of how a
young girl wandered away from
the Sunridge playground into
an unfenced swamp and nearly
"All winter long, you walk
through water all the way to
the laundry in some of the
buildings," a woman said. "The

only time the floor is dry is
when there's a long dry spell."
Other tenants told of glass
from broken windows left on
hall floors for weeks, doors left
unrepaired after break-ins, and
cockroaches thronging through
half the buildings. In some
cases, Galbraith said, there is
a one-year wait for repair
YTU, says that tenant reaction
has startled Schostak Brothers.
"I don't think they expected
this much flak," she said.
"Ypsilanti tenants are a dif-
ferent breed from the Ann Ar-
bor variety; they usually take a
lot longer to get mad about
Roger Chard of Legal Aid,
who was present at the meet-
ing, said he had not decided on
a specific course of legal action
"There are four routes we can
take," he said. "We can con-
test each eviction suit as it
comes up - we can contest
them all together if they're
similar - we can bring a con-
solidated tenant suit against
the management - or we may
just make a settlement with-
out going into court at all."
Chard declined to comment
on the group's chance for suc-

(Continued from Page 1)
just a few, months before.
Riegle retorted that he had con-
sidered himself a candidate
against the Vietnam War rather
than Hart. O'Hara, in turn, said
Hart had been aaginst the war
all along, to which Riegel said
he hadn't considered Hart em-
phatically anti-war.
"I don't even know when you
switched on the war, Jim," he
said. "You were a strong sup-
porter of the war for a long
IN THE Republican segment:
Y Esch stressed his legisla-
tive record, particularly the
anti-busing "Esch Amendment."
* Baker declared that he was
"not part of the establishment."
0 Huber spoke of the need to
single out Conservatives from
* Brennan lashed out at "dis-
honesty in government."
Speaking before the staunchly
conservative Grand Rapids vot-
ers, the Republicans were care-
ful to place themselves on the
side of the family and against
governmental interference in
private lives.
"I think people are wary of
images being built without sub-
stance," said Brennan. "I don't
think honesty is ever a second

rate concern. Unless the institu-
tions of government are respon-
sive to the people, there's no
way people can consider eco-
nomics or any other issue."
"I'M AN outsider," said Bak-
er, in the standard stance of
his campaign. "I'm one of those
people who think for them-
selves, who vote their con-
Huber said he had been
"drummed out by the party
hierarchy" led by Governor
William Milliken and Senator
Robert Griffin, who he says are
leaders of "the mushy middle."
Huber said: "It (the election)
may show the final breakup of
the two-party system. Today
you don't know who's liberal
and who's conservative."
THE PORTLY, terse Huber
said he could fit in with Repub-
licans both in the state and the
senate. President Ford, he said,
supported his 1972 Congressional
campaign and suggested that he
engage in the current campaign.
Esch, who was named several
days ago as the Republican
leader by a Detroit News poll,
said he is not over-confident.
"The real poll is the first
week in August," he said.
"We're encouraged but not com-

NEW Student Ticket Rate
presented by
The.university of Michigan -Scex of Musi
8:00pm August12,1314,15
Rxuer Center for the Rbrforsing Arts
Allseats reserved $30 and $4-5Q
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Television viewing tonight

6:00 2 7 11 13 News
9 Newsday
20 Cisco Kid
50 Brady Bunch
62 I Spy
6:30 4 13 NBC News
9 XI Olympic Games
11 CBS News
20 Daniel Boone
56 1 Love Lucy
7:00 2 CBS News
4 Bowling for Dollars
7 ABC News
11 Family Affair
13 Hogan's Heroes
30 Robert MacNeil Report
50 Family Affair

Theatre Co. of Ann Arbor
July 21, 22, 23, 24
Trueblood Auditorum
in the Frieze Bldg.
CURTAIN: 8:00 P.M. TICKETS $2.50
Sponsored by U of M Women's Commission

56 Off the Record
62 Speaking of Sports
7:30 2 Wild, wild world of Animals
4 Hollywood Squares
7 Let's Make A Deal
11 Bobby Vinton
13 Adam-12
20 stomp the stars
30 Lowell Thomas Remembers
50 Hogan's heroes
56 Robert MacNeil Report
on News
8:00 2 Jack Van Impe Crusade
4 13 Sanford and Son
7 XXI Olympic Games
4 13 Rockford Files
20 700 Club
30 56 U.S.A.: People and
9:30 7 College Football All-Star
30 washington: City Out of
50 Dinah!
56 Electrie Company
10:00 4 13 Police Story
30 Masterpiece Theatre
56 Hollywood Television
We have
the game
and the place
at the

62 PTTL Club
10:30 20 Happy Hunters
11:00 24 11 13 News
9 CBC News
20 Don Kirshner's Rock
11:20 1 Nightbeat
11:30 2 Mary Hartman, Mary Hart-
4 13 Johnny Carson
11 Movie-"Spinout."
50 Movie-"The Verdict."
56 ABC News
11:45 9Canadian Open Golf
12:00 2 Movie-"Spinout"
9 XXI Olympic Games
62 Rev. David Epley
12:30 7 62 News
1:00 4 13 Midnight Special
7 Movie="War Gods of the
9 Wild Wild West
1:30 11 Don Kirshner's Rock
2:00 2 Caputo
2:30 4 7 13 News
3:00 11 News
3:30 2 News
Volome LXXXVI, No. 52-S
Friday, July 73, 1176
is edited and msnoged bys tudents
at the t'niversity of Michigan News
phone 764-052. second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105.
Published d a ily Tuesday throath
sunday morning during the Uniter"
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
eaten: $12 Sepi. thea April 2 seines-
tees) ; $13 by mall outside Anns
Summer session punished Tues-
day troughSolorayopninslot
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