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July 22, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-22

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P-y Ten


Thursday, July 22, 1976

l~ge Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 22, 1976~


City has the hotsfor Art Fair follies

(Continueii from Page 1i
Patti Walker, an exhibitor in
the Summer Arts Fair, rested in
front of Waterman Gym while
flaunting her choice items -
marijuana pipes and jewelry
styled from mule-deer and elk
antler; col I e c t e d from the
Rocky Mountains
that's what you get when you
smoke our antlers," she said
cheerily. "I smoke out of
But she quickly added that the*
antlers used are shed by the
(Co1tninuecir~i 's Poe
ing their investigation of the
shooting, but spokesman Alton
Brown admitted they had turn-
ed up no new leads.
AITIIOUGH police have no
suspects or witnesses in the
case, they believe they have now
determined the shooting to have
taken place between 11:34 and
11:45 Saturday morning.
"We're a t itt l progressing,"
Brown said, adding that police
are trying to cover all angles in
their investigation of the crime.
Part of the inquiry is expected
to he focused on Miller's work
at Dehoco and Jackson Prison.
ARBORLAND 971-9975
E LIBERTY 668-9329

animals. "We don't go around
cutting their antlers off," she
said seriously.
Down the street from the ant-
lers. Marilyn Magnuson, a Chi.
cago schoolteacher, exhibited
the products of her unique
talent - nails hammered into
fine walnut panels to produce
exiiiaraating patterns of turtles.
punctuation marks and tther
"I THINK I'm the only one
at the fair that does this hus-
ness," she said, relaxing in a
chair in her small, boothlike
Magnuson, whose business is
appropriately called "Nails on
Wood," explained that the suc-
cess of each piece depends on
the kind of nail employed.
"I sure am choosy with my
nails," she said. Roofing, finish-
ing, copper and bluehead nails
all adapt themselves well to her
earthy art.
"I CAN DO this fgll-time if I
wanted to," she said, sipping an
orange pop to quell the heat.
"But I don't. It's a lot of work,
and it's simple as that"
Another hot item along East
'U' were the wash and wear
stuffed animals, tempting a
bevy of little suntanned girls to
fondle the soft critters to their
heart's content.
"For crying out loud, aren't
they neat!" exclaimed one not-
so-little girl, actually an elderly
woman. "Bill, come look at
these things. Look at the
AND ALONG Maynard, South
'U', East 'U', State, Liberty and
Main, folks ogled at skunks,
bowls, handbags, shoes, succu-
lents, candles-and each other.
On South 'U', Shakey Jake,
everyone's favorite minstrel-
about-town, greeted his fans
with a raspy "Hey, hey, hey"
while chugging past countless
booths. S t a t e Representative
Perry Bullard of Ann Arbor
even found the time prime for a

little politicking in front of the
Engineering Arch.
"I'm usually here-particular-
ly in an election year," dead-
panned the youthful representa-
tive from behind his small table
laden with campaign literature.
The streets teemed with be-
wildered babies wearing sun-
bonnets, and elderly couples
sauntered past the Chem. Build-
ing licking popsicles. Conces-
sionaires, wiping sweat from
their brows, peddled Mackinac
Island Fudge, souvlaki and
sn ow c o n e s. One innovative
huckster shouted his own pat-
ented jingle to fairgoers along
crowded South 'U'.
"HERE, HERE, it's going
fast, the ice-cream man is here
at last," he chanted.

O n e adventuresome so ul
seized the attention of a throng
at the Street Art Fair when he
strode along wearing rainbow
colored wool panties, headdress
and a white fur vest while push-
ing a wheelbarrow holding a
long, green pillar.
"This a big, green phallic
symbol," he shouted, temporar-
ity distracting people away from
the assorted crafts.
the fair fun, too, especially on
State Street, where they emp-
tied their inventories in the
middle of the heavily-peopled
roadway. Shoes, books, towels,
nail polish and permanent-press
pants glistened under the hot
sun, as special half price sales
and other gimmicks attracted

B-1 bomber delayed

ate Appropriations Committee
yesterday approved a $104-
billion defense spending bill but
voted to hold up funds for the
B-1 Bomber until next year.
The total defense spending bill
for the fiscal year starting Oct.
1, was $3.9 billion below what
the White House had requested
and $1.4 billion under the figure
approved by the House.
THE MEASURE contained
$1.05 billion for production of
three B-1 bombers but the com-
mittee -voted to withhold the
funds until next February.
Later, at .a news conference,
Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld called the action "un-
sound from a cost standpoint
and a management standpoint."
He said a four-month delay in
a production decision could
make the Pentagon liable for
some higher charges by the
Opponents of the bomber have
been fighting for months to de-
lay start of production until
after whoever is elected Presi-

dent in November takes office.
THEY WON a preliminary vic-
tory in the Senate last month
when a provision delaying pro-
duction was included in the
military procurement bill. But
it was deleted in a Senate-House
Sen. John Culver (D-Iowa)
who led the fight to delay pro-
duction when the procurement
bill was before the Senate issued
a statement after the appropria-
tions committee action in which
he said:
"There is no need to rush
ahead with this program now,
when a calm, post-election de-
cision can be made on this $21.6-
billion program."
THE MOTION to delay pro-
duction was offered by Sen. Wil-
liam Proxmire (D-Wis.).
Supporters of the B-1 are ex-
pected to try to reverse that
vote when the appropriations
bill reaches the Senate floor.
House members on the con-
ference committee were ada-
mant in their opposition to a
Senate opponents of the B-1
have argued that final decisions

shoppers in much the same way
spilled honey draws bees.
Over on South 'U', orange-
clad women at Orange Juus
ran amok behind the counter,
screaming out "tae 1a r g e
orange, " "two small strawber-
ries," and "one medium pIne-
apple" as scores of fairgoers
sought refuge and refreshment
in Julius' brightly colored store.
Meanwhile, exhibitor Marge
Detro, supervising her jewelry
collection under the tent at
Maynard, examined some hand-
crafted items she had picked up
at the fair.
"Oh, sure I buy," she said,
and swore there was no better
place in the world than an art
fair to "buy all my Christmas,
Bar Mitzvah, wedding and bap-
tism gifts."
on whether to go ahead with
production of the bomb should
be left to whoever is elected
president in November.
Prof. lauds
(Continued from Page 3)
litions to the pollution prob-
lem, for instance. And experi-
ments to learn about conditions
on Mars that will provide this
information are being carried
out by the Viking mission,
though they've been oversha-
dowed by the 'is-there-life'
As to that aspect of the pro-
ject, Teske admits that the
possibilities are good.
"IF YOU quote me as saying
'sure, there's life on Mars', I'll
deny it," he said. "But the fact
that free nitrogen has been
found in the atmosphere sug-
gests that some sort of biologi-
cal organisms might be produc-
tng it. tOn the other hand, we
really don't knosw if fret nitro-
gen has a biological origin."
If living matter does exist on
the Martian surface, he said,
"it would be very primitive-
something on the line of self-
duplicating molecules. You
won't see any pictures of big
eyes peering into the camera
The astronomer is as opti-
mistic about the future as he is
happy about the accomplish-
ments of the present.
"Where do we go from here?"
he asked rhetorically. "To the
other planets, to learn still
more from them if we can."

Mars landing photos
show a red planetAn
(Continued from Page 3) than 80 per cent nitrogen.
VIKING TOLD scientists here Argon makes up 1.5 per cent
at Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the Martian atmosphere,
that the Martian atmosphere is compared with 1 per cent in
much denser than had been earth's. But scientists were hap-
thought, not entirely dissimilar py to learn that, after Russian
from earth's. reports had estimated the Ar-
Data from the lander showed gon presence to be as high as
3 per cent of the Martia at- gupeicetbeahghs
nmosphere to be nitrogen, which 30 per cent, enough to wreck
is required for life as we know the atmosphere - measuring
it. Earth's atmosphere is more equipment aboard Viking.

A shot against cancer?
One day the scariest thing about cancer may be the needle
that makes you immune to it.
The theory: build up the body's defense to fight off a
disease naturally.
Dramatic research in this direction is going on right now.
Scientists are working on mechanisms to make the body
reject cancer,
And the promise for the future is staggering.
Wouldn't you feel good knowing you contributed to the re-
Feel good.
Please contribute. Your dollars will help further all our
cancer research.
We want to wipe out cancer In your lifetime.
American Cancer Society .
'ISmnSPACE " Tin,,TCO 4 i5 9 L~~~iiFroA5. AutiS'n"

Attention Voters from
Ward 1, Precinct 2, South Quad
Your POLLING PLACE for the August 3, 1976, primary
election has been moved from South Quad to

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