F'hursdoy, July 22, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine rhrsay Jly22 176THMCHGAvDIL Daily Classifiedsl (Continued from age 81 PERSONAL 1.... PINBALL, BOWLING and BL- LIARDS at the Union. Open 11 am. F23 DIRECT PURCHASING volme ell iag and marginal pofit assure yau thtat yor dinmond 1011 be an in- vetment at AsintaDiamond, 1209 S. Univerity, 663-7151. ~t WIN AN ORIGINAL PINBALL WIZARD'S T-shirt lby gettng the higest sce n the T-SHIRT MACHINE at the Cocea- Eyed Maoe ¢13 E. Liety and Tomys Holiday Camp Pckrd and Stesc. FIl M-PfN BOWLING. Win a fe gan. Michigan Union Lane. eF2l ARTS-GESTALT RESIDENTIAL - day wrkahp: Aug. 9-15. Foe all people regrdlesa of at epeene. Getalt and at (clay, aks tlfrings enviconmaental sctltture, paint, etc.) ace vehices to wok ad play hn- estly team who we ae. Wite HEN- HINT/BERNIE MAREK 1508 Mcccilii St., Klamazooa, MI. 401006;116) 344- 98nna 20724 WE HAVE THE AME, the room, and the place. Biliards at the Lnittnt c7i3 ROB!! Today is the Plet day o tie At Street at. I kow yt're misinl~g it at, aways a (the) high pint at ott Ann Aebo stmme. Its a nice dty oe It, cined corly this am. btt sttnshine prevails now How 'hura ttl1e10coespopndence lfrta yol, listta6know Sure still tee wondecawoan 0722 INFORMIAL Stdy Goup in cell biology 11t111111physiology aecnow gettitng stated oe iformaton call Dace t 99-5450 atec 7 p at 87F724 PERMANENT WIGHT LOSS 'hrotgh BPe havo laPMdiicatin Weight Cntrlol Natinal, 994-0019. PREGNANT eed help? Call Po- eta Pegnancy Help, 70-7283. 400 S. DiiioniaFree pegtancyaelsts, LO CI TILUNOK, Bitha troned as- cotecaipst. Ltest metehods aettl- able. Poletm solig coptlhe with YOUR ptrsoaliy stctctte 994-1311. eFlI ADVERTISING IN THE MICHIGAN DAILY DOESN'T COST ... IT PAYS I YOU'RE READING THIS, AREN'T YOU 164-0554 PERSONAL RULES FOR THE GAIL Y CONTEST. Setdidn1yourtteetry Setore Jitly 30 ,mid you mac betehe ltlenner of i fee50-\koodelteotied ad. 2Just think o1 the thcee Sc-t nties foe the toillentig pacrts of the body: ,Te lap at yotir land, thle top of y0o1r loot, attheSPlittle tindetal- ttitt betweett touetctpper lip and tej bottomofatyotranoe. Goad hlok Sead entritseolba ebibie, Box 21. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Prtnting, Xerooectpies Xeroa eeductions, photostats, taalf tos, typeseottngand SITUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S5 410 Ace. 904-4064 FIREWORKS! Buly tirect. We ship thcottglooit the U.S. Send tar Ieee prielitt to- clay Putrchaserts must he 18 yes. o older. Encloe copy at reqtuired Michigan State permtsoupOoneu- icae.AtePire-orks, Baax21, Can- nleautl, Ohia 44030, Manufaettter, Itmpoeter, Wholesalec, Gistibutor. c~tc CGPYING CLOSEST TO CAMPUS Books, olasooles, papers,reue Disoettation otaitcy,lots priees, SEvery day-evetting, From ta a cpe #copy. 211 S. State t(neerGiaatnl. 662-3969. eFtc DOES AN - dvertising Career 92 int erest you. OFFERS YOU THE CHANCE TO *Work with customers and assisting them in their advertisements. *Experience in ad layout and proof reading. *Work with full classified ad department: con- tracts and short term insertions. *Deal w i t h national aidvertisers, advertising agencies and national representatives. r - When someone drinks too much and then drives, it's the silence that kills. Your silence. It kills your friends, your relatives, and people you don't even know. But they're all people you could save. If you knew what to say, maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe fewer people would die. What you should say is, "I'll. coffee never made anyone sober. Maybe it would keep him awake long enough to have an accident. But that's about all. The best way to prevent a drunk from becoming a dead drunk is to stop him from driving. Speak up. :Don't let silence be the last sound he hears. uriveyounome. or, "~et me calla r_ .___._--------------- ca. «O,"lepo]m och IIRUJNK DRIVER, D010Th Y A-1 tong." ep n Icoch aBO~X 2345t tonight.i ROCKVIILE, MARYLAND 20852 t Don't hesitate because your E I don't want to remain silent. friend may have been drinking only 'ell me what else I can do.t beer. Beer and wine can be just as I t intoxicating as mixed drinks. Id Mynatatis__________ t And don'tth In k that black Atlires _________ coffee will make him sober. Black L lls Site. _____Zip- FRIENDS DON'T LETSI FRIENDS DRIVE DRUNK.*' A!!7% X '(I"YMixTt1T/JNAl("lt.!XMw IA 'l:teo yYA Yta ly,n Aw