Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 22, 1976 60CMWW Uncontracted Classified Rages WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ardd 0-10 115 9.30 3.05 3,80 4.55 5.30 .75 I11 15 1.40 2 80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 190 169 0 165 3.30 4.35 540 645 7.50 1.05 s 21 -25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9.70 135 31 -35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 150 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 1025 11.90 1.65 41-45 2.90 580 7.60 9.40 11.20 1300 1.80 46-50 3,15 630 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 10 20 12.15 14.10 1 .95 2 5.65 11.30 1475 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 1630 21.25 26.20 31.15 3610 4 95 4 1065 21.30 2790 34.20 4065 47.10 6.45 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58,10 8.95 N.B. Each Group of character, counts as one word!. -ivohenared words over 5 characters count as two words lthis includes telephone nunmhers) t0 ines eouols I inch 5 words per ine FOR RENT OVERSIZED- 2 bedroom apartment,. Fslly equipped. Private swmmidng pool. Naureorlls, Picnic and con- aelog along the Huron liver. Prime o :tIon. EASTERN HIGHLANDS 403-7220 80724 8 moo. Fall 'Winter I.Aase FURNISHiED APTS. Starting at $05/mo. herated SwmmingPFoal Weekly Houmcrkeplog One block Crom eampus1 Colceollty Towers Cull 7c1-260 FAIL ,CO NTRACTS FOR WOMEN: inn cedialeiy availoble in North Campuo C on,.Lovelyanero, eegu- lae bnc selr. Coal 662-4414 or comec to the Inter Cooperative Council (oIlceroeom 4002 Michigan Union. 160731 KINGSLEY APTS. Hospital loation, two bedrma. ur- nisned, 2 or 3 persono,Call noupoa- ey. $250.00 pee month ineltides heal, wa ler, lparkng. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT. INC. 663-4101 cte CAMPUS RENTALS FIRE CAMPUS APARTMENTS 1335 S. University 605-0025 MODERN APTS. FURN7SIOE, maden, I bedroom apt, for tke all, campus location. 663-3641. 418 E. Washington. Gfice BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs SALE Lee and Wrangler Denim Jackets Levi's Corduroy Jackets special grouping of Levi's and Wrangler Shirt s... /2off 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 j FOR RENT SORGIT'Y it aeceptinglo Emen Cor Foll and WIde r teemso. Foe infor- mation coll 665-0150 or 994-4120. 840720 SANS SOUC I APTS. Largr, Cornshed, 2 b0cm. apt. avail- able through Aulg. ot $160 pee month mith Poll option. Choice 1 and -2 bdemn. apt. still available for all, CIl1994-3955. ecte USED CARS 1706 CORVAIR. Reliable 30 Impg. 9250 Cheap, RBill 761-9523. 10N724 1908 WHITE DODGE VAR. 60,000 mnitleo New water pump and shocks $1o sor best offl.tev 11062-6144. 95N72t3 FOR SALE 1970 RCA R & W 15" TV. Good eondition. $90 or best otter. 662-4763. 248724 TENNIS RACKET. Wilson T-3000. New $0. Must sell $45. Call 668- 0819. 270723 tBM -SELECTRIC 'TYPEWRITER, Eaoellent condition. Call Bill, 761- 9523. 11572 STEREO Cumponent System Pio- neerEPS./Amdo-Terhnlicla. Italian 10 specd bicycle. Escellent. Paul, 665-7941. 160724 72 FIAT 12184.30,066 miles. Ele- basrt. $120. 973-0246. 660722 SOFA AND LARGE 5-drawer cheat, Beat otter. 971-1827, 751177 WANTED TO RENT ONE BEDROOM APT., furnished or semi-Curnished In or around mam- pus denired for all. Write Daily Boa 1. Ann Arbor 41109 or call 603- 5671 and leave memsage. Reterences available. dL724 DO YOU KNOW oC a nice apart- ment toe one person, (male grad. student. 29 years old. Employed.) Not tim expesiave. I will give yau $30, IC I rent it. Mike, 665-4282, din- nertlme Is besa. 92L723 GRAD STUDENT seeking awn room Iin house or all. Please call Bar- bara, 662-5297. 82L722 Nerd 1976-77 PARKING PLACE on camus! Will pap generously. Phone 994-5318 between 2-6 p.m. or alter 9 P.m. SUBLET WE ARE LOOKING Cr a couple ta rent a large bedroom in our small, sem-ommunal house this all. Near Central Campus; snice house; reaaonable. 994-6383, 25U724 FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, siagle room In house, unshed or unfur- nished. Elaine, 764-0562 or 663-4981. dU723 NO A/C, MUT ITS COOL! Spacious, basement apartmsent. Large wina- dams, 1 bedroom at Packard and State. August sublet or 13-mo. lease, Call 662-4763. 810722 SUMMER SINGLE ROOMS avail- able immediately in co-ops. One- month contracta are available, Share frienda and good food. Rea- sonable cots. Call 662-4414 or come to the later Cosoperative Council of- fice. 4002 Michigan Union.- 18U731 IMtiMEDyIATE OCCUPANCY, one and two bedrm. furnishiedi apta, close to campus. 662-7787, dutc SUBLET FOR Tping /Edtng/Tvutorin-g In English, call Dorohy, 995-1075. J17 BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING SERVICE IBM Seletrics 116 E. Mchgn, Ypi. 45-400 J7 THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION SPECIALISTS Typhg, Copping. Binding -Editing, Noary Service 812 Sout State Street Open 1-5, 7-10 994-594 rt NEW SERVICE Esperienced Error-Free. Guranteed Mnusrpt. Dssertaton, S parec n Typewriting. Editing. Aademic,/ro- Cessonal. IBM Seletics. Re-son- able Rates. Copying Pc-ip and Delmery. Pesonlied CotIid rn't Telephone Dictaton an4 Notry Services. STEPHENS PROESSIONAL TYPEWRITIN SERVICE P.O. oa 11 Ypilat Mebh Mt. Stephen 44-184 I AM a ull-time. ree lnertypst with considerable eperecne typing bo00s, dssertatitns, papers. I type over 100 wpm., pereet accuracy guranoteed. Base rate 70 per page. IBM Corecting SeIectic C-11511, 665-016. et HELP WANTED MANTENANCE MAR oe Uivesity sorority. $./hr. 20-25 hs./k. i Augamst, 15 hs.wk. dorlng school Tru 76-77 acdmcyar. Cli662- 4117 ater 4 p.m. 1722 PARTTIME HOUSEKEEPER. 15 hs. per week. Male or emale. General houework and cooking. $250 per hour, 662-6021 971722 SALES repreentatve/mnagement trainee, tll or partime. Contact Mr. Altnew. 971-7020. 83722 ' MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS STEREO SYSTEM; -string banjo call Paul peristently. 764-4914 14X72 GIBSON GUITAR SALE: Shure mkes, earth amps, Apolla Muic Center, 769-140. cX727 USED FENDER uper reverb. 761- 9430, rX727 CLASSICAL and Steel Guitars, New and used. 65-7348, 429,9241,-ett BIKES AND SCOOTERS BOTTECORIA 10-ped raer, Some campagndo componenta. 23' frame, $150 or best atfer. 995-169, 21724 RONDA 40c, 72-73. Well kept, only 8,600 miles. New tire, aingle owner, needs tuneup. Ater 6:66 call 668- 964. 12722 GIRL'S THREE-SPEED SCRWINN, 19'" frame. Very good condition, $5. Call 662-4736. WOMEN'S 3 speed Raleigh bicycle. 191,2" rame. New, Never ued. $8. 668-749. 74721 LOST AND FOUND MALE ABYSSINIAN wantd Cr purchmse, adpton, or bredng. Call Janet, 665-604. dA724 IFYOU CAN DRVE YOUR FENDK For free inforseadiss w~ite e DRUNKiRIVER Hs2345 Rckvik. MaiaaY4852 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Male, white, flufy cat. Geo- rge. Wecring green collar. Lavtseven S. University-Wastenaw area 5 dayo ago. 603-4577 22A723 CAT FOUJND:Fart Abovsniozn Tigr. Greesm ryesm, temale, adoleocentl. and very bpregnanrmt. Near campus. 995- 945c _dA722 ROOMMATES FOURTH WOMAN needed to com- plete spaiousceheecy apv. in hoseo. Partially Caurnished, fireplace. Cen- trallv located onm East Univrsoity. Co-'mperativr living. Fall-sitngle. Winter--large dotuble. 8166 month plus electricty. Private landlord. 761-9426 ailter 5. 26Y724 FEMAL E ROOMMATE toe owa room in 2-bdrisu. N. Campus Apt. Aug.- AugO. leasc. 994-0547. 23Y728 FEMALE ROOMMATE wonted to vhaore bedroomm inmbfour-person apvrmnt bfo al, .80. 602-9203 aft - cm 0 pam. 15Y724 PERSONAL WE KNOW abotikeeping cool. CM Stymlt at the Unmion. 7 23 F IRST PLAYER eahmrigat the Cros-Eyed Moosecreceiaves 50 cenlt inn ball. Opema 11W:m0 am. tweekdays.612 K. ILiberty. eP8ll WE PART'ICIPATE in the Blume Shield prescription pmrgram. The ViIIage Apotheaer,1112 S. Univr ACROSS 52 Nymph 1 Astound 53 Small b 6 Pace 54 Pasature 8$ Get going 59 Objectii 54 Vive - ! 61 Mason- 15 City an the Line Brazos River 62 Air 16 Word of invitation 63 Needle.r 17 Fabric 64 Herring 18 Uttered vehem- 65 Stewed ently Disi. 20 Mistaken 68 Trawls 21 Tool 67 Famed1 22 Made special mention of DOWIS 23 British gun 1 Tardy 25 Sunday best 2 Mascub 26 Enterprise 3 Flat p11l 309 Weights 4 Fur anij 32 Pats of atoms short 34 Wood sorrel 5 South(C 85 Common ailment ridge, b 38 Paint the town site of1 red 6 Stockh: 39 Falbrtown, 19(14 dent 41 Barley bristle 7 Deman 42 Nothing 8 Behold! 43 Former Undo- 9 Germar nesian VIP neighbc 44 Robbed 10 Piantsl 46 Theater ramps II French 47 Monkey 12 Easterr 50 Calcining 13 Preside furnace nicknai PERSONAL 4%ESSAGES FROM THE MANAGER Iast n ig ht for two bours our tele- vision was tuned to something other than the Olympics, We ac- tually watched the news. Yes, toe two hours we were assmulted witb blood, cuts and gore while we waited toe the Cinst photon taken fcom the surfaue of Mars. It wao trumly as exprene.Reing a stal- wart Star 'Trek ton, it's exciting to know that man as we know him is capoble oC oearchingcfor other life forms in tisogaloxy. Maybe it won't be tooCar in the fvuture that moms ton explore other galaxies. We were all holding our breath as 11 therre ourselves as we watched a p-anorama of what coumld hove been toe Ariona desert. With so manmy problems here on earth, I don't know why I get excited about popu- lating another planet, but It woo thrilling toe once, watching the newt. Debbie, c/o cBos 21. dF (Continued on Page Nine) ANSWER TO PREVIOUJS PUZZLE ON A6 1A VE RS E HOG OKAY FR I FGE O PT IC BRE KE 6 B R N Y EATS E N LARG E M ERNT P OA A N I M $006-t, A I DAN LEATSiERN.ECK SOUTH VOI CEiS SAGUARO BEAL K TRANCE SANS WAF A 14 ISH PFE RI tS C00 I R N AMEN 86t" TESTS 6 illIGS 56A ' RD1)PUZZLE ANGELES TIMES 1 19 One of s basic sorrel trio egrass 24 Inner uinrest ye 25 Real - 26 Humane gp. 27 Bird's crop 28 Part of a case - dilemma g pond 29 Unitials of 1843 fruit: 31 Betsy 33 Vend 35 Roll up hosteas 36 Utem between book and sinker N 37 Servicemen's gps. line title 40 West, bemsni- inth phere org. imal, for 44 Warning whiatles Carolina 45 Supplement rattle 47 Levelingastones 1780 48 City in Michi- 9151 resi- gan 49 Mufflers, in iding music !: Lat. 51 Firs: Lat. Ly'1 53 Bird wr: Abbr. 55 Paddy product Shoots 56 Lengthwise cen- noble tral lines .title 57 Ditch ential 58 Singer Moffo Mme 60 Card I 2 34 5 6 7589 10 1112 13 1415 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23514 25 - - 26 27 28529 - 3331 - - 32 - - 33 34 - 35 3637 3839 4 41 - 4 12 43 4 45 46 - - 47 .18 '49 50 51 52 53 54 55 158 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67