Stop the presses--I need a haircut By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI F A 1OVIE WERE to be made of last week's 1)emocratic Convention it would be tough to decide who should be cast in the lead role. Jimmy Carter night seem like the obvious name to tack on the top of the marquee, but Walter Cronkite - the prince of press -would un- doubtedly be the choice of nany who witnessed that four-day show of shows. Yes, the Georgia peanut farmer may have had the run of the entire third floor of the cast of 10,000 cohorts and cronies had the run Americana Ilotel but Cronkite and his grandiose of the city. Like a January snow, they descended upon New York like so many flakes, saturating every corner of the convention-crazed city. Not only did that mass of editors, broadcast- ers, reporters, photographers, couriers, camera and copy people outnumber the delegates two- to-one, but the pampering and mollycoddling they received was enough to miff any Delaware al- ternate - the delegates were offered courtesy charge cards for the week by Macy's, but it would take only one quick glance in the, gift horses's mouth to see that that was a meager present by comparison. IN ROOM 396 of the Statler Milton Seligman and Latz, Inc. were running a "Fresh-Up Lounge." "Press Only," the sign outside the bustling suite read. For the small cost of your signature - or "autograph" as one operator put it - in their guest book, S & L laid at the feet of the media an array of services fit for. a candidate. Hair cuts, hair trims, hair sets and hair-dos, razors, Bufferin and Datril, Ban anti-perspirant, a first-aid kit, a sewing kit, foot refreshers, Parker pens, a typewriter, of- fice supplies, TV sets and "light refreshments appropriate to the time of day" were given with a Georgian smile by the S and L beauticians who were on sabbatical for the convention from salons located in Bamberger's, lord and Taylor's, and Saks. A steady stream of credential-carrying re- porters flowed through the lounge continuously, placing themselves in the hands of the expert cosmetologists who supplied every comfort short of massage. Why don't you have a sauna in here?" one photographer quipped between snips of his beard. "NO SAUNAS," a beautician answered, "but we should think about that before Kansas City" A more appreciative customer - a photog w ho claimed to be stringing for the Philadel- phia Bulletin but later admitted he had finagled credentials "to get my share of the week-long freeload" - examined his renovated crop of blown-dry hair. "You shouldn't have done such a good tb Carlos," he said to his smiling beauttcian don't want to have to commute from p' for my haircuts." "HAIR DESIGNS," Carlos corrected him The Statler wasn't the ony place where pr;s freebies flowed like wine. Across the street at Madison Square Garden - center stage for n. vention activity - convention coordinators had set up the "Railroad Lounge," where the ard- carrying elite convened to watch Walter o: the three TV screens and gobble up the bottomtess platters of ham and roast beef sandwiches. W' I delegates and other proletarians shelled tat 90 cents a shot at the Garden concession stand, lot tepid Coke, the Railroad loungers slurped ee beer and soda to their reportorial heart.s or- lent. And when lavish parties were thtowo an t week in the city - the kind that were chrotited in print the next day by the New York times the reported guests didn't only include natres the likes of Warren Beatty, Bella Abzuy tad Shirley MacLaine. Equal society page time as devoted to the social goings-on of Ben Irt and Hunter Thompson as well. THE POWER of the convention Pt 1 diaplayed in all its glory last Tuesdat, noon the Gold Ballroom of the Statler ar delegates, reporters and gawkers alike h a sembled for a caucus of left-wing Iett I which included John Conyers and Toot It _ "I think we're going to have to moe :h meeting to a larger room," a spokesooa ,or the caucus told the swelling crowd. "W h to accommodate more people." "Like hell tou are," a camerman hi IIf ed above the crowd. "We've already -et p It equipment." "Okay," she acquiesed. "We'll stay i er. AnnXi tarie iinsi c i Is ere d / tTV) Na/ional C'c1/ison for T he Daily. Cronkite: Prince of Press The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Thursday, July 22, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 WELL, SOARING EAGLE, WE'RE THINK OF IT! TWO HUNDRED IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR YEARS OF BUILDING THE BICENTENNIAL YEAR! GREAT AMERICAN DREAM' Stroll by the Art Fairs ANN ARBOR HAS AGAIN transformed itself into a sum- mer playground. It happens every year. Just take a stroll along the streets which usually teem with backpack toting stu- dents, well-groomed professors and casual summer shop- pers. Then stop and look around. What you'll see are dusty sculptors turning sticky plaster into art. White-smocked painters carefully dip- ping their brushes into coffee cans filled with paint. Woodcarvers wearing set expressions while shaping hunks of handsome pine and oak into dainty figurines. But that's not all you'll see. Watch the people who come to watch the artists. Notice the awed expressions on the faces of pre-schoolers. Saunter along the clogged streets where our elderly residents take in the sun while enjoying the exhibits. And don't forget about the scores of familiar faces who lend the campus its own distinctive charm. They'll be there, too. And while you're admiring a hand-made craft item between slurps on a Fudge ripple cone from Miller's, take time out to listen to the peal of the carillon, the bells whose clang will be heard by thousands of other summer- time fairgoers from Main St. to South U. The Art Fair still has three days left, so do yourself a favor and pop into one of the three shows. Not only will you see some of the finest art anywhere, and possi- bly be tempted to purchase something which captures your fancy, but you'll see Ann Arbor, as well as Ann Ar- borites, at its balmy best. THE MIIWAIKEE I URNAI