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July 22, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-22

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The Miclhigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 51 -S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 22, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Sente nixes

WASHINGTON{A - Aided by key defections
fro Republican ranks, the Senate yesterday ov-
errode President Ford's vets of a $3.95-billion
public works jobs bill.
Tlhe bill now goes to the House, which is
scheduled to vote today and is expected to over-
The vote in the Seiiate was 73 to 24, eight
more than the twa-thirds msargin necessary to
override a presidential veto.
AFTFRWARDS, Ford issued a statement say-
in he deeply regretted tlse Senate action.
The House can rectify' the Senate action on
Thursday and should, in the best interest of the
nation, oustain msy veto," Ford said.
BRoth the Senate and I share a keen desire to
expand joh opportunities for all Americans, but
I continue to believe that the wisest, most pro-
dtactus e meains of reaching that goal is throtigh
asteadily growing private sector." he said.
FORD VFTOED the mneasure July 6,.lHe told
Congress the bill "will not create lasting jobs
but insteaud will create more inflation."
I-Inuted sumil-ir arguments in Febriuary when
he vetoed a $6.1-billion public wvorks jobs bill.
Tbhit veto was overridden in the House 321 toi
83, bat the Senate fell three votes short iot the
twvo-thirds margin.
Five Republicans and seveii Demoscrats who
had sided with the President in February voted
to override Ford's veto of the scaled down ver-
sion of the jobs bill.
A KEY REPUBILICAN who shifted was Sen.
Robeirt Griffin of Michigan, who cited unemploy-
ment rates of 9.7 per cent statewide and 12.4 per
cent in Detroit as Isis reason for defecting. Grlf-



fin, the assistant Republican leader in the Sen-
ate, had been iiistruimental in holding GOP voles
in February.
Other Republicans who switched were Sens.
Peter Dornenici of New Mexico, Hiram Fong of
Llawvaii, Robert Packwood of Oregon and Robert
Taft of Ohio.
Democrats who switched were Sens. James
Allen of Alabama, Joseph Biden of Delaware,
Jamnes Eastland of Mississippi, William Hatha-
way of Moune, J. Bennett Joshnston of Louilsiana,
Russell Long of Louisiana and John Stennis of
FAVORABLE reaction 1(o the override came
tranm Newark Mayor Kenneth Gibsoa, speaking
for the U. S. Cantference of Maiyors and Robert
G'eorgin, president ouf the Building and Con-
struction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO.
Georgine said a recent suirvey of 75 cities in
5slates shooed that $2.5 billion worth of pro-
jects are ready to go and "are lacking only the
finuincing the Public Works Act of 1976 will pro-
side. The great bulk of these projects are pre-
pared to staxrt wvithin 611 to 911 cays"
Congressional supporters of the bill say it swould
create 20)0,000 puiblic works jobs and also pro-
"ide funds In enable hsard-paressed coimmunities
to keep 911,0011 public emsployes on their jobs.
DURING SENATE debate, Ford's supporters
argied economic conditions had improsed since
tonrrress first con.sidered the jobs program.
Afte.r the taste, Sen. Walter Mondale, of Min-
nesota, the D~emocratic candid.ate for vice pm.si
dent, said, "The worst thing you can do is deny
peovle work. This country needs to work."
House Democratic leaders expressed confidence
they have the votes to enact the bill despite
Ford's veto.

RODGER KELLER, of the Saguaro Succulent Shop,
offers a selection of his spiny wares during the Art Fair.
City falls prey
sr to Art Fair follies

Dehoco doctors quit

Bridget, age 7, is a shrewd entrepreneuir.
Sitting on a curb along East University, with the shadow
yof the Engineering Building looming behind her, the golden-
0haired elf ant up her own little exhibit yesterday during the >
opening session of the Art Fair. With cardboard signs ad-
vertising "Big Rocks-35c" and "Little Rocks-25c," Bridget
did a brisk business with her brightly painted stones; stones
emblazoned with s miling faces, animals, and stars and
a stripes.
"YDADDY is- a a sculptor and my monmmiy does house-
work, she purred softly, as a customer chose three rocks ry
for purchase.
Using a styrofoam cup as a cash register, Bridget ex- 's
Oplained she'd had a run on rocks "'cause some pople like
them. Although a whiz with the sales pitch, Bridget had
to call apon Daddy, an exhibitor from Chicago, to help her
r' make change.r
~iSo went one afternoon in the life of an exhibitor at the
Street Art Fair yesterday, one of a trio of craft fairs Ann
hroe plays host for the next three days. Crystal blue skiesf
~and a friendly sun provided a splendid arena for the hordes
sof artists and onlookers who descended on the campus yes-
terday to eat, sell, buy, watch, or simply, enjoy.
VWHAT THEY BOUGHT and sold was a rainbow dis'play ~
of hndcaftd iemsincluding ceramics, pottery, blown
~glass and paintings. ,r
~'Some items, however, were odd enough to warrant wide-
eyed scrutiny.-
fSee CITY, Page 10-5

Two doctors and a nurse at
the Detroit House of Correclion
(hoco) have resigned their
positions, fearing that their own
lives may be in danger after
Saturday's murder of Dehoco's
head of women's medical treat-
The resignations came in the
wake of speculation that the
shooting death of Dr. Cynthia
Miller of Ann Arbor may have
been connected to her work
with the inmates at Dehoco.
DR. JAY HARNESS, the f a-
cility's head of health care, re-
fused to diclose the names of the
employes who resigned.
"Everyone's scared otit of
their minds" that their own lives
may be threatened, he said.
But, he added, "nothing is
farther from te truth as f-ar as
I'm concerned."
MILLER, 29, was found be-
hind the wheel of her car Satur-
day morning on the shoulder of
I-696 in Southfield. She had been
shot twice in the right side of
the head.
Harness insisted, "We're rea-
sonably confident that there's

no connection" btween Millers
murder and her job at Dehoco
tHe maintained that the in-
mates "worshipped the ground
that Cynthia Miller walked on."
"THEY DEEPLY appreciated
what she was doing; they re-
spected her," Harness said.
Miller had been working in
the women's division of Deboco
since December 1. Prior to that
time she had worked at Jackson
prison for four months. -
Harness described her as
"deeply devoted to social prob-
"I CANNOT say enouigh good
things about Cynthia Miller," he
Inmates held their own funeral
service for Miller at Dehoc
Tuesday night.
With Miller's death and the
resignation of two out of four
contractual doctors and one
nurse, the facility's medical
staff is now virtually depleted.
"WE'RE GOING to try to
work the best we can," Harness
remarked, adding that the resig-
nations "made an already dif-
He said he would attempt to
ficult job an almost impossible

persuiade the employes tI coime
back to work and "try to alle-
viate their fears.
Southfield police are continu-
See DEHOCO, Page 10
-- Investigators converged oa
the San Francisco Peninsula
yesterday reportedly searching
for three wealthy young men
who may have kidnaped 26
Chowchilla school children sod
their bus driver for "thrills."
A- highly placed source in Ala-
meda County told The Associat-
ed Press that one young man
sought was connected to the
quarry where the captives were
held, The source said the other
two were sons of a prominent
San Francisco area physician.
"We have people here that
we are looking for and we are
waiting for warrants for their
arrest to arrive here for Ala-
meda and Madera counties,"
San Mateo County Sheriff John
McDonald said.
See REPORTS, Page 5

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