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July 20, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-20

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Page Twelve


1 uesday, July 20; 1976

Nadia shines in gymnastics

By The A,,ociatrd Prews
MONTREAL - Magnificent
little Nadia Comaneci achieved
her second and third perfect
gymnastic performances of the
summer Olympics last night
and American swimmers John
Naber and Bruce Furniss wonr
gold medals in world record
There never had been a 10-
point gymnastics performancC
in the Olympics until the 14-
year-old, dark-haired N a d i a
achieved that score on the un-
even bars Sunday night. Last
night, she scored an unbeliev-
able second 10 with her act on
the balance beam, an appa-
ratus from which several gym-
nasts fell.
Thea the crowd of 18,000
went wild when she got yet a
third1aomtrn the judges in
her optional torn on the un-
even bars.
Despite her excellence, her
Romanian team finished, second
to the Soviet women in the
team competition. The Russians
got 9.9 performances from Lud-
mila Tourischeva, Nellie Kim,
Maria Filtova and Olga Korbut,
the darling of the 1972 Olym-
pics. The Soviets simply had
more depth than the Ruman-
But Nadia's three perfect
scores put her in good position
Wednesday night to win the all-
around individual, an honor that
escaped Miss Korbut.
During the medal ceremony
last night, Nadia shook hands
with Miss Korbut. "I thought
we were friends," she said.

The 14-year-old Romanian
schoolgirl revealed that she
had scored a perfect 10 a total
of 19 times during her gym-
nastics career. "I was very
glad, but it wasn't the first,"
she said. "I've done it 19
But it had never nappened in
the Olympics.
The American swimmers
ser-ed notice that they intended
to thoroughly dominate their
sport. Furniss, of Santa Anta,
Calif, led a 1-2-3 sweep of
Americans in the men's 200
meter f r e e s t y l e swimming
event, setting a world record of
John Naber of Menlo Park,
Calif., won a silver medal in
that race andb50 minutes later
swon his gold by becoming the
first swimmer to break the
56-second barrier in the 100
meter race. He was timed in
Doc Counsilman, coach of the
American men's team, predict-
ed that Naber could win three
more golds, but he was empa-
thetic in pointing out that the
squad works together. "I think
this is the best eam effor I've
ever seen," said the second-
time American head coach.
"We'll just have to wait to
count up the medals. I never
saw anybody like Naber."
Gordon Downie, a swimmer
from the University of Mich-
igan racing for Great Bri-
tain's team, placed seventh in
the 200 meter freestyle.
It was the second swimming
sweep for the U.S. men's team.
Mike Brunner of Stockton, Calif.,

Steve Gregg of Wilmington, heat, bettered that time with a followed by Petra Priemer of
Del., and Billy Forrester of Bir- clocking of 1:03.62 less than six East Germany and Enith Bri-
mingham, Ala., pulled it off in hours later in qualifying for to- githa of Holland. Kim Peyton of
that order Saturday night in the night's 100 breaststroke finals. Portland, Ore., was the best
200 meter butterfly event. Kornelia Ender of East Ger- American finisher in fourth
Hencken, 22, of Santa Clara, many won the women's 100 me- place. Shirley Babashoff of
Calif., who had tied his world ter freestyle event last night in Fountain Valley, Calif., finished
record of 1:03.88 in the morning the world record time of 55.65, fifth.

Iuliyaka Semnova, the Soviet Union's 72" wom an basketball star has no trouble in smothing
Canadian Shiela Strike's attempt for a basket during their match yesterday in Montreal. Seme-
nova never left her feet, and none of her teammates had to work very hard either as the U.S.S.R.
romped to a 115-51 victory.
Twins top Tigers, 6-5

By The Associated Press
- Larry Hisle slammed a
three run homer and reliever
Bill Campbell won his 11th
game of the season to help the
Minnesota Twins withstand four
Detroit hime runs in a 6-5
American League victory over
the Tigers last night.
Minnesota snapped a three-
game losing streak and broke
out of a hitting slump with 11
hits in handing Dave Roberts
his ninth loss of the season
against nine victories.
C L E V E L A N D - Billy
Williams pounded a two run
homer and Don Baylor and Bill
North each smacked two run
doubles as the Oakland A's
ripped the Cleveland Indians
10-3, gaining a split of their
doubleheader last night.
The Indians won the opener
3-2 behind the six-hit pitching
of starter Jim Bibby and re-
liever Jim Kern.
K A N S A S C I T Y-Reg-
gie Jackson's home run and
back to back doubles by Ken
Singleton and Tony Muser lifted
the Baltimore Orioles and Jim
Palmer to a 4-3 triumph over
the Kansas City Royals last
Jackson's sixth inning blast,
his 12th homer of the year,
came off Dennis Leonard, 10-4,
and scored Bobby Grich ahead

of him. The four-bagger gave from Mike Marshall as the
Baltimore a 4-1 lead and the Braves beat the Mets 4-2 last
Orioles held on for the victory. night.
* * *The knuckleballing Niekro,
NEW YORK - Atlanta's Phil 10-5, was breezing along with a
Niekro limited New York to a 4-0 lead until the seventh when
pair of hits over the first six the Mets scored on Mike Vail's
innings and notched his 10th vic- infield hit and a triple by Mike
tory with seventh - inning help Phillips.
Major League Standings
....'0-.. . . ..,mm osmsw -og -4

W L Pet. GB
New York 54 32 .628 -
Baltimore 43 44 .494 ill.'
Cleveland 42 43 .494 11l~
Boston 41 45 .477 13
Detroit 40 44 .476 13
Milwaukee 35 49 a17 18
Kansas City 56 33 .629 -
Texas 45 42 .517 10
Oakland 47 44 .516 10
Minnesota 41 47 .466 141,
Chicago 40 46 .465 14'z
California 39 54 .419 19
Late Games not included
Yesterday's Results
Cleveland 3-3, Oakland 2-10
California 4-6, Milwaukee 2-1
Baltimore 4, Kansas City 3
Minnesota 6, Detroit 5
New York at Chicago, n
Boston at Texas, n
Today's Games
Oakland (Torrez 1-9) at Cleveland
(Dobson 11-7), n.
Baltimore (Garland 11-1) at Kan-
sas City (Bird 9-2), n.
California (Ross 6-11) at Milwau-
kee (Augustine 2-7), n.
a ew York (Boltman 1-6) at Chi-
cago (Brett 5-4), a.
Detroit (Fidyrch 10-2) at Minne-
sofa (Singter 8-5), n,
Boston ( Gones 3-0) at Texas
(Briles 7-5), n.

W L Pet. GB
Philadelphia 58 27 .682 -
Pittsburgh 48 38 .558 mO1M
New York 48 45 .516 14
St. Louis 40 48 .455 19f,
Chicago 36 52 .409 23t
Montreal 26 57 .313 31
Cincinnati 51 34 .626 -
Los Angeles 50 40 .556 6C
Houston 47 45 .511 10
San Diego 44 47 .484 13
Atlanta 42 48 .467 141
san Francisco 39 54 .419 19
Late games not included
Yesterday's Results
san Francisco 5, St. Louis 3
Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 2
Houston 3, Montreal 1
Atlanta 4, New York 2
Chicago at San Diego, n
Philadelphia at Los Angeles, n
Today's Games
Houston ( McLaughlin 0-0 and
Griffin 5-2) at Pittshurgh (Cane-
delaria 9-4 and Kison 7-5), 2, n.
Atlanta (Messersmith 9-8) at
Montreal (Carrithers 3-6), n.
New York (Koosman 10-6) at Cin-
cinnati (Nolan 8-4), n.
Phiualedphia (Ctarlton 10-3) at
San Diego (Jones 16-4), 0.
Chicago (R. Reuschel 8-7) at Sa
Francisco (Halek 9-11), n.
St. Louis (McGlothen-8) at L
Angeles (Rtau 9-6), a.

Romania's Nadia Comaneci executes a sommersault during
a routine which gained her one of her unprecedented three
perfect ten scores in the gymnastics competition. Never
before has anyone even scored one perfect ten, let alone three.

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