Page Ten
Tuesday, July,- 24, 1976
Hopeful Huber storms MadisonHeights
Former Congressman Robert
Huber of Troy took his cam-
paign for the U.S. Senate to a
group of Veterans of Foreign
Wars (VFW) in Madison Heights
last night and apparently came
away with a few converts in his
Huber, who ran for the Senate
in 1970 but was defeated in the
Republican primary by Lenore
Romney, wife of former Gov-
ernor George Romney, is in the
midst of a final burst of cam-
paigning on the stretch drive to
the August 3 primary. He faces
Ann Arbor Congressman Marvin
Esch, the favorite, former Mich-
igan Supreme Court Chief Jus-
tice Thomas Brennan and Uni-
versity Regent Deane Baker of
Ann Arbor.
THE ONLY Senate candidate
to appear before the group of
about 100, Huber presented the
man-in-a-hurry, no-nonsense im-
age he apparently believes will
appeal to voters in an election
year dominated by anti-politi-
cian politicians. When intro-
duced, he strode briskly forward
in just his shirtsleeves, leaped
to the rostrum and leaned in-
tently toward his audience as
he grabbed the microphone.
Pointing to his long career
in politics, which includes sev-
eral years as mayor of subur-
ban Troy, experience as an
Oakland county commissioner,
a State Senate term, and a two-
year term in the U.S. House of
Representatives, Hubar claimed
he had experience in what he
said were three crucial areas
Union de-cert. eleC
for elected officials: business,
economics and government.
"The main problems we face
today are either economic or
governmental," he said, citing
his educational background in
economics and his thirty years
in business. He went on to call
for a cutback in government
influence on business, saying
such noninterference, rather
than governmental programs
such as the Democrat-sponsored
Humphrey-Hawkins bill, would
reduce unemployment.
"I THINK the private sector;
the free enterprise system,
which has given us the highest
standard of living in the world,
is where we ought to turn," he
said. "As long as we have an
anti-business climate, we're
~ v
:tion set
"We don't see the University as
an enemy, and since unions cost
the University money, if man-
agement is with it-they'll try
to make t h i n g s nice for
When Addie Hicks of Los Ange-
les got married last year she
decided to cut back on the
number of weekly bowling
leagues in which she partici-
pated. She had been bowling in
11 leagues. This season she
signed up for seven,
The current record holder
among women is Bette Neely of
Anaheim, Calif. Mrs. Neely
rolled in 14 leagues a week in
never going to be able to solve was preferable to controversial
the unemployment problem. You court-ordered plans.
give a -man a broom or a "I think you lock the door
shovel (as in a government- before the horse is gone, not
backed public works program) after," he said. Huber added
and he'll have a job but he that over twenty years, with 3X
won't be productive." per cent black employes, his
Huber also pointed to his manufacturing company had
early opposition to busing, say- never had a civil rights grie-
ing he called for a constitutional vance.
amendment banning busing in The audience, mostly elderly
the Sixties, - long before other and middlelaged, gave Huber
candidates had proposed the the loudest applause of the
same. He said a preventative evening, after hearing U.S. con-
measure such as an amendment gressional candidates.
Local doctor's murder
triggers police inquiry
is, one, a letter is going out
concerning issue' of de-certifi-
cation," said Misorehead, "and
secondvl - we're holding lunch
hour meetings to sit down and
personally tstk with members to
talk about de-certification."
Asked what she saw as the
major issues in the de-certifica-
tion controversv, Moorehead re-
plied, "I feel the basic issue is
that people feel not enough was
gotten out of the first contract
negotiated by the union."
MIhOOREHEAD said other is-
sues in the campaign-such as
the ability of clericals to nego-
tiate contracts and grievances
on their own-were "a smoke-
screen" and "totally false."
"In the case of wages," con
teded M oor e h e ad, "if you
wanted an increase, you'd sit
down with your supervisor and
be told that this is what you're
in line for getting and this is
what you're going to get."
Moorehead added, "without a
legal, binding document like a
contract, there's no obligation
on the part of an employer to
provide needed benefits or wage
increases. And without the pro-
tection of grievance procedure
in the contract, these people
would be lost."
IRENE SMITH, a member of
the Committee for De-Certifica-
tion, admitted there were dan-
gers should the membership de-
cide to abolish their union.
"If we de-certify, we'll have
to take what the University
gives us," coaceded Smith,
"we're sticking our necks out"
However she quickly added,
(Continued from Page 1)
But Martha Wheeler, superin-
tendent of the women's division,
said that she c o u l d find
"no connection whatsoever" be-
tween Miller's death and her
work at the state-run correc-
tional facility.
"She was a very energetic,
conscientious, dedicated, v e r y
competent d o c t o r," Wheeler
"AS FAR AS we know, she
was not headed here" Saturday
morning, Wheeler added.
Police confirmed a report
from an unnamed source that
said Miller had received a
phone call at her home at 5:30
a.m. on the morning she was
killed. However, police do not
know the nature of the call and
are still trying to trace its
Miller had been employed at
Dehoco since December 1. Be-
fore that she worked as a staff
physician at Jackson Prison for
four months. She attended the
University's Medical School for
one year before transferring to
the University of Wisconsin
where she graduated with hon-
ors in 1974.
MILLER WAS separated and
lived in Ann Arbor with one of
her two sisters.
Michigan State Police will
team up with the Southfield po-
lice department in their investi-
gation of the shooting. A major
portion of the inquiry is expect-
ed to be focused on Miller's
work with the inmates at De-
hoco and Jackson Prison.
An autopsy performed by Oak-
land County medical authorities
yesterday morning showed that
two gunshot wounds to the right
temple were the cause of Mil-
ler's death.
Brown said Southfield police
are stilt "checking out leads"
and are asking for public help i
finding the killer.
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An absolutely stuining conversion of Shakespeare to fum.
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S1.5, $2.00 Double Feature
Postill, Donley may charge libel
(Continued from Page 1)
libelous, and defamatory state-
ments," which they contend are
part of a telegram sent by Par-
sell to George Halverson, di-
rector of the Michigan State
Police, be made,
THE TELEGRAM contained
several statements concerning
the brawl and the past conduct
of both Postill and Donley. It
was subsequently released to
the media.
Parsell was in California and
unavailable for comment.
Baysinger also received a
lawsuit letter, stemming from
statements he made to the
News concerning the incident
and its aftermath.
ALL PARTIES receiving the
threat of libel suit have until
3:00 today to publicly retract
their statements or suits will be
In his press release Sunday,
Postill stated the importance of
"the people in this community
(being) aware of the political
nature of this situation." He
cited a connection between
those who are conducting the
investigation and two of the
candidates running for sheriff
en the Republican ticket.
(Continued from Page 3)
He said arithmetic used to
compute the cost-of-living has
not been up-dated since 1973,
leaving a "shortfall" which has
eaten into the general wage
increases members receive in
addition to cost-of-living boosts.
WOODCOCK said the union is
asking that the "shortfall" be
made up in any new agreement
and that the cost-of-living for-
mula be improved.
Postill also attacked the Ann
Arbor News and Treml for
launching "an immssediate and
intensified libelous attack on
us (Postie and Donley) as a
result of long standing political
opposition." He reiterated the
demand for a retraction of the
The investigation into the
brawl awaits review by Attor-
ney General Frank Kelley and
should be completed by the mid-
die of this week. Beth Postil
and Donley face possible arrest
for assault and battery .
talks begin
The average auto worker now
makes $6.85 an hour, including
$1.79 since the current pact
went into effect. Of that in-
crease, $1.14 has come from
cost of living and 57 cents from
general wage boosts.
Morris, noting that unions in
other industries are fighting for
cost-of-living provisions already
achieved in autos, proclaimed
"GM workers are now among
the highest paid in the country."
The University of Michigan
School of Music's Opera Production of
PROFESSOR URI MAYER, Conductor, 764-9509
JON GOSSETT, Orchestra Moaaqer, 764-575
"'"° " .+ """ . "^y '° w.w "r..,, . "ti.r+""'1 . ''+,..M"""" -..r1 ro^ '*.++"''i' .r*.r"""^,ti ', ,r. " J"