Tuesday, July 20, .1976 (HE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Police say revenge may be bus kidnaping notive Ride-in Window These Amish folk pull a minor variation on a familiar scene as they buggy on up to a drive-in window at a bank in Lancaster, Pa. Schorr inietunsolved CHOWCHILLA, Calif. IP) - Authorities were investigating the possibility yesterday that three former convicts seeking revenge were responsible for last week's kidtaping of 26 school children and their bus driver. A law enforcement source in the San Joaquin Valley, where this small town is located, said an all-points bulletin was issued for three men based on an in- formant's statement that while in San Quentin Prison he over- heard three fellow inmates planning a revenge plot. THE BULLETIN apparently came from information received by Sheriff Jack Litteral in Tuo- lumne County, north of here. Litteral said an unidentified 28- year-old informant "said that while hehwas in the joint he knew of three or four guys who talked incessantly about a kid- nap operation they intended to pull when they got out, in which they would use a group of chil- dren for hostages." Litteral, said the informant's story "had a lot of loopholes in it, and I'm not sure the names he gave us were correct, and I don't think he's too sure either." Asked about the informant's story, Alameda County Sheriff Tom Houchins said, "It's not that we can't find people of those names. It's that parts of the rest of his story don't pan out." He did not elaborate. "WE'VE GOT so many leads, I can't say which one will lead to the breaking of this case," Houchins told a news conference in Madera. His office entered the Madera County case when the children werc found in Liver- inure, Calif. cOne of H1mchins' investiga- tors, L. Edward \'olpe, said, "We have r:o viabl i frmation to cooke ms believc w should be lo-tking for covicts from San Qtteotin.," lawever, he also said that "So far the source has been reliable." AUTIIOITIPS repealed t-t an identifiZctiiin card, bo s and prints tiken from the bus driver by the kidnaners were found at the side of State High- way 9 near Saratoga, abisut 150 miles norihvest of Chowchilla. They said a piece of canvas from one of two rans used in the abduction was find at the same site by two children. All the articles were being checked for fingerprints. The 26 schoolt children and their bus driver were abducted Thursday afternoon near Chow- chilla and driven to a gravel quarry near Livermore, 95 miles to the north, where they were forced into an underground bunker constructed out of a buried truck bed. They escaod by digging their way out Friday sight. Sheriff Litteral said that the informant, paroled Dec. 9, 1975, had been arrested in April on morals charges and assault with a deadly weapon. "DURING his stay, he heard three inmates talk extensively about a revenge plot very sim- ilar to the Chowchilla case," the alert said. Ben Franklin said, "He that can have patience can have what he will." WASHINGTON (P) - A House investigator testified yesterday that any one of five congress- men, three or four staff aides or a number of federal officers could have leaked a secret in- telligence committee report to CBS newsman Daniel Schorr. Chief investigator David Bow- ers told the House Ethics Com- mittee that distribution of photo- copies of the report was so dis- organized that committee inves- tigators could not pin down who leaked it. "LACK OF any systematic control on the report as it was turned loose to the staff," Bow- ers testified, "made any ac- countability impossible - then or now." Asked whether he believes the report was leaked by someone connected with the House com- mittee or someone in the ad- ministration, Bowers refused to answer in public session. The chief investigator was leadoff witness at the commit- tee's public hearings on its $150,- 000 House-ordered investigation into the leak of the disbanded House Intelligence Committee's final report. SCHORR has acknowledged he was responsible for publication in The Village Voice, a New York weekly, last February of the report which contains in- formation still classified secret on covert U.S. intelligence oper- ations. Chairman John Flynt (D-Ga.) said the public hearings on the leak will have several purposes in c 1 u d i n g determination of whether the committee should recommend disciplinary action against any Congress member or House employe. "We now have reason to be- lieve," Flynt said, "that there were serious violations and breaches of security during the course of the select committee's investigation." BOWERS told Flynt's com- mittee that interviews with In- telligence Committee members, the committee's staff, the mem- bers' staffs and federal agency employes produced no admis- sions of guilt. Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer was among those inter- viewed, Bowers said, as was CIA Director George Bush and former CIA Director William Colby. Breast X rays called dangerous WASHINGTON (P-One group of doctors urged yesterday that routine X-ray screening of wo- men for breast cancer be stopped, saying such tests may pose a hazard - but others re- sponded that the tests do have a hidden value. The directors of breast cancer detection centers across the country said the programs give young women peace of mind when their X rays are negative. RESPONDING to a recom- mendation that routine X-ray screening of women under the age of 50 be halted, the directors urged the government to put off a decision until hard evidence is developed that the screening may actually be causing some cancers. The 27 centers, ftnded by the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, have screened about 270,000 women since 1973. Earlier, Dr. Lester -Breslow, dean of the School of Public, Health at the University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles, had pre- sented the recommendation aginst X rays for yo'nger wo- men at a meeting called by the National Cancer Institute. BRESLOW and four other scientists said a New York st;dy suggests the X-ray screen- tng. or mammography, is bene- fil!al for women over the age of 50, if radiation exposure is held to the lowest effective level. But there is no measureable benefit, he adled, for younger women without symptoms of breast cancer and "certainly some hazard" that X-ray screen- ing may actually cause some breast cancers. Breslow said the potential risks outweigh the benefits for women under 50. "THE ENTIRE benefit, ac- cording to presently available data, occurs among women 50 years of age and over; it is among these women that ap- proximately three-fourths of all breast cancer cases and four- fifths of breast cancer deaths occur," he reported. Breslow's group based its rec- ommendation on the seven- year study of the Health In- strance Plan of Greater New York which screened 20,000 women. Mortality rates were about the same for women under First by Four FRY/GORDON LUCKHAM / THORP July 6-31 Reception : 9th ,7-9 us- o -ins Tu.-Fr..10-6 Weekends. 12-6 7F4 -L3 a FI-RSn FLOOR- MICHIGAN UON 50 who did and did not partici- pate in X-ray screening, but women over age 50 had fewer fatal breast cancers if they par- ticipated in mamography, he said. Although there is no hard evi- dence demonstrating that X rays cause breast cancer, Breslow told the meeting, scientists have a strong feeling based on studies of women exposed to radiation in the Japanese atomic bomb blasts, that there is no absolute- ly safe dose of radiation. The screening also' detects tu- mors at an early stage which can be treated without radical mastectomy, which involves re- moval of the breast and chest muscles. U ~ ASLEEP AT Coming tomorrow,- SALEM WITCHCRAFT 50c DISCOUNT on Admisson with Stent D U 516 E. LIBERTY994-5350 Theatre Co. of Ann Arbor PRESENTS THEY'RE BACK EXCERPTS FROM BOTH MAD MADONNAS AND BITCH, YOU CRAZY! July 21, 22, 23, 24 Trueblood Auditorum in the Frieze Bldg CURTAIN: 8:00 P.M. TICKETS $2.50 Sponsored by U of M Women's Commission