Page Six Young notes By SUSAN ArES 'We, as black people, have made unprecendented gains in the past 15 years. Take note of the progress we've made, take note of the number of black officials in the national politic but also take note that we have a long way to go and that pro- gress is being chsllenged o- day," said Detroit Mayor Cole- man Young addressing the Michigan Conference of Black Public Officials last Saturday at the Ann Arbor Inn, The full-day conference, which focused on the obstacles black officials face in performing their duties is to be an annial affair designed to facilitate communi- cation between black adminis- trators as well as inform them of programs affecting blacks in the state. "THESE MEETTNGS are a testimony of a new level of sophistication and unity on the part of Black Americans to in- sure that our newly won piece of the action will be protected, expanded and advanced," You said. Speaking on the theme, "Co mon Bond-Common Future the 58-year-old mayor enco aged his colleagues first to( fine the nation's most ov whelming problems and th recognize that these difficult are often magnified for the cot try's black citizens. "The key issue that is bef as in 1976 is unemployme Jobs, money and poverty ha an impact on black people twi and thrice the impact it has white people," Young said,t fleeting the bleak image paint by members of the panel d cussion which preceded t mayor's keynote address. "AN EFFECTIVE confron tion of black issues must rev( that they are not in opposition the advancement of' the nati as a whole," he explained. "t less Americans can come grips with black agendas of sues there can be no Americ agenda." The key to dealing with t THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday;May 11, 1976 black gains at meeting tng "black agenda" is involving Despite the gains, Young ex- office there was "the sound of black people in the political pressed disdain over the accel- footsteps" coming from minor- im- system, allowing them to deter- erating trend toward "regional- ity, poor and oppressed peoples. e," mine their own futures, accord- ization," a system of collective However, the President was ur- ing to Young. Since blacks are decision-making by the city and atuned to another march, he de- predominantly situated in the its surrounding parts often in- claimed. "He (Ford) heard and er- cities, they should be represent- volving the incorporation of sev- reacted to the footsteps of the ten ed in city government in propor- eral counties. West-Ronal d Reagan's foot- ies tion to their numbers. This would As part of a larger territory, steps - they were the footsteps in- insure proper attention to black Detroit blacks will lose their of reaction he heard and turning needs. political leverage to the greater to the right he turned away ore Young, who considers himself percentage of whites in the sur- from the cities and he has nt. part of the first generation of rounding suburbs. treated the blacks with benign tve black elected officials, forsees "EVERYBODY is reaching out neglect. ice the waning of what he calls the for control of our city (De "It's time to look elsewheres," on "firsf black syndrome" because troit)," he claimed. Young added. re- blacks are training for admin- "The newly won power over Young posed a question: "Can ed istrative positions on a larger the city is jeapordized . . . And we expect all- black elected of- is- scale. as they saying goes, if the bell ficials to endorse the same can- he DOING HIS own part for ad- tolls for Coleman, baby, it also didate?" Looking close to home vancement of black political ac- tolls for you." at Ann Arbor's own black mayor, ta- tivism, Young recalled, "I said Meanwhile, Young is also con- Albert Wheeler, one can see eal when I was elected that I would cerned over the national political that black politicians are not to be a 50-50 mayor," meaning picture. "This is a critical elec-- yet unified in candidate prefer- ion that as a leader of a city with tion and we must have a change ence. Last weekend, Wheeler Un- a 50 per cent minority ppula- in national leadership," he said. announced his support for Mor- to tion he intended to boost the Over two months ago, the in- ris Udall. is- ratio of minority representation fluential Detroit mayor pledged Reacting to Young's choice, an from 95-5 to 50-50. "I have since his support to Jimmy Carter. Wheeler said, "I don't really increased black representation YOUNG denounced Ford ex- know what Carter's 'agenda' is. he by ten-fold," he boasted. plaining that when he came into I don't know enough about the ___.____________ man's plans. But look, I think Coleman Young is one of the best politicians in the country and I don't think he'd be out there sticking his neck out by supporting Carter if he didn't think Carter could do something for blacks and minority groups in this country." WHEELER himself attended _ the conference and later told the Daily what he thought the black situation in Ann Arbor - -_ _ was. "As far as the problems - for the blacks, they are the - - same as they are in Detroit . . . ist in different numbers (3,000 in Ann Arbor as onnosed to a half-million in Detroit). Bitt Wheeler said he has seen a dramatic change in attitude in Ann Arbir with regard to the needs of blcks. "Fifteen or twenty years ago I got kicked all o'er town trying to get this community to relize we had ac {- suhbstantial racial problems," said the mayor. "Bt today af- ter the libera moement of the 60's inerle in this ity are more r ac sitive (to nprohlms facing black constituents)." PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION Lt b ~by Pro Fu ar paeas aa" aUf )' 7. d ei SPECIAL ONE-DAY WORKSHOP at the ANN ARBOR INN MAY 23 CALL 994-0019 60646 WEIGHT CONTROL NATIONAL 524 Packard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 'you can't afford an expensive guitar, gta t You're getting it together on guitar andy want a great one. But you're worried thr great one means an expensive one. We doesn't. Great means Epiphone. An Epiphor guitar is carefully designed, crafted an assembled from the finest rosewood, maple, and spruce. So it looks more expensive than it is. But here's the greatest part. Epiphone sounds and plays every bit as good as it looks. So before you buy, shop around. And compare. For action, feel and sound. We think you'll find that Epiphone looks, plays and feels like $300. Instead of as little as $100. You