Tuesday, July 20, 1976
A last-ditch effort on the part of local
interest groups - including a demon-
stration outside City Hall - failed last
sight to persuade council Democrats to
override Mayor Albert Wheelers veto of
a proposed senior citizens' high rise at
griarwood Mall.
pespite pleas, threats, and shows of
force by labor leaders and citizens'
grooi Wheeler refused to withdraw his
veto of the high-rise plan. Nor did the
other three Democrats present offer to
jio the Republican majority in their
anse essful attempt to override the
wn orad veto.
5tlOqtTlY BEFORE last night's ses-
as began ,a group of thirty to forty
pit'stors gathered in front of City hall.
s 'f them were union men, there at
ie hest of the Washtenaw County
Council, which has long sup-
sup-e high-rise plan.
-ror citizens need the high-rise,"
read rne of their signs, "and we need
jags .
r was a slight sprinking of senior
citizens in the group, as well, but most
of tiem stayed on the sidelines.
IN-i nE, THE COUNCI. chambers
Ir ance more full to bursting; one
wt sde of the room was crammed
wilt srnior citizens, another with labor
fort, another with representatives of
the -ontracting and development inter-
ests. The hallways were filled, too; an
entire baseball team from Arrowwood
Co-operative arrived to plead their own
separate case.
proponents of the high-rise had ob-
emnsir changed their tunes. In place of
the early confidence and certainty of
success that marked their earlier con-
fron ations with Council, a certain
amaunt of resignation was evident in
theii remarks.
(Gne labor leader, Robert Curby of the
Huron Valley Labor Council, called upon
Wheeler "to reconsider your position.
The negative attitude of the veto is not
in keeping with your background." An-
Oldies but goodies
The records William Brannan ordered
have arrived - 10 years late. Brannan,
a collector, had ordered the package of
35 old-time 78 rpm's from Frank Pope
of Carnegie, Pa. He received notice
Thursday there was a package for him
at the post office. He picked it up the
next day. The package carried a notice
that a mail carrier tried to deliver the
Package at his home July 16, 1966, but
no one was home. Brannan didn't really
mind that 15 of the 35 records were
broken. He figures those that are left
are worth ten times more now than they
were when he ordered them. Most of
disc0 were recorded in the 1930s by Shep
Fields and his Rippling Rhythm and a
gmup called the Hoosier Hot Shots.
there is an absurd lack of happen-
ings today.
Weather or not
It'll he another hot and muggy one
with a high of 92, under partly sunny
Skies By evening it will start to cloud
u? and there is a 25 per cent chance of
thinderstorms. Tonight's low will be in
the nI? -Ilos.
Deis sustain hi-rise veto
other, in conciliatory tones, called him
"Brother Mayor."
EVEN THE threats had more teeth in
them than previous sessions. "I dare
you! I dare you to delay this?" cried an-
other official of the Labor Council. Each
such speech was greeted by deafening
applause from the assembled audience.
The moment came; Council member
Robert Henry (R-3rd Ward) moved to
override. His motion was seconded by
Roger Bertoia (R-3rd Ward.) Each Re-
piiblican in turn presented his reasons
for supporting the high-rise in hopes of
coaxing a wavering Democrat or two
toward their side.
Wheeler replied to their remarks with
a long speech, in which he listed his
objections to the Briarwood site: that it
was too isolated, that there were no
suitable grocery facilities nearby, that
the development would strain the city's
sewage services.
"I HAVE A deep concern for senior
citizens," he told the grumbling audi-
ence. "Deep enough to risk your wrath,
your hostility, the withdrawal of your
political support."
Council member Wendell Allen (R-1st
Ward) called the veto an example of
"the arrogance of power," and remark-
ed: "You Democrats tickle me to death."
The override motion was put to the
vote and, as expected failed for lack of
the necessary two-thirds majority.
"Well, it's too bad for him (Wheeler),"
said a bitter woman as she left the
room. "He'll be coming "" for re-elec-
The Arrowwood baseball team got
what they wanted, however; Council vot-
ed to allocate a $20000 recreation snup-
plement to help augument city sports
programs for the year.
A CROWD protesting Mayor Wheeler's veto of a senior citizen high-rise near
iriarwood Mall gathered outside City Hall last night prior to the Councl
Clerical de-cert. vote set
By GEORGE LOBSENZ lations Board (MERC) officials, a MERC decision on the possibility of
DE-CRTIFCATON popoentshad an election.
An election has been set for some 3,30 D-CERTIF ATION proponets had Both union officials and de-certiica-
University clericals to decide whether attempted to set a date for the critical t ao advocates express optimism ver
or not to abolish their year-old union, withh1,2 idJune after presenting pERt the upcoming membership vote.
United Auto Workers (UfAW) local 2001.icalling for the abolishment of local JUNE FRANKLIN, a member of the
Voting will take place at several loca- 2001, a number slightly exceeding the 10-person Committee for De-Certifica-
tions around campus on August 5, 6, 9, required 30 per cent of the bargaining tion, said she felt "very confident" of
10 and 11 in an attempt to resolve the unit's members. victory.
de-certification question. The dates were At that time, a large back-log of work Pointing out that the present union
agreed upon by representatives of the at MERC and the threat of a UAW officials were elected on only a "very
UAW and the Committee for De-Certifi- unfair labor practices complaint against slim margin of votes," Franklin said she
cation at an early July meeting medi- the University charging involvement in thought the number of signs-
ated by the Michigan Employment Re- the de-certification movement delayed tures garnered for the petition
indicated widespread support of
the de-certification effort among
~ ti ".s :r.:>....,::r 't.tr. B: ~rt ~m s a; : rM M . the clericals.
Franklin said the de-certifi-
Ubnacation drive grew out of dis-
illusionment with the union, spe-
cifically the last contract ne
gotiated by local 2001, and since
S DETROIT (A-"We've come to settle not optimistic on the opening day of contract then, internal problems.
to strike," UAW President Leonard Wood- talks about prospects for a peaceful settle-
: cock said yesterday as the United Auto ment. "PEOP'lE WERE very dis-
Workers (UAW) and General Motors (GM) "We feel strongly that this round of nego- iltusioned with the contract,"
opened 1976 contract talks. tiations-more than ever before in our col ibrawls eFranklin, " w th t
openedk brwls btwees twofctions at
Both sides predicted they can avert a lective bargaining history-presents us with aion meetings."
strike but warned of potential confronta- the opportunity to resolve reasonably all A recent union election held
tions over pensions, wages and other issues. issues without any production disruptions " in June finally resolved a hit-
he said.ter intra-union s t r u g g I e for
"WE DIDN'T come with our guns blaz- But moments later, he said of a union power between Unity Caucus
ing," Woodcock told a news conference demand for improved pension benefits: "if and Clericals for a Democratic
following a two-hour session at GM head- it comes to increasing pensions, the' a. Union.
quarters. swer is no." Franklin described the de-cer-
GM's t op bargainer, vice president tification movement as a "loose-
George Morris quipped: "We didn't even WOODCOCK also warned that despite an osdknit groupl 20e11 in paricul
take our guns into the room." absence of widespread demands or big pay and others who were of a broad-
The UAW opens contract talks at Ford, boosts, wages "will be very much a prob- er, more general anti-unioic
Chrysler and AMC later this week when it lem." sentiment.
begins the long task of reaching new ac- In addition, he reiterated pledges to in-
cords covering 680,000 U.S. and Canadian crease members' job security by reducing DEBBIE MOOREHEAD, local
auto workers, including 390,000 at GM. work time in the plants to create more 2001 president, said the union's
Current three-year pacts expire in mid- employment and by restricting the indus. executive bo a r d was taking
September. try's ability to eliminate current jobs, tfition acouter-act the deer
MORRIS SAID he has never been more See UAW, Page 10 'Basically, what we're doig
- ,.'..s .r>,' .ft>.ov,,: ,c.;vay~o~-'., See UNIONPgl