Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soturday, July 17, 1976 _,eSx H ICIA DIYSudyJl 1,17 'Enchantment What tales tell Angela Davis: bAdMftktt/es t n the 4 THE USES OF ENCHANT- MENT: THE MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF F A I R Y TALES, by Bruno Bettelheim. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 328 pp., with notes and bibliog. f $12.50 By JEFFREY SELBST THE VENERABLE Bruno Bettel- helm has jumped onto the bandwagon. While it is not a radi- cal departure from his general range of authority. the subject of his new book The Ues of Enchant- ment: The Meaning and Import- ance of Fairy Tales, is certainly a trendy one. Scarcely a year goes by now without some college adding a course in fnntasv literature or fairy tales to its cur-culum. Acres of paper are nrinted yearly with this as the tonic. and writers from ev- cry sectrum of interest are bar- ing al tellina of 'heir own experi- ence -with fairy tales as children. Wel tht isn't all bad either. This book i crtninly better than some of the cnnferrional nonsense that has nasred itself off as schol- arly annlvis lately. They either come from the reudirn school or from the how-fairy-tales-helned- me-grow-no rhnol Either way, the intellectual standard is pretty uniformlv awful. Not so with Retteiheim. His is a thonhtful honk. and (imnort- antlv) a randah, hook. Ute knows . hat her' trin- hout. therefore doen't han to cfon +n the rnther .frnit" odn ir-n - Cineil howansh of thnor who i-re"' rathar less. THE AVAlANCHE started with Tolkien, who ennldn't leave well enonuh nione. After nihlish- Ie his delirhtfi l ord of the Rings triloev (tetralocv, if one counts The Ilohbit), he then published some long, gassv and absurd sneech he gave to his unfortunate under- graduate students at Oxford, in which he makes lanehable general- izations about fairy tales based on his own beliefs - and, I rather suspect, also based on the phe- nomenal sales record of his earlier books. It was right around then that Vladimir Propp's research on the subject came to the public atten- tion, where in Mornholory of the Folk Tale he reduces all fairy tales to thirty - one elements, stioulat- ing that while all tales need not contain all elements, yet no tale would contain more than these thirty-one. Since all cultures of the world sare the same basic folktales (couched nerhaps differently in each, but the same story), we can get neatly into all these Junglan rg remarks about collective subcon- scious. Or, and this is perhaps the most believable way, we can apply the Freudian idea that a culture's mythology would arise from its need, and since human emotional needs are the same everywhere, naturally the folktales of all cul- tures would be similar. THUS IT ONLY REMAINS to find out which folktales apply to what feelings, and, more specific-" ally, what they mean, Why have parents thought, out-u rageously, that due to the great amount of violence in these old< tales, children should be protect ed and shielded from them? Can't they see that these tales are ele- mental in forming a constructive eo, from id and superego? Bettelheim's approach to these questions is perfect. He.divides the book into two sections. The firstb chapters discuss basic anxieties and emotional difficulties which are alleviated by the comprehen- sion of various fairy tales. Citing references, the second part takes' various tales and analyzes each, showint where one has been cor- runted from its true form, where another disnlays x, x, and x char- ateristics. The amazing thing about The= User of Enchantment, particular-> lv when one considers the usual style of books which deal in appli- cations of psychoanalytic theories to literature, is that it is so read- able. One has to begin with a love of the tonic, certainly, and a willing_ near alone with an interest to slog thrnieh the complicated analysesn of hnman f-elinar in orler to un- : daretand his noints. Yet at the same time with almo t no effort. one ran sit har stare at the naes with amazement, shriek. "Well, awhv didn't I see that!", and read on. This isn't to say that the book donan't draw, particularly in areas where he discusses the more ob-; scure foktales of different cultures than ours. Half of the fascination with the tonic easily derives from an interest in knowing what made ts love these stories so much. One can dissect Cinderalla forever, or Sleeina Beauty, or Snow White, even the less characteristic Hansel ind Gretel: The Fisherman and the Jinny speaks to us with rather less urgency, and some of the oth- er Oriental tales with even less. Prono would tell us that our fas- cination with one fairy tale ought to be a. fascination with the whole gamut. For the adult reader, though, the need for emotional sublimation via fairy tales having gradually lessened during adoles- cence, the hearing of new fairy stories isn't exciting or enlighten- ing, merely dull. Certainly as chil- dren we might have welcomed new instruction; now we merely look at such pieces as curios, and clearly the only interesting curios would be familiar ones. The fact is, the book is worth a look if you at all like the subject. It provides some fascinating in- sights. And that should be enough for some. Jeffrey Sclbst is the Daily Arts Edi- tor. By MICHAEL YELLIN AS THE DEMOCRATS converged on New York City to trumpet behind an ex-southern governor and his grin, I was leaving - bound for De- troit, and a different sort of political encounter. On TV the day before I had watch- ed George McGovern, the great white liberal hope of four years ago, give a stiff recital of the late Doctor Martin Luther's words, "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we're free at last." Now, settled com- fortably into an Amtrak coach com- partment, my eyes wgndered over the rows of passengers and settled on the porters seated in the corner - they were all black. I was going to interview Angela Davis, one of the most notable if not one of the greatest (in my mind) liv- ing American revolutionaries. Since Davis joined the activist ranks in the mid-sixties, she has been denied her Phd.; fired from an instructor's post at UCLA; placed on the FBI's ten most wanted list; seen friends killed and jailed; and has herself been held without bail, for sixteen months while awaiting trial, with the possibility of the electric chair hanging over her head. Perched on the edge of her seat in a sparsely furnished ninth floor of- fice. Davis greets me, cigarette in hand. I note the special Gaulois brand and she laughs, "they're made from black tobacco and the paper's treated so it's not so bad as the o ers." [T HAS BEEN four years since acquittal on charges of mur and kidnaping, charges which st med from her association with Jo than Jackson's attempted libera of three black prisoners from Marin County Civic Center in C fornia: And even longer since d onstrations really rocked the tion's campuses. But Davis is no less committe her cause. She has undertake tour, aimed at arousing support a demonstration to be held on L Day in Raleigh, North Carolina. ganized by the National Allia against Racism and Political Rep lion, the demands of the march be freedom for the Wilminston and for Jim Grant: all nolitical p oners bring held in North Caro on con.oirary and murder cha "'hirh stem from a Klansm leath "What I'm trying to do now," explains during a dialogue on most recent activities, "is carry the responsibility I feel I have t the sisters and brothers involve my (coirt) case." She peers inte at me through a pair of wire rim classes, then surnrises me by inr. "I don't really eniov doine terviews. and sneeches. There roma nonnie that do, but it's iust romethinq I feel most comfor with." To be sure. the Alliance enied me nup. and offered Ifa