Saturday, July 17, 1976 Carter warns of arrogance NEW YORK .') -- Jimmy Carter, the new proprietor of the Democratic Party, U.S.A., visited his domain yesterday and delivered words of inspira- tion and warning along with indications of the kind of cam- paign he plans to wage in his uest for the White House. To both party financial lead- er and national committee members, the message was sim- itar: beware of overconfidence ad arrogance. THEN HIS campaign mana- ter, Hamilton Jordan, delivered in additional message to the tlemocratic National Commit- ice: We're going to run the cam- iaign from Atlanta. Chairman Rotbert Strauss is going to run he party from Washington." Jordan, one of the key figures n the campaign that brought Carter from relative obscurity to t h e Democratic presidential nomination, spoke to the com- iittee shortly after Carter and See CARTER, Page 10 TI-r MICIGAN AiL V Page Three; PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Jimmy Carter chats with newspeople at New York's LaGuardia Airport while standing next to poster depicting him as Jesus Christ. Elsman n By PHILLIP BOKOVOY Democratic Senatorial c a n d i d a t e lames Elsman claimed yesterday he had linally found a former Fee Branch Man- age' (FBM) who had been coerced into gi ving campaign contributions to Mich- -gn Secretary of State Richard Austin. But the former FBM in question, Ed Weimann, categorically denied Elsman's story, "I never told him any such thing," lie told the Daily. And Austin campaign consultant Jack Casey said: "This is purely political bullshit!" EISMAN, HOWEVER, contended the matter was "a question of interpreta- lon. TI) stay in the system you had to ,ntribute." He had previously claimed at Deputy Secretary of State Walter I hot "used strong-arm tactics" to force a contribution from Weimann. (Elliot denies this. "I never used any tactics on anybody," he told the Daily. "I never talked to Ed Weimann more than four or five times.") In a phone conversation with the Daily, Ilsaman charged that Austin had "fooled Reagan tours Gettysburg GETTYSBURG, Pa. (P-Ronald Rea- gan toured the Gettysburg battlefield Friday and posed for photographs at the site of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. The former California governor gave no speeches during the one-hour tour. Ils5 only comments were a few ques- tions to his national park ranger tour guides. He complied with requests of news photographers to pose by the cannon, at the site of Confederate Gen. George lickett's charge where Union troops turned back the southerners and won the battle. Reagan joked as he posed, "You're gisg to give me a saber-rattling im- age," He also commented briefly on one mo- tiOi! picture in which he played a Con- federate Army officer, "The Last Out- post" But during most of the tour, Reagan listened to his guides and signed auto- rapps. takes new charges the people" when he announced he would who had contributed to the Austin catm- no longer accept contributions from fee paign since Austin abolished the prac- branch managers. tice 11 days ago. iii trs',iwscni yat "Austin is not accepting any money ACCORDING to Elsman, Austin gave from those people . . . if they tried to Rights for witches a s eech is Midland last week in which" he said he had merely renounced con- tributions from the Branch Managers Association (HMA), and thus was still eligible to receive contributions from in- dividual managers. "This is totally shocking," said Els- man, "because the (Detroit) Free Press has congratulated him for ending the practice. . . . Even if he wiggles out of what he said in Midland, the branch managers can still give to the Demo- cratic Party." No reform has in fact been effected, he charged. "What remains is exactly the same system as before. Namely, the branch managers will contribute directly to Richard Austin . . . (he can receive) a contribution as long as it did not come through the branch manager system- so-called voluntarily." BUT CASEY challenged Elsman to come up with a single branch manager contribute they would be refused, Casey added. Casey said Austin would accept no contributions from any present or for- mer branch manager. "That is uneqi- vocally his position. . . . We happen to be dealing with an irresponsible person . this is raw nonsense." ELSMAN SAID he would file suit next week to force Austin to return almost $1 million in campaign contributions he claims Austin received since 1970. Ie said two branch managers, Wei- mann and Ed Olson, would join him in the suit, which will be filed in Inghami County Circuit Court. Weimann said he told Elsman he would join him in the suit "if there were two or three others to go along with me." Elsman has attacked Austin on the issue of the branch manager system throughout the whole campaign. Death penalty advocates ready state petition drive The Colorado Civil Rights Commis- sion ordered the reinstatement of a hotel cashier, Kathy Estes, who claims she was fired because she is an ap- prentice witch. Commission hearing ex- aminer Penfield Tate ordered the Brown Palace Hotel to reinstate Kathy Estes and pay back wages to Oct. 18, 1972, the day she was fired. in his ruling Tate said witchcraft was a form of religion to some and state and federal laws prohibit firing of "any qualified person because of creed. Estes said she was fired after another hotel employe received a series of envelopes contain- ing dried flowers and sealed with wax. She denied sending the envelopes. And on your left... The London tourist Board is using cut-rate, badly trained guides to show tourists around the capital, London's Registered Guides said Thursday. It cited the case of a girl showing a bus- load of tourists around the city saying "Ladies and Gentlemen,you are now passing, um er ... a big church." The bus, it was said, was passing one of London's best known land marks, St. Pauls Cathedral. Another guide whis- pered urgently to a bus driver, "Where on earth is Piccadilly Circus?" Happenings... ... today you can enjoy an afternoon of swimming and hiking, just meet the group leaving 1:30 from the north en- try to the Rackham building ... On Sun- day, Dr. Seong Han will lead a dis- cussion on "The Life of the Elderly: East and West," at the ecumenical Campus center (921 Church) ... On Mon- day a Lincoln exhibit will be displayed at Briarwood mall, 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Weather or not It will be sunny and cool today with highs in the upper 70's. There is no rain expected. Have a nice weekend. By PHILLIP BOKOVOY The July 3 Supreme Court decision that capital punishment is not a form of "cruel and unusual punishment" has launched drives to re-institute the death penalty throughout the country, includ- ing Michigan. The drive here will be headed by State Rep. Kirby Holmes (R-Utica), who led an unsuccessful petition drive to get the question on the ballot in 1974. He said the earliest the issue can be placed on the ballot is November 1978. THE MICHIGAN Committee Against Capital Punishment, instrumental in stopping Holmes' drive two years ago, has vowed to fight this latest move to get the death penalty question before the voters. Co-Chairman Eugene Wanger said that since the issue has been cata- pulted into the public eye it will be harder to defeat the drive this time around. One of the reasons for the failure of the 1974 petition drive, Manger claimed, was Michigan's long tradition of opposi- tion to the death penalty. Ours was the first English-speaking government in the world to abolish capital punishment. According to Wanger, the Committee's major hope lies in the fact that neari, all state officials, including Gov. Wil- liam Milliken, are opposed to re-institu- tion of the death penalty. He expressed confidence that their support could de- feat Holmes' ballot drive. EVEN THOUGH the referendum is at least two years away, Holmes claimed to have half of the $30,000 needed to See DEATH, Page 2