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July 17, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-17

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Page Two


Saturday, July 17, 1976

27 vanish in bizarre case

Co;iinue imiiPageI)
stead select adult captives.
Bates also recalled, under
questioning from reporters, the
Zodiac killer, a person who
claimed responsibility for more
than a dozen unsulved Califor-
nia murders and who has never
been caught. In 1968 he threat-
ened to kill a busload of school
Bates said earlier, "My read-

ing is we have a mysterious dis-
appearance. There's no indica-
tion of foul play, no indication
of scuffling. Yet the children
are gone. Maybe 'they' did it
with persuasion. I don't know
how you get 26 kids to do your
bidding without a great deal of
BATES SAID the driver,
Frank Edward Ray Jr., 55, had

made at least three stops be-
fore the Dairyland Unified
School District vehicle was re-
ported two hours overdue at
7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Nita Hansen, the school dis-
trict secretary, described Ray
as "very reliable." She said he
was a native of the area and
had been driving for the school
for 28 years.

The three children who were
let off reported nothing unus-
ual. The bus was found about
two miles from the last stop and
a half-mile from the next one.
MOST OF TIlE parents of the
missing children remained in
seclusion at their homes, await-
ing word by telephone. Others
camped at police headquarters.
Yesterday, the day after 26

of the students vanished, only
one-third of the students in the
six-week summer program at-
tended closing day activities.
There were tears and long
faces as Le Roy Tatom, sup-
erintendent of the Dairyland
Unified School District, ushered
them into the school auditorium
where they were briefed on the
latest details about their lost

President takes credit for economic surge

WASII1NGTO(N /')--The Ford T H E STATISTICS detailed ployment for the year is
administration s a i d yesterday yesterday s h o w e d a record pected to average 7.3 per
tht the economy has improved b tdget deficit for the federal instead of 7.7 per cent as
faster than originally antici- fiscal year that ended June 30 mated in January.
pated, creating about 379,000 of an estimated $69.6 billion, al- The total output of goods
more jobs than expected this most $10 billion larger than services in the economy is
vear while holding down infla- %1bat Ford said a year ago pected to grow 6.8 per cet
t ion. ctld be digested by the econ- volume for the year instea
The White Ilouse credited the om. 6.2 per cent, and consu
economic policies of the admin- The economic figures fleshed prices are anticipated to ri
istration for the better-than-ex- out earlier general projections per cent instead of 5.9 perc
pected performance. President by Alan Greenspan, chairman
Ford als cantioned against cx- of the Council of Economic Ad- THE BROAD projection:
censtre fedvral deficits isers, and showed that unem- borne out, would mean ave
4 ie in Indoesia "geartfqaKe
DFNPaAA, Indonesia (.T - totaling 2.3 million, was jolted sive landslides in the rer
The casualty toll from Wednes- by an earthquake with an in- mountains of Irian Jaya. I
day's earthquake on the vaca- tensity of 5.6 on the Richter reports said as many asS
tion island of Bali has reached scale. Survivors of the stricken members of primitive tr
440 dead and almost 3,000 in- areas have gathered at emer- were killed. Later missio
jored, Bali ov. Suk:trmen goney camp.s built by local gov- sources and relief officials
said yesterday. ernment, a police spokesman ported 450 dead and 5,000n
The second ;major earthquake said. ing.
to hit ndonesia in three weeks, President Suharto inspected The Richter scale meas
the Bali quake was centered the disaster areas with his wife ground motion of earthqua
well away from the usual tour- yesterday. He has provided an with each increase of one n
ist areas. Most of the casual- assistance and relief fund of her showing a tenfold incr
ties were reported in the Bule- $120,000 and 10 tons of rice. His in magnitude. Thus a readin
leng district at the northern wife has provided $24,000 more 7.5 reflects an earthquak
part of the island. and medicines for the victims. times stronger than one of
An earlier quake, on June 26, San Francisco earthquake
THE F'ABLED ISLAND of the was measured at 7.2 on the 1906 registered 8.25 on the R
youth Seas, with a population Richter scale and caused mas- ter scale.

ex- unemployment during the year ices now cost $169.20.
cent of 6.9 million people instead of
esti- 7.3 million. Unemployment cur- "THE PRESIDENT believes
rently totals 7.1 million. his economic policies are the
and .rmajor reason for this improve-
ex- Average per capita income ment," said White House press
at in from m- ge. wouldbe lower un- secretary Ron Nessen.
d of der the projections, $4,t36 in -
tmer stead of $4,149. But the buying THEY SAW TRAGEDY
ise 5 power of those dollars would not NEW YORK UP) - Vermont's
cent. slip as much as originally ex- Nasketball team arrived a day
petted, so that goods and sere- late and only three hours before
s, if ices originally expected to cost its game with Duke because of
rage $176.11 at year-end would cost the Dec. 29 bomb blast that
$74.62 inste+d. . killed 11 people at La Guardia
Average per capita inrtme Airport. The Vermont players
from wages currently stands at were near the explosion area
$4,153. The same goods and serv- but no players were hurt.
The team flew to Raleigh,
An emperor is to be addressed N.C., the next day from JFK
note in a letter as Sir, or Your Im- Airport. Vermont lost to Duke
First perial Majesty. by 17 points.
9,000 -.-
naryAM At&
re- O V
Ad st t eekes,
ease (Continued from Page 3)
ig of place the issue on the ballot. of the Michigan Department of
e10 He is going the petition route, Corrections and former warden
6.5. he says, because he has no of Jackson State Prison, dis-
of chance of mustering the two- agreed. ". . . There is no clear
Rich- thirds vote in the state legisla- evidence that the death penalty
ture needed to approve a refer- does not act as deterrent to mur-
__._ endumr. der, any better than does a life
But between now and 1978, it sentence," he said.
should be relatively easy for "We must consider the death
the pro-death penalty forces to penalty very carefully, because
gather the requisite signatures. if we make a mistake and exe-
A poll taken by the state Office cute an innocent person we
of Criminal Justice indicated can never -undo the damage,"
that 71 per cent of Michigan he added."We must also real-
residents favor the re-institution ize that convictions for such
of the death penalty. crimes as require the death
According to Holmes, the penalty will be more difficult
prospect of capital punishment to obtain. In some cases, jurors
"will act as a deterrent to the will be loath to convict some
senseless first-degree murders who are clearly guilty because
in this state. . . . I want the the crime mandates death."
people of this state to have the Last week, State Rep. Jackie
nport'tnity to vote on the Vaughn attacked the leaders of
issue." the death penalty drive, saying,
PERRY JOHNSON, director "I question the sincerity of
those who demand the death
THE MICHIGAN DAILY penalty in Michigan. . . . De-
Volume LXXXVI, No. 48-s cent people everywhere are con-
Saturday, July 17, 1976 cerned about crime - as they
is edited and managed by students should be. Those who are advo-
at the University of Michigan News Latin the death maltyare
phone 764-0562. Second class postage penalty
paid at AssArbaor, Michigan 48109. exploiting that c o n c e r n for
Published d a i 1 y Tuesday through electioneering purposes."
Sunday morning during the Univer- Holmes called Vaughn's argu-
Arbar, Michigan 40n srieeption ment "ridiculous on the face of
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- it," since the question will not
ters) ;$13 by mail outside Ann be placed before the voters for
Summer sessian published Toms- two years.
day t 5rcou ghSaturdayo" r 10 "Jackie Vaughn represents
Subscription rates: $6 50 in Ann the 29 per cent of the people
Arbor; $7.50 by mal outside Ann who do not favor capital punish-
Arbar. ment," he added.




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TONIGHT in Airconditioned
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Dr. Strangalelove
See Henry Kissinaer in Parody before Henry met Nixon.

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