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July 16, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-16

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Page Twelve


Friday, July 16, 1970



Laimbeer says he won'I
transfer to Michigan
Bill Laimbeer will be going to school somewhere next
fall. Ilowever, the 6-11 center for Digger Phelps' Notre Dame
basketball squlad last year hasn't yet decided where he will
be going
Yesterday, a Detroit radio station reported that Laim-
beer has transferre I to Michigan. However, that news caught
Notre Dame, Michigan and Laimbeer by surprise.
"It's all rumor," said Laimbeer's mother from the fami-
ly home in Toledo. "I don't know who started it. Bill doesn't
know if lie is going to leave Notre Dame or not."
LAIMBEER st-rted several games for the Fighting
Irish as a freshman last year, but academic ineligibility
sidelined him starting in January.
A high school All-American at Palos Verdes High School
in California, Laimbeer arevarged 8.2 points and 7.9 re-
bounds in ten games for the Fighting Irish
Last month Laimbeer visited the campus here and stop-
ped in at the Wolverine basketball offices.
"He told us he might leave Notre Dame," said Michi-
gan assistant Bill Frieder. "That's all the further we know."
lege in the Toledo area and then return to Notre Dame,"
said a Notre Dame spokesman.
Unless Notre Dame signs a form releasing Laimbeer
from his tender, Michigan cannot recruit him. However if
he applies to the University on his own and is admitted, he
may enroll.
Either way, Laimlbeer can be of no immediate help to
Johnny Orr's cagers. Should he come to Michigan, he would
have to sit out one year before becoming eligible to play for
the 1977-78 season. He would have three years of eligibility

AP Photo
The U. S. cycling team works out on the Velodr om track in preparation for the Olympics in
Montreal. From left to right: Ralph Therrio of Redondo Beach, Cal., Leonardo Nitz of Sacramen-
to, Cal., Jim Ochowicz of Milwaukee, Wisc., and Paul Deem of San Pedro, Cal.

Tigers edge As n eleventh
ty The Associated Press pickoff throw at second base run. the New York Yankees 'stung two runs last night, lifting Jerry
DETROIT-Center fielder Bill bounced off the bag for an Oakland jumped to a 2-0 lead the slumping Texas Rangers Koosman and the Mets over thi
North's second error of the error, advancing pinch-run- in the first inning on a home 7-6 in the first game of a dou- Houston Astros 3-1.
game, a dropped fly ball with ners Ben Oglivie and Mickey run by Joe Rudi. The Tigers bleheader last night. Kingman connected off loset
the bases loaded and two out in Stanley. tied it in the third on North's Ed Figueroa, 11-6, got the J. R. Richard, 9-10, with a mar
the 11th inning last night, gave error and a run-scoring single victory but was lifted in the on in the sixth inning to wipt
the Detroit Tigers a 3-2 victory Jason Thompson was walked by Horton, back in the lineup seventh inning for Sparky out a 1-0 Houston lead.
over the Oakland A's. intentionally, loading the bases. after being out for more than a Lyle, who came on with two
Oakland starter Vida Blue, After Alex Johnson forced Og- month with a foot injury. out and two on and New York It was Kingman's 10th home
trying for his 100th major livie at the plate and Aurelio ' ' nursing a 7-4 lead. Lyle, the run at Shea Stadium and his
league victory, hit leadoff bat- Rodriguez struck out, pinch-hit- Y wnYankees' All-Star relief ace, 22nd off a right-handed pitch-
ter Rusty Staub with a pitch ter Dan Meyer hit a fly ball to Yanks win proceeded to w a I k three er. It came after John Milner
and walked designated hitter center and North-who dropped ARLINGTON - Carlos May straight batters, forcing in had received Richard's sixth
Willie Horton to begin the a fly ball in the third inning to cracked a three-run homer and two runs. walk of the game. The ball
11th. Rollie Fingers came in let in one run-dropped the ball Mickey Rivers collected three * * sailed high over the left cen-
to pitch and his attempted as Stanley scored the winning hits and drove in two runs as Kn m n' 1 ield fence at the 396-foot
Kin ma s31s mrL


NEW YORK - New York's
Dave Kingman smashed his
31st homer of the season and
fourth in four game to drive in

Michigan opens its 1976-77
hockey season October 15-16
against Wisconsin in Madison.

Major League Standings

w L Pet. G1
Philadelphia 57 25 .695 -
Pittsburgh 47 35 .573 10
New York 47 42 .528 13!'.
St. Louis 37 46 .446 20',
Chicago 36 49 .424 221.
Montreal 26 52 .333 29
Cincinnati 53 34 .609 -
Los Angeles 48 39 .552 5
San Diego 43 45 .489 10'
Houston 42 45 .483 11
Atlanta 40 46 .465 121:.
San Francisco 35 53 .398 18'.
Yesterday's Results
Philadelphia 5, San Francisco 3
Pittsburgh 13, Atlanta 1
Montreal 4, Cincinnati 3
New York 3, Houstont1
St. Louis 2, San Diego I
Los Angeles 5, Chicago 2
Today's Gaines
Montreal (Stanhouse 6-4) at
Cincinnati (Norman 7-2), m
Houston (Dierker 8-8) at New
York (Matlack 10 2), n.
Atlanta (Messersmith 9-7) at
Pittsburgh (Reuss 8-5), a.
St, Louis (McGlothen 7-8) at San
Diego (Jones 1-3), a,
Chicago (Renko 3-4) at Los An-
geles (Sutton 9-8), n.
Phuadelphia (Caelton 9-3) at San
Francisco (Halicki 8-11), n

W L Pet. G l
New York 51 31 .622 -
Baltimore 41 42 .494 10?%r
Boston 40 41 .494 10'
Detroit 39 41 .488 11
Cleveland 38 42 .475 12
Milwaukee 34 45 .430 15'
Kansas City 52 31 .627 -
Texas 44 39 .530 8
Oakland 44 42 .512 9'
Minnesota 40 44 .476 12'
Chicago 38 45 .458 14
California 35 53 .398 19'
Late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Kansas City 12, Boston 5, 1st game
Boston at Kansas City, 2nd game
New York 7, Texas 6, 1st game
New York at Texas, 2nd game
Baltimore 4, California 0
Detroit 3, Oakland 2, 11 innings
Minnesota 5, Cleveland 2
Chicago 5, Milwaukee 3, 10 innings
Today's Games
California (Tanana 10-6) at Bal-
timore (Garland 10-1), n.
Oakland (Torrez 8-9) at Detroit
(Fidrych 9-2),'n.
Boston (Jenkins 8-8 and Wise
7-6) at Kansas City (Splittorfl 9-6
and Fitzmorris 10-5), 2
Cleveland (Dobson 10-7) at Min-
nesota (Redfern 2-5), n
Milwaukee (Slaton 10-6) at Chi-
cago (Johnson 7-8), n
New York (Hunter 10-8) at Texas
(Blyleven 6-11), n.

New York Giants' Dough VanHorn (63) and John Mendenhall (64) try to convince the world
that the world of pro football really is tough, and summer practices in particular. Strange as it
seems, the pros are already warming up for the '76 season, some exhibition games are coming
up within another week. Sorry fellas, no Oscars.

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