Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Happenings (condiiuu ed) f. oil;Ilit rc "i fr(,: 1,; ' . - sophical treatise on moan's need for illusion in the absence of God - and it winds up being not enough of either. The Wild One -- (An >Arbor Filmn Co-op, MLB 3, 7:15S oly) The first of the bike epics, and probably the best "bad' movie ever made Supercool but vulnerable Marlon Bhrando and his cycle gang invade a small Western town wretch- edlh made, but determinedly outlandish and wonderful. If one were to pick a film for a 100- year time capsule, this one wotldn't be an illogical choice On the Waterfront - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MI 3, 9 only) - This prize-winning film of longshoreman corruption was supposedly created by writer Budd Schulberg and director Elia Kazan as a justification for naming names to the ('om munist witch - hunting commit tees of the time. Such dubious mooraliin aside, the film itself is one of the most finely-crafted and toughminded of all Ameri- can cinema ,and deserving of every award it received. Alice in Wonderland -- (Anne Arbor Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7, 8:45 & 10:30) - The rock-bot- tom worst of the Disney amal- gamate s literary hatchet jobs this time bowdlerizing Lewis C arroll's satirical wonder into a dull TV-level cartoon com- plete with detergent - white an- motion that doesn't hold a can- dle to the book's original illus- trations - local publicity blutrbs otlwithstanding. Saturday CINEMA Murmur of the Iheart - (Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7:30 & 9:30) - Louis Malle film about a French teenager and his life with his family. The pic- ture has achieved some meas- ure of fame for its un-sensation- ai-zed treatment of incest, but is reportedly a fine film above and beyond its taboo theme. Looney Tunes Rev iew -- (Peo- ples' Bicentennial Commission, Nat. Sci. Aud., Part 1 at 7 & 10, Part 17 at 8:30 only) - Two- part collection of some of War- ner Bros. best animation. McCabe and Mrs. Miller -- (('inena Guild, Arch Aud., 7:30 & 9:30t - See Friday 'inetma. Sunday Foolish Wives - (Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud., 8 only) - Silent film by Erich Von Stro- heim, dealing with a family of con artists who prey on rich women on the Riviera. Adnios- sion is free. Monday CINEMA The Last Detail - (Ann Ar- bor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9) - A slick, entertaining tragi - comedy about the adyes- any of two Nvavy MP's and a likeable, born - victim prisoner they -transport to a far-away Ness' England brig. Jack Nichol- son and Otis Young are excel- lent as the MP's but are over- shadowed by the remarkable Randy Quaid as their young, gullible ward. * Arthur Penn: Themes and Variants - (Summer Film - Showcase, MILB 3, 7:30 only) - A rarely - seen 8970 documen- tary on a premier American di- rector. The study chronicles Penn's filmmaking career with many excerpts from his work Bonnie and Clyde, etc.) and, utilizing shots of the director at labor, provides an unusual first hand view of the often tedious but passionate dedication that goes into creating a motion pic- ture. Most remarkable is a se- quence showing Penn watching one of his films on TV (The Left - landed Gun), and agon- izing over the shoddy ending studio executives forced him NIOE EMMD REMOADELING; SALE regUlar merchandise (except Levi-Strauss and Faibano) Two Days Only - Friday, July 16, Saturday, July 17 Everything in our store must go to make way So come on over and help us get the mer- for a major remodeling of the interior of our chandise out of the way so we don't have to Nickels Arcade location. We are selling all fool with it while remodeling. items in stock at this special discount. This4 means name brand tents, jeans, packs, hiking The sale lasts for two days only: today and gear, sleeping bags and overalls and every- tomorrow. All sales are final except for de- thing else you might want from our store. fective merchandise. (WE WILL BE CLOSED AFTER THE ART FAIR JULY 26-29) Friday, July 16, 1976 to tack on in place of his orig- inal, vastly superior climax, Penn's helpless, visibly raging anguish strikes home as no printed word could the eternal art-v-business paradox which has hamstrung every American director from Griffith through Altman, with no real solution in sight. The absorbing profile is easily the best film bargain of the week - it's free Don't miss it ' - Tuesday CINEMA Masbeth and Mary, Queen of Scotts - (Ann Arbor Film Co- op, Ang. Aud. A, Macbeth at 7:00, Mary at 9:30) - A pair of failed films, for diametrical ly opposing reasons: Polanski's production of Macbeth received considerable criticism for the undue amounts of gore spilled across much of the film, but actually his sometimes garish stylistics provide a rather re- freshing offbeat alternative to the more traditional interpre tations of The Bard. The film's problems lies in its performances. It is incon ceivable that the two unfortu nates playing Lord and Lady Masbeth ever took an acting lesson in their lives - their portrayals are so stoney, so utterly devoid of the remotest comprehension of or compas- sion for their characters, that the entire story collapses on their incompetent shoulders and crumples into triviality. Mary, Queen of Scotts is sad- died with a reverse albatross: The high - powered dramatic duo of Vanessa Redgrave and Glenda Jackson struggle vali- antly to breathe life into the historical Queen Mary-Queen Elizabeth conflict, but are de- feated by a script and produc- tion as stodgy as any textbook ever foisted on a ninth-grade history class. It all adds up to an evening of fine directing and fine acting; unfortunately . . ** Wednesday CINEMA Camelot - (Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. And. A, 7 & 9:45)- This screen version of the Broadway musical received al- most unanimous critical brick- bats at the time of its release. but really isn't all that bad. If one can tolerate Richard Har- ris' soupy King Arthur plus the elimination of many of the best songs, the show's deeply moving story line remains eq sentially intact. *** Thursday CINEMA 209 Motels-(Ann Arbor Film Coop, Aug. And. A, 7 & 9) - Frank Zappa's exercise in self- congratulatory foolishness, mas- querading as an expressionist profundity. For hard-core be- lievers and masochists only.* Fine crafted leather works 539 E. Liberty 995-1866 B IVOUAC £ 330 S. STATE -761-6207 HOURS: MON. - SAL 9:30 -5:30; FRIDAY 'till 8:00 b