Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 16, 1 976 f '_ GOCS$ £'WR _.,®.n. _ __ Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd. 0-10 1 15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 11-15 140 2 80 3.70 4.60 5.50 640 90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 750 1.05 21-25 1.90 380 500 6.20 7.40 860 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31 -35 240 4.80 630 780 9.30 10.80 1.50 36-40 265 530 695 860 1025 1 190 1.65 41 -45 290 580 7.60 940 11.20 1300 1 80 46-50 315 630 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 825 10'20 1215 14.10 1.95 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 1820 21.65 25.10 3 45 3 8.15 1630 21.25 26.20 31.15 3610 4 95 4 1065 21.30 2790 34.20 4065 47.10 6 45 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 5810 8.95 N B: Each oroup of character, counts as one word. Hvohenated words aver 5 characters count as two words 'this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines eaols 1 inch 5 words per line BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Re asoale rtes. IBM Se ctic t 769-2251 after11 a~m 27381' TYPING SERVICE IBM Selectrics 116 F. M-higan, Yps. 485-4800 c3817 THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION SPECIALISTS Typing, Copying, Bindn Editing, Notary Service. 812 South Stote Street Opec 10-5, 7-10 994-3594 - rtic NEW SERVICE ExperieedEcro-FreGuarnted Manscrpt, Dissert1on, S p e ec Typewritng. Editing, Acdemic/Pro fsio 'stun. IBM Selecrics. tthle Rte.Cpying. Pck-up aid Delivey. Personalized. Cotfidrnal. Telephone Diction adNocary Seesccrs. STEPHENS PROFESSIONIAL TYPEWRIIiNs SERVICE PGO.Rox 181 Ypsilanti Mtcsa M-. Sleyheors 434-1984 I AM a fulli-tilr, tree loose typist withbcisiderable expleirine typing. biookst, dissrrtaiions, papers. 1 type user 100 wpia., perfect accracry guaranterd. Basrte 70c pee page. IHM Crlectinig Selectric. Call Bili, 665-0166. e~tc HELP WANTED PARTTIME HOUSEKEEPER. 15 hrs. per wireks.Maie or femacle.Geiireal iousewok tnd cooking. $2.50 per hour. 662-602i. t97H722 PART-TIME TEACHERS aeeded foe Adoit Ediicotioa in dowinriver area. Ciasset in Riverview, Ricer Rouge. Lincolin, Huron ad Airport Dis- tricts. Evening work ontly. Particu- larly tnterested ia teachero wiih vc- rational skilis. Most be certified or certifiabie 1120 hrs. of cretditsad 15 iiro. of eductionrcourses--enrolied rcompleted). Ccli Roger Bennr, 502-2441, Huron School Distrt. SALES Arepreentative/management tt-ainee, full or partime. Contort Mr. Atnew. 971-7020. 8250722 LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORKERS NEEDED: ia small Westside factory. (Stadiuml Bled. Liberty St. area.) Sewing or aeediework experience heipfuil. Moot be available at roost tiirough Auguist.Day thift only. $2.30 on hour to start. Apply at 2390 Winewood mornings, 7-coon, or phone 761-1900 8-11 a at. for moeinformlationl. 73H715 PART TIME help 'wated.rOInquire ot tii CopiMI ll 11B. S.State.No phone alls piease, H7l2 Read and Use Daily Classifieds WANTED TO RENT DG YOU KNOW of a nice apant- ment for one person (male grad, studeat. 19 years old. Employed), Not too expensive. I will glveepolu 830, if I rent it. Mike 605-4282. Gin- nr ioi best. 921L723 GRAD STUDENT seeking owa rooml in haute for fall. Flea.oe rall Bar- bara, 662-5297. 821L722 Need 1976-77 PARKING PLACE 011 rompus! Will pay generously. Phoiie 994-53183 between 5-6 p.m. or aftr 9 p.m- DCLMEDICAL atotdent oaw student with two goden retrievers cre11 haute, rcodo, or dulplex,;references Ill 882-8955. 631717 Continued on Page Nine) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE COST SNOP ROTC -ELOD IZES VERSE E R E 1 E ST O NT AP NSA S TELLTALFEINT REBQT NEW FAST RESOLES ! S MI-iLE.S A WC ITES COTTE0RS N A ltj A LS G RARNOD N E L LO GIOTA8OUT ,HEWLER]1 jADANO RIPEN ONEJ ROD0EO ACOUST I C S O' $8N N EL E} ( EA T S PTR EE E SS FOR RENT C7OUNTRY ROUSE 'with gardenii boo eooatisctwo, fall1. 701-77i19):0Co-03 liiig$60. t(brat people. 90C717 OVERS1IZETI) 2 idroom apurtnenrlt. Fo lly r~l~llrd Prisaite roimolirig pool, Rath1ertrsilllo P1irn1ci a1d rat- oriilclliltllrHls 1roil Riser i tlr $200-$215. EASTERN HIGHLANDS 483-7220 CAMPUS RENTFALS FIRE CAMPUS . ;APA;IlIEIisSS ]:;:35 .2 1 1rr -.it1it 05-8825 ZE I A TAI AI.l A 1:- ;,1crlltlll hoilis ro ful-1111 0110 WIIIrs trrin -. Far in1oi0ii,: 1 ioi1 roll 06o-0159 or 904-4120. 84C728 ORE BEDROOM APAROTMENT, .av- ailable 0110 with Fall 011t101. East Huon air Drision. Water, heat. anld eletrcinluded itn ret.s663- 4181 days, 663-71560eeingl s. 65715 SANS SOUCI APTS. ~ires. futi shed. 2 bO~lO. l.101111ai- ch~lc throush $168 pt-smontilh with Fall optloc. Chaise I1and 2 hAin apt. till aaialhir tofall. Call59 4-3955. cts MODERN APTS. FURNISHED., modera, I bedroom apt. for the fall, campus location. 602-2641. 418 E.WashintonO Offic BARGAIN CORNER GARAGE SALE: Mnufaturer'a oatmples. Sattirdaty, Jully 17, 9-5. 110 Sunrise. Itemns include gloss, both and kitrhinoarr, patio, pans cnd cnniotrr. , 7BW717 SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN I MS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs } SALE Lee and Wrangler Denim Jackets Levi's Corduroy Jackets * 0 special grouping of Levi's and Wrangler Shirt s . '4/2off 207. E. L ibe rty 663-861 1 FOR RENT 8 0m0. Fall/Winter Lease FURNISHED APTS. Starting at 595/ma. Heated Swmming Pool Weeklp Houtekerping Oneblack fromicampus University Towers Calli761-2080 F0011. C5.1S IlACTI FOtR WOMEN: in lit1lll 1511 15 1vilalein North Colorosull -ops, Lovely area, regu- la r 011. service. Call 062-4414 or c e to ilhs 11111rsCooperative Cminc il1o0fice, 1r01114002 Michigan U11io:,. 160731 UNFURNSHED sO 2-BIEOHOOM 0111 onl Brooklyn. $215 p555mon~th. Call 095-0070 after 7 p m. 560717 KINGSLEY APTS. 'iolsitl loration, two hedrm.furs- niled, 2 or 3 person. fallI occupan- cc. $250.00 pee month includes heat, watee. parking. CAMIPUS MANAGEMIENT, INC. 602-4101 cCtc ROOMMATES TWO PEOPLE tneeded to share apartmsent at Universty Towers. R127/to. Richl 761-6816. 96Y717 NEXT YEAR LEASE: wanited, fe- mliraldualte student to share 2- bediroom apct, with too women. (camtpuls location) Coll 904-5795. 64Y717 ROOMMATES NEEDED for Septem- ber. Own roota in 3-bedroom turn- ishedomodernllapartmoent (close to camptus). Casll 668-7824 evenings. 41Y715 PETS AND SUPPLIES CHOCOLATE DUTCH BUCK avail- ahle freer as stud to kind petIbheed- erests.Realthsy, well-kept, heautiful mlarkings anid disposition.10 mounths old, neter hrerd.068-7210 after 6 dT720 CROSSW0RDPUZLIE 19506 LOS ANGELES TIMES SUBLET NO A/C, BUT IT'S COOL! Spaciaois, basementl aprtmenr~t. Large win- dos, I bedroomll at Packard and State5 August sublet or 1-110 lease. 0,111l 062-4763. 810722 SUBLIET: July-Augutst aotn room in 2 B/R Apt. A/C, furnished. 307 Packard No. 4. 995-9652. 670715 A PLACE FOR THE THREE OF YOU Three of ,011? Oh well, itos up to tou. We juist hover the place. It's 2-hdrlos. carpted, with disposnl, A/C, tenistcourts, two swimming pools, and ain OK fur lpets. Current lease thrtl January at 0217a motith. renewable. 402-0025 days, 424-9705 eves. dU7lS SUMMER SINGLE ROOMS avaIl- able immerdiately in co-opt. One- month contracts are available. Share friends cod good food. Rea- sonahie csts. Cail 662-4414 ar some to the Inetre Cooperattve Council of- fire. 4002 Michigan Union. 18U731 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, one and two bedrm. furnished apto, close to capus. 662-7787. cute SU505MER SUBLET of modern 1 bed- rom ptL $140. 663-3841. cuts FOR Typing/Editirig/Tutorinig ill Enalish. roll Dorothy, 005-1075 J817 ACROSS 1 Campus build- ing 5 Medieval hel- met 10 TinIk nothing 14 Have- in one's bonneL 15 Religious art piece 1$ Southern France 17 Neither right nor left 19 Inert gas 2$ Jordan's neigh- bor 21 Draftees, for abort 22 Grinders 23 Humble 25 Turnpike 26 Nautical bumper 29 Boxed 31 Youth gp. 34 Cet- 38 Deferential 38 Bouquet of a sort 4$ Keep going 41 Poe poem 43 Voice 44 Tiny 45 Pennit to bc 47 Institute 48 Place for the speaker 50 Moslem weight unite 52 Items in the fire 54 Letterhead abbr. 55 Spiritual leader 59 Shade of gray 60 Pan handlers 82 Constant 63 Maguey plants 64 Nautical term 65 Spanish painter 88 Cup: Fr. 87 Confident DOWN 1 Fathers 2 Follow orders 3 Opposite of the 4 Madison Ave- nue term 5 Simian 6 Calls up memory of: Phrase 7 Trades 8 French seasns 9 Na landlubber he 10 --- vincit 11 Gridiron 12 Apple of one's eye 13 Containers 88 Certain vehicles 22 -vivendi 24 Stetistics for satellite trackers 25 Ask 28 Colorful bird 27 Solo 28 Thought about carefully 30 Investigates systematically 32 Series of music- al works 33 Like- 35 "A rose - 37 Call --- day 39 Shelters: Fr. 42 Huts 46 Countess' has- band 49 Concerning $1 -man 52 March date 53 Ramble 54 Kansas city 56 Steady, old style 57 Wintry sound effort 58 Worda of under- standing 80 Timely 61 Adeie suf~ixe ... 6t~ 3 CIOSSI'i'e i zssuea signcs vl nu cciv uiAU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1i 12 !3 14 15 - 16 17 16 19 [2-0", x > F3 ":: - ,,3 24 i 5 27 28 - y 29 30 31 32 33 3t 36 37' 38 9 4a 34 41 42" 43 :'44 45 46 47 4s. i49 50 51 g ry 153 vx 54 Y '5 56 57 50 59 60 6F 62 63 64 v 66 r: mow ....r..