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July 16, 1976 - Image 2

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Page Two


Friday, July 16, 1976

Carter, Mondale head Dem campaign

coasloed fro Page 1)
grew near, they were teased
further by a short film of Car-
ter's campaign, marked from
the beginning by loneliness."
The crowd roared Ror several
minutes when the nominee came
into the arena and ascended the
"WE GO FORWARD from this
convention with some differ-
ences of opinion," Carter de-
clared, "but nonetheless united
in our determination to make
our country large and driving
and generous in spirit once
again, ready to embark on
great national deeds and once
again, as brothers and sisters,
our hearts will swell with pride
to call ourselves Americans."

In a convention that has been
surprisingly free of anti-Repub-
lican rhetoric, Carter punctu-
ated his speech wth attacks on
eight years of Republican domi-
"Recently," he said, "each
time our nation has made a
serious mistake our people have
been excluded from the process.
The tragedy of Vietnam and
Cambodia, the disgrace of Wat-
ergate, and the embarassment
of the CIA revellations could
have been avoided if our gov-
ernment had reflected the sound
judgment, good common sense,
and high moral character of the
American people."
IT WAS THAT moral charac-
ter and good sense, Carter made
clear, which he intended his ad-

ministration to provide.
In a summation of some ma-
jor goals outlined in the party's
platform, Carter called for a
"complete overhaul of our tax
system," universal voter regis-
tration, a "nation-wide compre-
hensive health program for all
our people," and "an end to
discrimination because of race
or sex."
In a fitting end to a conven-
tion which emphasized unity
from the first moment, ex-can-
didates, party leaders, and a
couple of f o r m e r nominees
trooped up to the podium to
shake Carter's hand in a grandi-
loquent gesture of harmony and
strength - California Governor
Jerry Brown, Idaho Senator
Frank Church, Ohio Senator
John Glenn, Sargent Shriver,
Washington Senator Henry Jack-
son, George McGovern and Sen-
ator Hubert Humphrey, among
MONDALE, 48, is a close pro-
tege of fellow Minnesotan Hum-
phrey, whom he helped in 1948
to win election to the Senate.
Humphrey was mayor of Min-

neapolis at the time.
In 1960, Mondale at 32 be-
came Minnesota's youngest at-
torney general when he was ap-
pointed to fill a vacancy. In 1964
he was appointed to the Senate
when Humphrey became vice
president. He has won election
on his awn to both jobs.
He was co-chairman for Hum-
phrey's unsuccessful presiden-
tial campaign in 1968 and is
one of the most popular political
figures in Minnesota history, as
well as one of the state's top
STATE Democrats had touted
him as a candidate for president
or vice president for the past
seven years, and Mondale once
explored the idea of entering
the 1976 race.
But after a year of travel he
tossed in the towel in late 1974,
conceding that he lacked "the
overwhelming desire" to be
president. That has come back
to haunt Mondale since he was
first mentioned as a possible
Carter running mate. He now
says he has changed his mind
about not wanting to spend "two

years in Holiday Inns." He
adds, "I hear they've all been
He has been accused of be-
ing lazy in not pursuing the
presidency, but supporters say
he was just being a realist in
that his campaign had not
won him recognition. He once
said he had to agree with a
columnist's quip that most
people think of Mondale as a
suburb of Los Angeles.
Mondale has a strong liberal
record in the Senate. In addi-
tion to opposing anti-busing leg-
islation, he has voted for gun
control and the Equal Rights
Gov. Wendell Anderson de-
scribes Mondale as a politician
who is "all business." Over the
years he has been thought of
as one of Minnesota's most
careful politicians.
The U. S. Public Health Serv-
ice estimates 100 million man
hours are lost to employers
each year because of dental

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Lunch a Ia Carter sans Carter

Specialt TThe naiy
NEW YORK - What do you
say to 440 guests who have
coughed up $250 a head to have
lunch with Jimmy Carter and
Walter Mondale when the guests
of honor don't show up.
First you say you're sorry,
then you come up with a good
"GOVERNOR Carter and Sen-
ator Mondale have asked that I
come here for them to say
they're s o r r y they couldn't
make it, but they're working
on their (acceptance) speech-
es," Democratic National Chair-
man Robert Strauss told the
star-studded crowd who had as-
sembled at the Terrace Ball-
room of the Statler Hilton yes-
terday afternoon to break bread

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with the Democratic nominee
and his newly announced vice
presidential choice.
"But the purpose of this con-
vention is not to please you or
please me," Strauss quickly
added. "It's to work on the
serious problems of this coun-
There were sighs of disap-
pointment from the group and
a chorus of moans from the
restless battalion of reporters,
but none of the "We want Jim-
my" chants which characterized
delegate response to Carter's
absence from Madison Square
Garden for the first three days
of the Democratic convention.
SUCH V E R B A L outbursts
wouldn't have gone well with
the canteloupe halves, breast of
c h i c k e n Montmorency with
black bing cherries and rich
chocolate mousse which was
served to the group whose hun-
ger for a Carter-Mondale ap-
pearance was never satisfied.
"I understand (Carter and
Mondale) had to make prepara-
tions for tonight," said Cather-
ine Flood, wife of Pennsylvania
State Representative D a n i e I
Flood. "But I sure was all hep-
ped up when I heard they were
"I guess it's okay if they're
writing their speeches," said
waiter Pete Lugarini, balancing
a tray of chocolate mousse. "But
it would have been nice to see
Jimmy Carter."
THE BLOW of the nominees,
absence was softened a bit,
however, by the appearance of
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such Democratic notables is
George McGovern, Tip O'Neal,
Carl Albert, and Hubert lum-
phrey, who was treated to a
standing ovation. Senators John
Glenn and Edmund Muskie-
whose names had been bandied
about as vice presidential pos-
sibilities until Carter released
his choice of Mondale yesterday
morning-were also on hand.
Glenn, smiling for photograph
ers between spoonfuls of melon,
displayed no signs of bitterness
over Carter's decision.
"I can't help but feel a little
disappointed after being con-
sidered," he said. "But this is
no black mark against me. In
fact, it's a plus. After all, how
often are you considered for
such a position? I'm just happy
to be in such distinguished com-
MUSKIE, who landed the vice-
presidential nomination in 1968,
also took news of Carter's de-
cision in stride.
The Maine Senator said he
had been informed of the Mon-
dale pick over the phone yes-
terday, and vowed he would
happily support that ticket.
The biggest disappointment
over the Carter-Mondale no-
show was felt by those unabash-
ed star-gazers who flooded the
lobby of the Statler, hoping to
catch a glimpse of the newly-
fused political partners.
"WHERE ARE they?" whis-
pered the observers. "Is Jimmy
Carter in there?" others asked
as they filed out of the press
But one woman, who stood on
tiptoes at the edge of the crowd,
peering over the shoulders of
security guards, said she didn't
mind when informed that neith-
er Carter or Mondale would
"I'll look at anybody."
Volume LXXXVI, No. 47-S
Friday, July 16, 197
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan News
phone 764-052. second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Pubtished da il y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept, thru April (2 semes-
ters) ; $13 by mail outside Ann
summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday mornitn.
Subscription rates: $0 50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann

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