The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students of the University of Michigan Thursday, July 15, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Politics in the Olympics CANADA'S DECISION to ban the Taiwanese Olympic delegation from Montreal unless it agrees not to use the designation "Republic of China" is deplorable. True, the Taiwan government does not represent the 800 million people of mainland China. However, the ques- tion is not one of China, nor the merits or demerits of Communism. The Canadian government is interfering in a mat- ter which should be decided by the International Olym- pic Committee (IOC). In 1968, the IOC voted to recog- nize Taiwan as the sole Olympic representative for China, and designated the Taiwan delegation the "Republic of China, Olympic Committee." Whether the IOC's decision was a wise one is a moot point. When Montreal made its bid for the Games, it agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the IOC. Under pressure from mainland China, Canada has accepted Olympic identity cards in lieu of entry visas for all peoples except the Taiwanese. Canada is the first host nation to interfere with the Games since Hitler tried in 1936. By announcing the decision to bar Taiwan in the eleventh hour, Canada prevented the IOC from moving the Games to another site. Taiwan's refusal to compro- mise leaves the situation at an impasse. Unable to move the Games at such a late date, the IOC voted to stage the Olymnies despite the crisis. To cancel the Games be- cause of Canada's nolitical ploy would be cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. The United states has threatened to pull out of the Olympics in sunnort of the Taiwanese_- a move as fool- hardv as cancellation. Perhans a compromise can still be worked out, but it is becomins inerensinvtv apnprent that this will not be the case. The Taiwanese athletes will probably not com- pete in the XXI Olympiad. and the Montreal Games will be permanently blemished as a result. /i/inst'/rif /staff--Stminer Termt TIMS sCCK KEN PARsIcAN (10-Ediors- in- Chief Letters to The Daily GEO To The Daily: This is in response to The Daily's July 13 editorial, "Stalling toward a strike," which ex- hibits a mass of inaccuracies, contradictions and misconceptions about the state of bargaining be- tween GEO and the University administration. The editorial's characterization of bargaining sessions as fruitless and dominated by quibbling is precisely that which the administration would like to promote - to make it appear that GEO is unwilling to compromise, thus making a fall strike inevitable. In fact, a great deal of progress has taken place at the bargaining table. Several contract articles have been initialed, and agree- ment is close on many more. What may appear to an inexperienced observer to be quibbling tsuch as discussion over the inclusion or exclu- sion of a particular wordo phrase in the con- tract) can have far-reaching implications for many members of the bargaining unit. The writer of this editorial is obviously un- familiar with the bargaining process. GEO has no interest whatsoever in stalling until fall term, and the writer's statement that "GEO must think of its members" is just plain ludicrous. GEO is its members. Our demands are reasonable, form- ulated by and strongly supported by the mem- bership. And it is certainly impossible for GEO to have a strike unless the membership decides that is the only way to win a fair and equitable contract. How can The Daily admit that GSAs are paid too little in "inflationary Ann Arbor," and then urge GSAs to give in on reasonable demands? The fact that The Daily assumes that a de- mand for a commission aimed at improving the status of lesbian and gay GSA's is nothing more than a "bargaining chip" is a clear indication of exactly how much such a commission is need- ed. CEO's March membership meeting unani- mously voted to include such a demand in the non-discrimination package. On what basis-other than the writer's own prejudice-has The Daily taken it upon itself to tell the community what CEO's position is? This is a serious demand. The writer of the editorial is justly concerned over the educational implications of a strike, but completely ignores the more serious implications of the administration's rejection of the necessity for TA training and reasonable class size limits --both parts of GEO's demand package. In fact, CEO's demands affect not only GSAs, but the whole conduct and quality of education at the U of M. We urge that The Daily adopt a more re- sponsible and well-informed position in the fu- ture. The GEO Executive Committee July 13 clericals To The Daily: Having been a clerical during those initial organizing days at the University I am dis- appointed and alarmed at the current trend toward decertification. There are a number of issues I would like to toss out for considera- tion. First and foremost appears to be the mone- tary question. Prior to the contract the Uni- versity had a merit increase available to clericals which was arbitrarily decided upon by the supervisor and approved by the Uni- versity. This was a chancy system in that it was dependent upon personal likes and dis- likes and contingent upon the University's fi nancial whim. With the union came uniformity and equality for clericals. On the chance that the UAW clericals do decertify, there is no guarantee that the University will be gracions enough to reinstate the former system. Fur- thermore, being a P/A employee now with no type of evaluation and a totally arbitrary merit increase system, I'm not all that sure you'd be winning. Sure, there would be that flat two bout' pay (dues, service fee) more per month back in your check but in the long run, is it worth it to dispense with the protection and power afforded by the union to have that additional $7? Without a union the clericals would be totally impotent in making future demands for increased pay or benefits. Having freed yourselves from the "prots tive" paternal wing of the University, you're discovering the cold hard realities of being self-actualized workers in a union. It mv be difficult and somewhat ugly at times bat I believe as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can go home again." It is an unrealistic expec.t tion to believe that the University will sic- come you back to the fold and shower . preciation on you. If it is true that 946 clericals have jilnit forces to decertify, why not go to the units meetings, vote in a block and affect the chat es that you desire? Certainly the various ts. tions currently contending number no more than yourselves. Take a constructive sta.i and make yourselves heard. Forget this kid of passive aggression; it's self-defeating. Kimberly Allen May 18 JAY L. ?VIN JIM iTOBTN ii it Zi Airectors EL AINE FLET<'ICH ER ANN MARIE IPINSKI sp ive+nt Editors Jv'Pti Cs Ps -1Arts iEOi(R E LOBSENZ---.. Night MIKE OiTON - Copy emtItLPt BOKOVOY . Aisi ns Night JENNY MILLER Assist nt Night sTUS McCONNELL .Assis-ant Night iA- H ZA iS ... . . Assistant Night Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor ri r" .mirr rmMrme r ..m ,. r mrrr Mrrmi r "AT VO t7O ' ! ' 1/ t I - '= T MEAN )1J)&. 09(4, WHi- LIAE /WAT r& OF WORK' - YoC ARE TO REL --, 1 -K) T OA O 1 r' A[ 1W10,&X' - W L9H&A1/00 W10. . )UAT 103 FEAR? "NAME (W EHOMTf0P ? 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