The Michigan Daily Vol. LXXXVI, No. 46-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 15, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages CARTER WINS NOMI NATION NEW YORK( I/Pt -Jimmy Carter, the outsider who conquered the establishment, swept to the Democratic presidential nomina- tion last night. The Democratic National Convention erupted into cheers as the former Georgia governor, the inevitable nominee, was formally instilled atop its ticket. SECOND PLACE remained Carter's secret; he said he would announce his choice for vice president this morning. Uptown, at his Americana Hotel command post, Carter smiled his trademark smile at the television set and hugged his eight- year-old daughter, Amy, as the delegates fulfilled his long quest for their greatest prize. Curious to see what the Democratic spectacle in New York City looks like? Turn to pages 6 and 7 for a lens-eye view from the Daily's Steve Kagan, and an explanation by Ann Marie Lipinski. Downtown, at Madison Square Garden, the Democrats cheered their verdict, actually sealed long before they convened. For Carter, a one-term governor of Georgia, had guaranteed his triumph with a succession of victories in the presidential primary elections. IT WAS RATIFIED, first by the traditional roll call of the states, then by acclamation, in the traditional gesture of unity. The fIfillment of Carter's 17-month campaign took 56 minutes, from the moment Alabama's vote was called to the moment Rep. Lindy Boggs of Louisiana, the convention chairwoman, officially pronounced him the nominee. For the record, Carter had 2,468.5 delegate votes when the convention made it unanimous in a voice vote that was more of a cheer. Rep. Morris Udall of Arizona, who went before the con- vention to announce lie was putting on a Carter button, had 329.5. Gov. Edmund Brown of California, who relinquished his home st-te delegates and hailed Carter, had 70.5. And Ellen McCormack, the anti-abortion candidate from suburban Long Island, and the 0"ly other candidate formally placed in nomination, got 22 votes. APPROPRIATELY, it was Ohio's 132 votes for Carter that clinched his nomination, for there he won his final primary victory, the one that convinced rivals and skeptical party elders that it was time to unite behind a man who couldn't be stopped. See CARTER, Page 2 A PENSIVE JIMMY Carter watches the goings-on at the Democratic Convention yesterday. Car- ter was nominated by an overwhelming margin and will make his acceptance speech today. It's Carter all the m vay By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI NEW YORK - Morris Udall was nominated for President last night. So was Jerry Brown, and so was Ellen McCormick. But none of that made any difference to the 2,469 delegates who packed Madison Square Garden last night to nominate their man-Jimmy Carter. As the delegation from Ohio cast the t32 votes that sent the former Georgia governor safely over the 1,505 needed for nomination, the explosion of ap- plause in the Manhattan arena left little doubt as to whom the Democratic Party had chosen to send to the No- vember election. TIlS IS WHAT the Democrats came to New York to do, and they wasted little time during the roll call of dele- gations. As the vote proceeded, it be- came clear that Ohio would be the state to put Carter over the top, and a cry of "Ohio's going to do it! Ohio's going to do it!" rose from the Buckeye State? delegates. Reporters, photographers, and cameramen scurried in their direction, to be on hand when the determining votes were cast, and when the Ohio spokeswo- man declared, "Madam Secretary . . . I am proud and honored to cast in the snirit of unity and love and victory in November 132 votes for Jimmy Carter," the arena was convulsed with sound and flashing lights and the chant "We want Jimmy! We want Jimmy!" It was a far cry from 1972, when dele- gates fought and scraped down to the wire for Hubert Humphrey, George Mc- Govern and George Wallace - three men who gave speeches calling for harmony behind Carter at Monday night's session. The password was "unity", and Carter's remarkable cam- paign organization let no one forget it. Besides a spirit of unity last night there was an outpouring of emotion for Jimmy Carter the man, whgo has had to battle the claim that his support was "a mile wide and an inch deep." "He's a truly a man of the people," said Ohio delegate Alan Rinzler. THE STORM OF applause following the Ohio vote shook the floor around Rinzler. "This reception is exciting and I think it's appropriate. It's something See EVERYTHING, Page 2 Meanwhile, on the GOP side .. . See Story, Page 3