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July 14, 1976 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-14

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Page Twelve

Wednesday, July 14, 1976

AL blows it again, 7-1

(A - George Foster wal-
loped a home run and drove
in three runs as the Na-
tional League continued its
All - Star domination with
a 7 - 1 victory over the
American L e a g u e in
the 47th renewal of their
annual game T u e s d a y
The victory was the fifth
straight for the Nationals
and the 13th in the last 14
years. Over-all, the NL has
built a 28-18-1 lead in the
series that began in 1933.
The National League took an
early 4-0 lead and then wrap-
ped up its victory with three
runs in the eighth inning, two
of them on a two-out homer by
Cesar Cedeno.
The Veterans Stadium crowd
of 63,974, including President
Gerald R. Ford, had hardly
settled down before the Na-
tional League was in front.
The NL took charge in the
first inning, nicking American
League starter Mark Fidrych
for two runs on a lead-off single
by Pete Rose and a triple by
Steve Garvey. Foster's one-out
grounder sent Garvey home.
"I don't know what hap-
pened," said Fidrych. "I
didn't pitch like I wanted to
pitch. I wanted no runs. I
would have felt better, but
that's life."
The rookie said appearing in

the game was a tremendous
thrill for him even though he
was the losing pitcher.
"It's something I'll never for-
get in my life."
After Rose had lined Fidr-
ych's second pitch of the game
into center field for a lead-off
single, the rookie right-hander
missed with his first two pitch-
es to Garvey.
Then Garvey lashed a drive
towards the right field line.
Rusty Staub broke for the ball
but could not get to it and then
fell as he chased after it. The
ball bounced all the way to the
wall as Rose circled the bases
and Garvey pulled into third
with a triple.
"I knew it was going to
bounce," said Staub. "That's
why I jumped at it. I wanted
to knock it down to keep the
guy from scoring. It's like
glass out there when you
wear spikes."
Foster, who was named the
Game's Most Valuable Players,
made it 2-0 with his grounder.
Fidrych was in big trouble
again in the second inning
when the Nationals put runners
at second and third with one
out on singles by Johnny Bench
and Dave Concepcion and a
passed ball by Thurman Mun-
son. But he escaped by striking
out Jones and getting Rose on a
Then, in the third, with one
out, Joe Morgan stroked a
single to center, and Foster, the
major league's runs - batted-in
leader with 72, drilled a one-
strike pitch from Catfish Hunt-
er over the wall in left center
The American League's only
run came on another hom-
er, this one by Fred Lynn
against Tom Seaver in the
fourth inning.
But, except for that line drive
shot that landed in the first
deck of the right field stands,
the Americans rarely threat-
NL starter Randy Jones, and
relievers Seaver, John Monte-
fusco, Rick Rhoden and Ken
Forsch scattered five hits, and
three double plays cut short po-
tential AL rallies.
After Foster's home in the
third inning, the Nationals
managed only one more hit -
Rose's lead-off triple against
Luis Tiant in the fifth-until the
eighth - inning wrapup rally
against Tanana.
Tiant stranded Rose, retiring
Garvey, Morgan and Foster.

CHARLIE HUSTLE, ALIAS Pete Rose, slides into third base in last night's All-Star game. Late
with the tag is Kansas City's George Brett. The National League won again last night, this
time 7-1.

Taiwanese may compromise

By The Associated Press
MONTREAL-Taiwan's team
officials considered last night
whether to change signals and
compete in the Olympic Games
-under the Olympic flag and
without a name.
"The door we thought had
been slammed is open again,"
Lord Killanin, president of the
International Olympic Commit-
tee, said, adding the Taiwanese
would give a reply to the IOC
by today.
The IOC, in its first day of
full-session meetings, unani-
mously condemned the Cana-
dian government for what the
IOC called a breach of faith
over the Taiwanese, Killanin
told a news conference. Can-
ada has said the Taiwanese
cannot enter the country un-
der the name of the Republic
of China or use their national
When the Executive Board of
the IOC met last week, it asked
the Taiwanese to march in
Saturday's opening ceremony
behind the Olympic flag and
the IOC insignia. At that time,
the Taiwanese flatly refused
and said they would walk out of
the Games if they had to com-
pete under such conditions.
The bulk of Taiwan's Olympic
team is in the United States,
still hoping to enter Canada.
Killanin said no countries had
threatened to pull their teams
out of the Games over the Tai-
wan issue.

tie repeated what he said
last week - that if he had
known a year ago that Canada
would make difficulties over
Taiwan's entry, he would
have recommended moving
the games elsewhere.
The IOC unanimously ap-
proved the recommendation of
the Executive Board that the
Games must go on, whatever
happens over Taiwan.
"The question of not holding
them was touched on," Killanin
said, "but it was realized that
in view of the short time left it
was not practicable to cancel
them. The people who would
stffer would be the athletes."
Rillanin repeated his charge
that the Canadian government
had pledged in 1969 to allow
free access to all national Olym-
pic committees recognized by
the IOC, and had broken its
He denied a statement by
the Canadian government that
the subject of the Taiwanese
being excluded was raised in
conversations last year.
The Canadians have argued
that when they gave a written
assurance that all athletes would
be admitted for the Games, they
specified "pursuant to normal
regutlations," and t h a t this
coverstheir policy towards Tai-
Killanin said he understood
this phrase to refer to such
routine matters as cholera in-
jections. He said the Canadian

Olympic Association and May-
or Jean Drapeau of Montreal,
the man who initiated the bid
for the Games, had told him
they interpreted the govern-
ment's letter in the same way.
In Washington, a spokesman
for President Ford said it was
"the American position, the
White House position," that the
IOC alone should decide which
teams take part in the Games.
White House Press Secretary
Ron Nessen said: "The role of
the host country is solely to
provide facilities for the Games,
and the host country should not

stipulate political or other con-
siderations for participation in
the Games."
Asked again whether Ford
would recommend an American
boycott of the Games over the
issue, Nessen said he would not
"want to project that far
U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater
and the New York Times sug-
gested yesterday that the United
States reconsider its participa-
tion in the Games, but Douglas
Roby, U.S. member of the IOC,
said: "I don't think there is
much chance of the U.S. team
pulling out."

African countries may
ask U.S. black support
By The Associated Press try's protest against the New Zealand rugby
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The Sacramento team's tour of South Africa just after 170 Af-
Bee quoted an anonymous source Tuesday as ricans were killed in race riots in Soweto.
saying representatives of about 30 countries The protesters against segregation were cit-
will ask the blacks on the U. S. Olympics team ed by The Bee as "such places as Algeria,
to pull out of the games. Cameroon, Chad, Andorra, People's Republic
The story reported that the source said of Congo, Antigua, Ethiopia and the Ivory
"a traumatic political experience" could re- Coast. They are supported by delegations from
stlt. Nigeria, Morocco, Mali, Kuwait, Kenya, Zam-
THE STORY said black Americans will be bia, Uganda, Zaire, Tanzania, Senegal, Sudan,
asked Wednesday in Montreal by the Supreme Swaziland and others."
Council For Sports, which represents black The unnamed source was quoted as saying:
African nations, "to follow Tanzania's lead "If the most powerful nations-Kenya, Nigeria
and follow the black African countries in pull- and Ethiopia, those who've had success in the
ing out." Olympics - decide to boycott, all the black
"Tanzania's lead" referred to that coun- Africa teams will follow.

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