Wtednesday, July 14, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PageNine w .., . k - -.--.-- - -~ ----..--. ----.--. - - - 11 cM - Eu jtine,,jo done CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD dedlie is 12 non the day before publication (4 p.m ri. tor sun.) including cm-reetln and cancellatons. The Dlly Ia not resttnsible for moethabo on Icorect lnsetio of n ad. Adetisemets may be remed from publitattion but wil be blled according to ogtnal um- ec of days orsered Tis ply is a10o appicble to dnreqttr- 00g pe-payment. i.e., nretind. Inorumttto egardg cotett at ctatied ads. cannot be dts- claed ptor to pblcatton. Ad- veritsersnme my neer be reeed. - Notmber ot linen to -adetie- met i determined by tota1 numaberaof ord- word/line. 'Help Wonsted' ada canaot di- crimnate on te basatfex co-lor, creeduor ntional oigi to any etet (i.e. "peecaby" to still diciminaory. "Found" ada are ctun ree-of- charge to a maimum of 3 lie tue 3 dys,. (Continued from Page ) BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING SERVICE OHM 0,1 t 1s 116 E Micho'ga,Tysi. 45-8t0 THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION SPECIALISTS Typing, Copying, idig, Editng, Notary erice. 12 Suth Stte Stret iOpn 0-5 7-10 u994-394 BANDSO o weddigs dpod iesc Don b71-41 o 99-2059 t NEW SERVICE ptict, Ero-Fe, Cttuiiasset 'Maoutscrait.Distettio, S p eec pn o oocttitigEditing, At-oteutopPo- toosoultBM Seccti11-;6. etsuot- '0l RatotesCpying. Pithk-ip tsd 00ivry loo c-Da,-ilizecs. Lofttit ~i. t'lon ootcDittiolunsd SNot^ STtEPHES PROFESSI~lONAL TYPEWOOINio' to) Hun 11 Ypintilb its Stephens 434-004 I AM uatfll-tme. free lance typit h ontstdeabe' epeiicietyptipto di stiserttout, ppet. I type tr 100 uont., perot acuacy o otted. Hse Pae 70 peope 00B1 Corctitng selcetrc. clt ill, PHOTO SUPPLIES NiPKOIDOA EL CmOtth te top 0s 40 CliMorcot 65hh-3542 afterc6bO0 p.m. 33714 MISCELLANEOUS PLAY PINBALL AND FOOSBALL of the Cross-Eyed Moose 63 E. Liberty openi11:0OOaom-midight weedys 001.00 atm-1 om. Fri. & hoat., 12-2 Sun, FILM INISPHODUCTION: needed 1. impoinp stirse 15 steps or more, 2. unqu-lookinp crib. Call Lee, 76-123 32M714 heS upi~* USED CARS %'VWSPOHTSMIOHILE CAMPEH, 74. radial tires, .icpesoroy White Stag tent toe sodedoor, exctellent conodi- lion, 14,000 tilet. Likecnetw, best fer. 11ll062-1726,.10ter23pm. 764-64506, tok-for aih. 29710 PERSONAL. P'EHMANENT WEIGHT LOSS Thriugb Behavi1op Modificotion. Wight Controol Natioal, 994-0019, PHEGNANT? Seed heio" CoalProb- lens Pregnny Help, 700-7203. 460o S, Divtision. Free pregnacy tetta. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offset Printopg, Xeroxpcopies Xerox reductions, photostoa, balftolnes, typesetting an0 much mr S'TUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOME 214 S. 4th Are. 904-4004 CFO] 02 MOVEH WITH THUCK SEEDED toe crosstown tove July 15. Little tfoe- nitutre, nothing beaty, otoly lots of hutcs. 902-1047, evenings. 22F714 PERSONAL IS THESFIIED 15IPEI A lII3SSHIP tsoith voodectol ti 000\1My bru~tloe loosl11,d0bhodlo111('kmithbomoto Amt ts1,, 1tolindsotico~te Socb11111t Souids odd, but toe itcdt good wt~otit 10 n 4 ptoo d(,eeehd sow to louk, fle i; celletic ated.,hbsoeccc- cot iu, oojob, bu ottocossfor fut to slttime, hantdsomoe, otod kid.He is 31 ysco old. Seplty to Dotlt HBon t1'l calVolt, ste'ltltlk. 77F"715 THEHE It o otayopto stop lthi-onoc fromohuitpeningo. Hillardosot1te Uon010c716 FHIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. 00 acre nildlote preserve neat' Cbelseao swiming, coan oetu ng, plcciolo, camopinp. Membership $50 per aduolt. Brochue teom'Bloods, 2005 Penn- peott, Anni Arbor, Mich. 40103. 81F714 INFORMAL STUDY Grooups in cell biology'lootuoan physilogy ace now getting started. Foe informaotion call Domr at 999-5430 a01cr 7 p.m. 87F715 HOAHD EXAM TUTOHING: enroll- muents ntow being accepted for S. H. Kaplan'T'utoring Coolrse to prepuce toe the' MCATS, DAT, LSAT, and Sot. Doss, Boards. Call (7130 354- 008t, locallyi662-:3t49, oeite PERSONAL A PINBALL TOURNAMENT otk o t- ew Gottliebo psot.-.{ioot "Royol Flush' lur, woot tocotoitoto ttlhese bp- ovi :iicotcto Tototitys Ioo tio (tootoop, PT-eCtor<:,opcd1-escoi. Prciomo r per pc(011V, Stoo t oce r(+IltooIt. FIREWORKS! Hoop ot(!rlcp. We stittlpthroaooogbooot thO UI.S. ;Ecnor ftree dree listto- dot. l'tro-esamugtottohe 18oysor pldter.booicose coon ot regured Mlichi tr ico tocIpemrit5s topon 7our- clo.-e. Ate Pireworks. Hon 221, Con- scottit. Uloito 440000, eM itsufctutree, It pi tliet, Whlte,;tier. ftlstcibitter, (Tc Read and Use Daily Classifieds' FOR TEN CENT S YOU A phone cal.A simple, that the drunk drivers reponsible f---------- "" _ no -- ,."---- I ten-cent phone call for a cab could for killing young people are most DRUNK DRIVE, DEPT. Y* .ave your friend's life, often other young people. i BOX 2345 Uf your friend has been Take a minute. Spend a I ROCKVIL-LE, MARYLAND 20852 1 drinking too much, he shouldn't dime. Call a cab. That's all. If youi I want to save a frid's life. be driving, can't do that, drive him yourself. Tell me what else I catn do. The automobile crash isathe. Or let him aleep on your couch. IMr name is___________ number one cause of death of people We're not asking you to be . Addes____________ your age. And the ironic thing is a doctor or a cop. Just a friend. ICt tt i..... 1 eeiuator aefASteatedj-I- __. IF YOU LETA FRIEND DRIVE DRUNKYO"R NO FRIEND. S5 i!$4OMi~3kAM IdMMATAM$A -AUIIAO