Wednesdoy, July 14, 1976
Poge Five
Reagan wil
not contest
Reagan said yesterdty he will
not challenge the credentials of
any delegates to this year's Re-
puhlican Natianal Convention,
and urged President Ford to
pledge the same in the anne of
party unity.
"I have asked my campaign
stafi and delegates supporting
my candidacy not to challenge
the credentials of any dele-
gate," Reagan said in a state-
ment released by his campaign
staff here.
publican party unity, I urge
Mr. Ford to issue similar in-
structions to his own campaign
organization and supxsrters,"
he said. "The manner in which
we conduct our national con-
vention mist give the Ameri-
can people confidence that the
Republican party can govern
honestly, decently and effec-
tively over the next four years."
Reagan's campaign also re-
leased a letter its general coun-
sel, Loren Smith, sent to two
members of Ford's campaign
committee urging a creden-
tials truce.
"WHILE we all know that it
is not unethical to lodge pure-
ly technical challenges, many
would view it as unfair" Smith's
letter to Robert Visser and
Timothy Ryan said. "Such ma-
neuvering could easily lead to
bitter procedural wrangles, the
appearance of chaos to the pub-
lic and almost certain defeat
for the nominee.
Mailman beware!
No, this isn't a six-foot German Shepherd waiting to devour the next passer-by. "Chuck," a canine resident of DeKalb, Illinois, is
standing in front of a ten-foot tall playhouse built in 1892 on the grounds of a local mansion.
Hearst is star personality
in Harris hold-up trial
Made of velvet, 195 feet wide,
45 feet long and weighing 3,500
pounds, the world's largest cur-
tain covers Jan Styka's paint-
ing, "The Crucifixion," at For-
est Lawn Memorial Park, Glen-
dale, Calif.
LOS ANGELES t,) - An ab-
sent Patricia Hearst emerged
as the star character in the
William and Emily Harris trial
yesterday, described as a pale,
bewigged gunwoman firing
wildly at a sporting goods store.
The first witness at the Har-
ris trial, store owner Carroll
William Huett, described the
"strange" person he saw firing
a machine gun on May 16, 1974.
Hearst has admitted she was
the assailant,
"IT HAD large sunglasses, a
very white face," Huett recall-
ed, "a very strange face and
this big afro style hairdo. None
of it looked like it belonged to
one person."
Huett recalled the confused
scene when he and other store
employes wrestled with the Har-
rises, whom they suspected of
shoplifting and Hearst opened
fire from across the street.
Later, a portion of the scuf-
fle was re-enacted in the court-
room with a prosecutor sprawl-
ed on the floor, straddled by a
key witness -the store clerk
who tried to handcuff Harris.
DEPUTY DIST. Atty. Richard
Harbinger, a graying attorney
in a blue suit, shed his jacket
and played the role of Harris,
as witness Anthony Shepard, a
tall black man, sat on him.
Jurors, the judge and specta-
tors stood to watch the scene
unfolding on the floor in front
of the counsel table.
Shepard told how he fled
when Hearst's bullets started
flying. "I crawled or shimmied
on the sidewalk behind a pole,"
he said. "You don't want me to
show that too, do you?" He was
005 required to demonstrate
SHEPARD, the fifth witness,
was to resume his testimony to-
day about events following the
violent episode described by
"There were shots being fired
at us," Huett recalled. "They
sounded strange because there
was traffic on the street that
kind of muffled them.
"... Mr. Harris said, 'You'd
better get out of here. She's
shooting at you' ... We started
running in the store and there
was another burst of fire."
UNDER questioning by Dep-
uty Dist. Atty. Sam Mayerson,
Huett spoke of Hearst's role,
without mentioning her name.
"On the first burst of fire I
looked up and saw the person.
The left door of a van was
open and they were outside the
van looking through the frame-
work of the window"
Moments later, he said, he
saw the Harrises "beating it
across the street"
Huett and another store em-
ploye, Gary Mason, said they
never heard the Harrises call
for help from Hearst nor signal
her to shoot.
T H E H A E R I S E S,
charged with kidnaping, as-
sault and robbery, claim they
had no part in the newspaper
heiress' decision to open fire
and rescue them.
The 22-year-old Hearst, in-
Chet, Harold & Dave
at the UNION
dicted with the Harrises, is
awaiting sentencing on a San
Francisco bank robbery convic-
tion and will be tried separate-
Ms. Harris, who delivered her
own opening statement Monday,
told how Hearst decided to "go
along for the ride" on their
shopping trip to test her ability
to disguise herself. She was
then the nation's most famous
Huett revealed that Hearst's
shots came close to causing
ONE EMPLOYE, he said,
was struck in a shirt pocket
over his heart, but a pen de-
flected the bullet. "His pocket
was ripped and his pen was
bent all out of shape."
Huett said his wife, who was
at the cash register, was
b 1 e e d i ng from superficial
wounds to the face and he was
hit in the arm by bullet frag-
ments, also superficially.
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