A painful dose of wisdom By LAN JORDAN I KNEW FI WOIULI) have to be done sooner or later but I would have preferred later- like never. As my luck escaped the moment the first wisdom tooth poked its pearly head through my gums, my beautiful artificially straightened teeth began to go north by northwest. I tried to ignore it, but as the days passed tisy retainers could barely be forced into my mouth. I knew then that the fortune my parents had parted with on orthodontics tas quickly being wasted. Not knowing what to do next I consulted my dentist (a grad student with a once a week practice in an office over Kres- ges), who chuckled and said, "I bet they'll have to take them all out." Wonderful. I was soon headed to the oral surgeon, a Good-Humor type of man clad in white: shirt, pants, shoes, hair and of course white teeth. After innumerable X- rays he announced that all my wisdom teeth were impacted at acute 45 degree angles and definately had no place in my mouth. From behind his back the Good Humor man produced a small piece of paper - the "estimate." I choked, caught my breath and nodded, "Okay." Good-bye savings account. He described the procedure for surgically removing teeth. It didn't sound too gruesome, until he gave me the consent sheet which freed him from re- sponsibility of any clomp'lica- tions. I signed. I had nearly three weeks to prepare for part one of my doom (the wisdom teeth were to be removed two at a time because of their deep impac- tion). My friends (friends?) sub- jected me to a bounty of com- ments ranging from "You can hairdly think now, what will you do without wisdom teeth" to "If you want to save money I can punch you in the jaw" and "Size nine teeth in a size seven mouth, right?" from a fellow colleague at The Daily. r 'HE DAY approached. and I attempted to gather my courage and wisely made prac- tical preparations. I bought a new nightgown to receive visi- tors and planned how I would wile away the hours in bed reading books, writing letters, and working on a quilt I'd started several years ago. My roommate, Naomi, spread the word that company would be welcome during the 'convales- cence' period. Monday morning arrived - "The Day." At 7 a.m. I was up, washing my hair, dabbing on make-up and cleaning the apartment. "What on earth are you doing?" screamed Naomi from the bedroom. "It's my last chance to do anything for a few days," I answered, "Besides, I want to The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, July 14, 1976 News Phone- 764-0552 Quite a COngresswoman NEARLY TWO YEARS AGO, a black Democratic Con- gresswoman from Texas named Barbara Jordan seized the imagination of the American people when, during the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment de- bate, she declared in her deep, eloquent voice, "My faith in the Constitution is whole . . . complete . . . total. "I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the dimunition, the subversion, and the destruction of the Constitution," she said, in one of the most moving examples of rhetoric to emerge from the impeachment hearing'. Monday night, Rep. Jordan again held the national spotlight when she became the first black or woman to deliver a keynote address at a presidential convention. The convention hall erupted in a thunderous applause. Clearly, this woman of great vision, who has established herself as one of the most respected and capable mem- bers of Congress, has captured the admiration of a na- tion deep in the search for leaders. Unfortunately, Jimmy Carter may not feel as strong- ly. Jordan's name was conspicuously absent from his list of seven final vice-presidential considerations, a list de- void of blacks and women. Although Jordan hails from Carter's south, she is deserving of close scrutiny. A Congresswoman of unques- tioned ability, her compassion and wisdom, coupled with over a decade of adroit experience in both state and na- tional government, makes her a qualified person to as- sume a position of leadership. Her background-a poor girl rising from a black Houston neighborhood-is further indication of this woman's uncanny drive to succeed. Jimmy Carter erred in not giving Jordan the con- sideration she so richly deserves. It's high time that blacks and women serve in this country's positions of top leadership. We hope Barbara Jordan will someday enjoy that chance. look nice for my visitors.' She groaned. We walked the two blocks to the oral surgeon's office. Nat- mi chattered aimlessly to com- pensate for my silence. As we sat in the waiting room she turned to me and ordered, "Open your mouth." "What for?" "I want to count your teeth to make sure they take the right ones out." I laughed, sort of. "Miss Jordan." The Good Hlu- mor Man's nurse appeared at the door. I followed her. "Good-bye," called Naomi from the waiting room. The nurse looked disgusted. "It's not as if you'll never see each other again," she said. Maybe it was. I wanted to turn and flee as they arranged my near rigid body in the chair. The Good Humor Man came in 'Ho-ho- hoing.' "We're just going to give you a little sedative in this I.V." he sa, casually producing a hypodermic needle ten inches long. "Just relax." RELAX. I TURNED my head away as I felt the needle kiss my arm. Under my breath I murmured, "The Lord is my shepherd...." The occasion call- ed for it. I can't be relied upon for an accurate account of the next few hours. Most of it Naomi described a few days' later, laughing all the while. I vaguely remember waking to thoughts of "When did they take out my teeth?" The nurse came over and made me sit up - several times. I just couldn't do it, I wanted to sleep. My roommate and Don, a friend who offered to drive us the two blocks home, each supported a side of -me as we left the of- fice. Don later told me about the man sitting in the waiting room (to see the doctor about wisdom teeth) who turned white and horror stricken as they dragged my limp carcass out the door. The three of us squeezed into a closet-sized elevator. I was aware of something in my mouth but felt no pain, in fact, I felt pretty good. I babbled endlessly about nothing. When we arrived at the car Naomi tried to support me on her side of the seat while Don got in. I fell over. Once at home I didn't even wait for the covers to be pull- ed back before diving into bed. Naomi managed to slip me into my nightgown and remove the gauze from my mouth. (What gauze?) I woke after a five-hour slum- ber. My head was throbbing and I could barely sit up. Two friends sisited, bearing a straw- berry tilkshake, my favorite refreshment. I now hate both strawberry milkshakes and but- ter pecan icecream. After slurp- ing at least a half-gallon of each during those days I turn green at their appearance. I'd hardly opened my eyes when my roommate rushed in with a little green and black pill which she assured would kill my pain. Not only did it kill the pain but after a mere twenty minutes of coherence I returned to a pheno-barbitol in- duced never-never land. S0 IT WENT for the next two days. I'd be awake long enough to swallow a pill, down a milkshake and zone out again. Occasionally I'd stagger from room to room, unable to do much of anything but tired of flopping in bed. My constant stupor prevented me from en- gaging in anything more strenu- ous than staring at the TV. Mealtimes were delightful. My roommate felt I needed some nourishment to supplement my diet of strawberry milkshakes and butter pecan ice cream. Her idea of nourishment were various unrecognizable bowls of slop, generally called baby food. "Beef and Vegetables," "Maca- roni and Carrots," and "Turkey Stew" all looked and tasted identical - bad. Still, my mouth was too sore for anythitg but this tasteless mush. By the second day the novel- ty of my situation had worn off and my friends stopped drop- ping in with milkshakes and sympathy. I spent most of the day alone, sleeping, drinking milkshakes, and contemplating my swollen face. This was nofun anymore. I didn't enjoy staying in bed but I was incapable of anything else. Besides, my summer clas- ses were starting and I wanted to get back to work. The next morning I woke up popped a pain pill, dressed and left for class before my roommate had a chance to stop me. I didn't feel too bad; a little weak may- be, but I'd survive. 5'OLLOWING my class I drove to Detroit to cover a story for The Daily. Due to my temp orary inability to understand anything I went to the wroig place and nearly missed my as signonent. The day was hot ait I felt ragged and sick. By the time I returned home I wu dizzy and had lost two of ns eight stitches, causing blood t gush from my mouth. I couldn't write my story or even think about it. So, for lack of anything better to do, I fainted. An understanding editor exiled me from The Daily for a week. Each time I showed to work I was promptly told to remove myself from the premises. Finally I surrendered, stayed home and recovered. Next week my other two wis- dom teeth will be removed. I'sm not exactly looking forward to it but at least I know w hat to expect. Ive already prom- ised that I'll stay home unetil sealed rather than horrifying 'lhe Daily with my aches, pains, faiting spells and blood. We've even bought a new supply if baby food and I'm trying s decide on a new flavor of ice cream, hopefully something I won't miss too much when I grow to hate it. Daily staff writer laim Jor- dan is due to have tiiointer itisdom teeth extracted next week. Say a prayer for her. Mailbox: On a father's rights To The Daily: The Daily's editorial on "A mother's right to abort" (July 8) comments on the difficulty in distinguishing between the respective rights of a (prospective) mother and a (prospective) father concerning an abortion, and suggests that the emotional burden of a father who desires the birth of a child should not be overlooked. However, in considering the rights of pros- pective fathers in abortion decisions, don't overlook the other alternatives. Ideally, a man who desires to father a child should make sure in advance that his sexual part- ner is willing to be a mother. If pregnancy is, to begin with, a mutually desired outcome of sexual intercourse, abor- tion is not likely to be an issue. In other words, if fatherhood is your goal, state your intentions, Sir! The woman who enjoys your company is not necessarily ready to bear and raise a child for you. Toni Kennedy July 9