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July 10, 1976 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-10

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Rage Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, July 10, 1976.
Ford calls Reagan qualified'

(Gcsatiased tan P a;e 1 were to become president . . .
During an interview with Fort Meanwhile, Reagan, having
Wayne, lrd., television station appealed fotr GOP national con-
WPTA-TV on May 2, he cited vention delegate votes from Co-
Reagan statements that U S. lorado, said yesterday he would
military forces stationed in be willing to draft a list of ac-
Panama should be employed if ceptable vice presidential can-
necessary to keep the Panama didates and let convention dele-
canal open. Ford declared: "I gates choose his running mate
think some of his campaign rhe- from the list.
toric would lead me and per-
haps many Americans to think REAGAN ALSO told dele-
that he might be very rash in gates to the state party conven-
how he uses his power if he tion that Vice President Nel-
Couiion Off's bill to
form state power plants

son Rockefeller would have no
place in a Reagan administra-
tion, except perhaps as an oc-
casional emissary to a foreign
"I believe there is substan-
tial difference philosophically in
our approach to government,
and therefore I would not par-
ticularly see a place. for him,"
Reagan said.
survey, Ford now has 1,028 dele-
gates committed to him while
Reagon has 979, with 1,130
needed to nominate. There are
171 uncommitted delegates and
80, including those in Colorado,
still to be selected. After to-
morrow, 55 remain to be chos-
en in Connecticut and Utah.
Ford gained 24 delegates
Thursday to Reagan's three.
The president beat his challen-
ger in North Dakota's Repub-

lican convention ten delegates
to three and picked up support
of previously uncommitted
delegates in five states and ter-
Reagan's chief Colorado
spokesman predicted the for-
mer California governor would
win all nine delegates being se-
lected at district conventions
and another 16 up for grabs at
the state convention tomorrow.
Reagan has a 6-0 lead aver
President Ford in delegates -
picked earlier in the state.
BUT A FORD spokesman,
Robert Flanivan, predicted the
President would win control of
the state's delegation by taking
17 delegates. "We'll probably
get five out of the districts and
12 out of the state at-large,"
he said.
Reagan arranged to meet with
delegates to three congressional

district conventions as well as
with state convention delegates
and received time to address
the state meeting tomorrow,
Ford did not personally cam-
paign in Colorado.
On the Democratic side, Jim-
my Carter's bandwagon, with
nomination nearly assured, roll-
ed on yesterday as more dele-
gates pledged support and the
last labor holdouts surrendered.
Carter, who has already con-
ducted talks with several vice
presidential possibilities, will
meet tomorrow night in New
York with Sen. Henry Jackson,
a former presidential aspirant
and will probably talk with
three or four more hopefuls in
the near future.
The latest UPI count gave
Carter a whopping 1,804 dele-
gates, 300 more than the num-
ber necessary to snatch the
nomination on the first ballot.

LANSING (UlPi) - Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken's electric power
commission has endorsed, on an
8-4 vote, a watered-down version
of a controversial propiosal to
put the state in the power gen-
erating business.
A Michigan Power Authority
(MPA), proposed earlier this
year in the commission's pre-
liminary report, would be al-
lowed to build and operate elec-
tric power plants and sell power
to existing utility companies.
PROPONENTS believe the
MIPA could generate power more
cheaply than the investor-
owned utilities. Others said it
may- be the only way to get
essential new plants built.
Representatives of the state's
lwo largest electric companies,
however, voted against the plan
It wa s alsagreed to recom-
mend refomsto saoten die
lag between the time utilities
file for rate in reases and the
time the statePubli cService
Commission acts on the requests
as a "sbort-term" solution to
the state's need for electric
SHORT-TERM solutions are
required, commission members
said, because the Michigan
Power Authority could not be
ready to produce electricity in
less than eight to ten years. It is
believed the state faces a criti-
cal need for more generating
e difference!!! .;
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capacity before the end of this
They said utilities would be
better off financially and thus
better able to build needed
plants if they did not have to
wait so long for the PSC to act
on rate requests.
Company officials said the
lag and the failure of the PSC
to grant the full amount re-
quested has hurt their credit
rating and made it impossible
for them to borrow money to
build new plants.
SOME MEMBERS wanted the
commission to recommend that
the PSC give companies larger
rate increases, but this was not
incorporated in the final report.
In an attempt to reach a
conmpromise, the final version
of the MPA was considerably
modified, giving utility com-
panies the right to help plan
MPA plants and to provide per-
sonnel on a contract basis to
run them.
"If the plants are planned,
operated and maintained by the
existing companies, you lose
the thing you're after," former
General Motors Chairman Rich-
ard Gerstenberg said. Gersten-
berg is on the board of Detroit
Edison Co.
"You're trying to develop a
competitor," he said. "The
closer you get them together,
the less competition you'll
The outline approved by the
commission also includes a call
for more energy conservation.
Commission members will get
a look at a proposed draft of the
final report when they meet
again, Aug. 4.

Waterman: Demolition blues

(Continued from Page 6)
can you do here but shoot bas-
I looked at him. "Isn't there
any other use for it?"
laughed, and swept his arm
out over the vastness below.
"The Natural Resources people
tell me it would be ideal for
some of their large-scale mod-
els. Or perhaps you could ring
it with two floors of offices,
here-" he pointed -- "and
here. Leave a large open court-
yard in the middle with the
sunlight coming in, It's a very
sound,'creative idea. And it
wouldn't cost much"
He was silent a moment,
leaning on the railing. The mu-
sic of the piano floated in from
the hallway behind us.
"You know," he said, "this
used to be a place where stu-
dents came together for almost
all their social activities. But
nobody's very concerned about
tt now - so the slide-rule en-
gineers get their way.
"When the University sent
their proposal to the Regents
they told them a full study of all
alternatives to demolition had
been done. The fact is, no
study was ever done, nothing at
all was put down on paper."
His mouth hardened into a
thin bitter line. "It's shock-
ing; no two-bit realtor would

knock down a building without
some kind of study."
away from the gym and
went back downstairs.
"What about the building
codes?" I asked him as we
crossed the main floor of the
gym to the Barbour side. Our
footsteps echoed strangely
around us. "They said the main
reason for tearing the build-
ings down is that they don't
meet some of the safety codes
and it would be too expensive
to fix them up."
"You'd think that in a build-
ing of such statewide histori-
cal significance they could at
least look into the possibility
of working out some kind of an
adjustment," he answered.
We were standing in the cen-
ter of Barbour gymnasium now.
Built in response to demands of
women students for a facility of
their own, it was for many
years, said Shepherd, as im-
portant focus of the early wo-
men's rights movement.
"There's some hope here,"
he told me. "There's been some
serious talk going on about us-
ing Barbour as a Women's
Center" - consolidating the
many scattered women's organ-
izations of the city under one
Shepherd and I moved out of
the main gym area into the
front hall of Barbour.
"HIS ISN'T JUST a gym,
hdeclared as we passed a
suite of offices. "There are fine
facilities here for a library, for
office space - there are many
choices about what to do."
We slowly retraced our steps
back to the Waterman side, and
Shepherd began to talk about
conflict - of - interest situa-
tions that he felt had influenc-
ed the decision fo demolition.
"You know Paul Rasmus-
sen?" he asked. (Rasmussen
is Asso iate Dean for Research
and Facilities for the College
of Literature, Science, and the
Art. "e helps make those
U-M Stylists
at the UNION
8:30 o.r-5:15 p.m.
and DAVE

decisions about what buildings
get used and which ones don't-.
but he's also a member of the
Chemistry Department( which
has its eyes on the Waterman
site.) So he wears two hats;
and he's one of the people who
failed to do a proper study of
these buildings."
We had paused in the door-
way between the two gyms.
Three or four young men had
come in, and they were drib-
bling a basketball down the
wooden floor . . .
ing now, Shepherd told me.
(although President Robben
Fleming denies it) about knock-
ing down the West Engineering
Building and its archway "be-
cause nobody wants it."
The problem, Shepherd was
saying, lay in the nomadic na-
ture of administrators such as
Fleming. They had no roots is
the University, no ties to its
"They're extremely smart.
shallow people," he said, "who
don't understand the real spirit
of this University and don't
care about it. This is just a job
to them; they move in and they
move out again. And none of
this-" he swept out his arm
to take in the expanse of the
two gyms "-none of this means
anything to them."
A talk with Fleming later
on, seemed only to prove Shep-
herd's point. "I must admit,"
Fleming told me, "that I just
don't view Waterman as having
any particular architecturat
value." He said he was uncer-
tain as to whether a study Of
alternatives to demolition had
been done. "But I know that
there were extensive discus
staons among variorts commit-
tees before we went tor the e-
gents," he added.
Still, some people are deter-
mined not to let the mnattef
slide. Dorothy McGuigan of the
Center for the Continuing Edr
cation of Women, tells me tha
a letter is being written to the
Regents asking them to p0t
pose demolition of Wate rt
Barbour until, "the Unisershe
community has been consulted.'
Back at the gym doorway
Shepherd sighed "What can be
accomplished in the face a
these locusts? The things I re
gard as interesting they regard
as barnacles to be scraped
But as we walked back a)ot
into the sunlight, he admi ted
that the prospects were not
entirely glum. "There's at-
ways hope," he said. "Right ai
to the end."

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