t tnov, July 10, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine 91ai1 3'{a siii "d.v - - Ctiurcti 1lJoretiin erdic¢, Continued from Page 8) PERSONAL BUSINESS SERVICES ;OPEN OIE til 1 aitBilird. boaiioi Ad inbao ll it cool THE SECRETARIAT jen .1 n 0 1 CIt!ICtOL 'tttIlAI socil i-iott DISSERTATIONhi to0'soalonei AnnAbo for SPECIALISTS 110 osummer1seeks om0an1021-5 to I ioo- jazz Mo'ioart.filmos. otliCtiittO.l rtyo thoiand owhtversrousoooeO- 4itotNotry Service --itoto ocath ink -ip.ox00055. 8,i2 :ottitit tIr it Stieet I4771 Open 106, 7-10 9940314 0.tc 1 R 01ES '1110HEDAIY CONTEST: Sentdoin otetohbeftre Jity 3 BAltS titor weddO ing n ties010 atttIyout 110may tootbe tthel lwner Ii 1, 761-43 00 995-2659. citt {o rittaore 50-wordt clatiftid ad. Jto t:htu. 0111fthetre hot naestor o 11100 Ot.cotttift rat.to 11 he f11 10111'g patsoe 1flohe boy tit'le t7t92250 ater Ittt T11e tp f 01ou1r0h101d, the top 01 27101 Dourttofoot , andttthe little 100e01- tion0-t tltbetween ou ff00erlip 0an0 the VIOLIN LESSONS 1bitttitom of1your 10o0.Giod ltoO Doctrate d eekrie coDbte, Boo 1 i" 03 a it f M.Foiiforma1 tion tall PINBAL1.and10BOWLING ope I NOc 3_392~t 20,113 pfillSndy toot0hle coolst111n00010 - - - -- ( the 0Uni100. r710 031100 LESSONS:00egiin 111111 0 otdvonted. Rttt ohie iles.o COPYING CL OEST TO CAMPUS I~ nomtinltili005-004 BOOS, ltoottotro fper, reume- 2t3J70 Dt t-OttttoB otuality, loo pices. 00000- day-vening. Fo 2100 p00 } xILRtENCED EDITOR AND TYP- 01100 211 S Stte 111000 Gnos. ISot Wll 0011t11n10typ0 0011r0, 62-969, ct r nscrpts reorts dssetatons PEGNANT? INed 10111? (111 Peoab- asitb 110IIeemroo. 010 00PrgnncyroHelp, 70-72.400 eito tirfOlBro o011t 00e0se 00ces 0- oOooo ofitred. Atiroroycg tttaated. Cll S -Divsi 000Feepegnancy 1000. 01111. 764-540 00 662-172. 1J715 itND FDOR100eddings an1pa011es. FIREWORKS! itn t 1421 Or 951-2659, JO c Buy di11r000. W hip 1th0oug1ott [, dy Prhitserouost tbe 1 yr. 0r NEW S ERVYI C E older. Eocloe copy of requilred "J Mchgan Stoe permitonllOpr- toitotonced Eoro-ree.Gartei~led ch0000 Ae Firewoks, BOo 221, Co- 00 tittorift Dissettion Sf00ch Onitt, Ohio 4400, Mnfooturer typw tot til. Editing, Aroolootto Pot-Inporter, Wloealer Distibutor, iet olill. IBM Selctries. Oeonl- Fe t00.00Cfyt.Pck-tp 0110 PERMANENT WEIGT LOSS lit lory. POt~oOBallze zd.O Cttottl. 1 rhotlh Behavor 00Moiictio. t loe Ditton 000 Notry Wegt Control Nationl, 994-0019. SIEPOYIENS ote tIIOFISSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICEARBOR INSTANT PO 1111 181 Ysilnti xwo. PRINTING 7,te Stlt~eol 434-1984 Ofset Polon, eo cpe 8:10 Xeox redcios, phototts, IAM oalfull-timoe, ree lnce typist 0011 tones, tyesttng oad t-ilittsittralte 00x00101100toling 01u100 nore ,._. diserttons, 00000. I type SUDENT ACCOUNTS WELCOMIE r 100 pt.,ot efet tc00000000 214.4th Ae. 04-464 teed100. Booe rroe 7Scr fpage.00 0102 CcI e~n 'tetO~tlOSlctic. Cl011, 1116. oJtc FRfENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. to --- ;oare wildife freserte 0001Chlea: PETS AND SUPPLIES sw110lB, 0canoein11, pinicin, camping.Momb0rshi50 p e dlt 10100 OttShepiterdOpuppies. Chai- Boothore fo 01o0ds. 2001 Pn- 1010:iredFo 110ow-pt-t 60-256. crat,. Ann Ao, Mih. 410. 81714 22T710 INFORMAL STUDY Goutp 1n1 0ell MISCELLANEOUS oooy hootito phyologtiy 1r0 noon f 1L, IN 10PRODUCTION: -0-0n00ed1 DIvet 99o^.-15458 atr 7 Itl.m87"71 t Ea11 tt 110 105tpis0o1111100,HOSPITLITIY hginstohots ome- iqilt-1001iit thcr ibC l L0e, hint- Isottio0r10 in110cellart 011 ii ;23 3 211 - 1iqoopr tmnt. ~lThe Vilatge rHET-SHIRT MACINE Apothecaroy 1112 10 Uttioerityi-tt ,mee01attoe Cros-Eyd. Moore "Spirito01'76'Prso with WlHRE MARGINAL PRICES buy higioet sorO~eOwisBaOathen- tqutlitt-tiltoonds-AustiDimotnd, P intball Wiards T-Sirt pn 100 0.1University, 60-7151 e t t- 2,tilt 2 anot on weeends. oM7IO - - - -- EtiA.GsFROM1001TIE MANAGER PERSONAL AIo thuragii s1e Oit tyworsd 1PEN SATURDAYS 00n51Mottays, Daily rouotie t the Dily I idO I-M1 Stlts t tho Utioti Dve, ttficutitto ddes 111se010tt t- 2110and Haold,. 1710 anytthitng' in1 partcular0tody. Po- IYCIST and0 masseur ju11101o0000 ikel~y 01 topcbcuse oI wts J0st born the WestCoast ooing to tinkingtbouottht~e fot tht the ".avt female om~-Opnons t 1har0 behin tootNwYoktwere cloed -n,tlentttnt.tsago .iCalli to t ogIsolanod oweagoidoeto S65-87 10. 57F74 0-00011.n100eftolutinttastta0rsult 01 Off-or swae dminfg. It0bog- '1 0 at.rduted frices 00000 5u- flis111y1111110to think of o body 1 1p0m1-6 0111 BILLIARDS 00t o watroasentormous asthe Atln- 031111111, 710_tcO0e00n1bom~in Oentrely 1101111- ...- . ..0ed1buhot doe000a1100000tt 1we 000 -1)0300 WITH TRUCK NEEDED for theding In titry Odieton. Woit. (M~tott moveOJly15. Lttl ftir- it sems .I addrssed mtyelft ot utOlrettnthiheavy10, olyltsOflttsomelthglnow yo tll me -ht 00+e.. 995-1847 eeninogo. --2F714 0001think Debiet-/o Boo 21 F EVERYONE'S READING DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ARE YOU ? ! t VFW W "..- ! t .. ,. ,.. .,.- ! . ,Fr 44p". Mw w w .r / r.- UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presently Meeting at YM-YWCA, S30 S. Fifth David Gr- ^ Minister Studlents IVelcotre. For informal-ion or transpor- tion:1 663-3233 110 662-2494. 10:1)0 am-Sulnday Worship. UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH, te02 E. Huron Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice, Ministers 80100 0.10.- Morning Wolrship] UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (LCMS) 0511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560 Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday morning worship at 9:30. Sunday Bible stuldy at 10:45. ST. MARY STUDENT CHAPEL (Catholic) 331 Thompson-663-15S7 Weekend Masses: Saturday-5 p.m., 11:30 p.m. Sunday - 7:45 am., 9 am., 10:30 am., noon, and 5 p.m. (plus 9:30 am. North Campus). FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1133 Washtenaw Sunday Service and Sunday School-10:30 am. Wedneoday Testimony Meet- ing-8:00 p.m. Child Care--Sutnday, under 2 years. Midweek Informal Worohip. Rending Room--306 E. Liber- ty, 10-5 Monday through Satur- day; closed Sundays. UNIVERSITY CHIURCH OF THE NAZARENE 4119 S. Division M. Robert Fraser, Pastor Church School-9:45 am. Mooning Worship-11:00 am. Evening Worship-7:00 p.m. FIRST UNITED METHIODIST CHURCHI State at Huron and Washington Worship Services: 8:30 a0.-CoImIGuliIon Service -Chapel. 9-30 an~d 11:00 0.1m.--Wrshsip Service-Sanctuary. 9:30 and 11:06 am. -Church School. Worship Services are broad- cost over WNRS-AM (1290) each Sunday from 1t:00-12:00 00110. CAI'VPUS CHAPEL 1236 Washtenaw Cf. Pastor: Don Postensa Morning Service of Holy Coms- munion at Riverside .Park, 10:15 am, Evening Worship at 6 p.m. at the Chapel. Reverend Jim Kok, Chaplain at Pine Rest Chriatian Hospital, will lead both services. ANN ARBOR CHIURCH OF CHRIST 530 W. Stadium Blvd. (one block wnest of U of M Stadium) Bible Study - Sunday, 9:30 am.-Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Wrship-Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Need Transportation? C a 11 662-9928. L.ORD OF L.IGHIT LUTHERAN (CHURCHI (ALC-LCA) Formerly Lutheran Student (hapel) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest Ave. at Ihill Sit. Sunday Service at 9:30 aI. YouIng Adult 0101015 Stwnday, 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. ($1.00). Study aoddtissioet-tf- 11:00 1.1n. S u1nd o y: Adult study. 12:06-1:110 Thulrsday: Tltlrsdlly 1F00003(lunch. $1.25). Chancel C h o i r --- 7:00-8:30 'Thtursday. For more insfolrmation about the Votung Adult Program call Jo Ann Stalebler at the church, 662-4466. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHIURCH 1432 Washtenaw--6612-4466 Worship - Su~nday, 9:30 anld 11:00 am. Try Daily Classifieds "The Divine Image in the Art of India and of the West!' A COMPARATIVE SLIDE PRESENTATION DR. "WALTER SPIN K PROFESSOR, HISTORY OF ART) Sunday, July 11-8:00 P.M. at the ECUMENICAL CAMPUS CENTER 921 CHURCH (between Hill ond Oakland) 11s I WI - .- it OFFICE HOURS CIRCULATION -- 764-0558 COMPLAINTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 am.-2pm, CLASSIFIED ADS -- 764-0557 10 am.-4 p.m. DEADLI NE FOR N EXT DAY--12 :00 pm. DISPLAY ADS - 764-0554 MONDAY thru FRIDAY-9 a m,-4:30 p.m. Deadline for Sunday issue- WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m. DEADLINE 3 days in advance by3 p.m. Thursday at 3 p.m. for Tuesday's paper wlgim ' 1i,.,. m :r wr r °k eF. r M E 4 Ky e I7/ 5r 1 LL M a E t j _.... _. rurni i'^ u - _ 1 .emu f