Friday, July 9, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine BUSINESS SERVICES PERSONAL D AILY POUD:fPUPPY prtMlamute, WEDO IT yor wy Mt tlit C A S F E S BIKES AND SCOOTERS._ RULES FOR THE DAILY CONTEST: 74 YAMAHA 155 Eduro. knotbties. andyoumay be the lucy wnne (Continued from Poge 8) Must be 011inAnntlArbor $625 of afre 0-wordlastfied d. Just fco etff r 1-831-300. Apt. 3614 tink11 of thet tee .et nmso BUSINESS SERVICES etonings,272717 6the 1ol ong pats of ther body: The top of yoorthatta, the top of TPN Reo01tto IN PETS AND SUPPLIES yourotoot, and thelttleff 010 to- Selec'tric.769-2256afterI o11 tttuot f 11e our up ptr tip rinfth ttbottomof ourtt sose. tGtod loft 27J81 GERM1AN 'Itpyerd 0upies 1. Ch'it- # Send enltrites c'0 Debbtie,16ox21.d - . pi0n0s-r1d'.1-or.shfo-pt.t6613-2567. VIOLIN LESSONS 22T710 GADS{ UET _ATE:P. t ittt.,ttnning-Adtanced. Doctorateftonlive-ill wtttfeotate, retired faino U. of M. For titformton catll ; MISCELLANEOUS stool teaoh~er. Hoomo 0160board NO 3-8392. 28J713 provided oint pltasattpt.BeHgi t Ag. -.FILM IN PRODU)CTION :lneeddt1. 13, '76. 662-50:36 after 6 ptot IIUITAR LESSONS: Begtinnting 01iposintaircsef'o1r5 steps or more.6015E09 toth advanced. Heaonoabte ratet. 72.tuniqueo-lootk ingtrib.tfCalottIe, tor informtoncarll 995-0904. 761-1623. 32M714 MIOVERO WITH THRUCK NEEDED for 23J-,10 crostoown ovoe Jttly 15. Ltttle far- _.THE T-SHIRT MACDINE { ttture, nothtingOheovy, otnty tots of EXPERIENCED EDITOR AND TYP- thtis week at the Cross-Eyed Moore Iboes 995-1047, etentings, 22F714 1ST. Will edit and typoe papert. io the "Spirit of1'76." Person with -_.____.___.___. ._.___ I manustcripts, reports, dtstertations the highest ocore wins an sthen- COPYING C7LO.SEST TO CAMPUS onl IBM II Seletronic. Reaooable tic P1nba11 Wizard's T-Shirt. Open Bookt, clatstnotes, papers, tretsumes-- rteO dependinsg 0n services re- 16-12, till 2 ans.o weekends, oM7l Dssertattiontqttaltty, tow prices. 1111000. Acoracy guaraoteed.,(Cott Etery day-eovening. From 2V0r pet 6100. 764-9548 or 662-1972. 113716 PERSONAL 0000. 211 S. State (nerr 010001. - - 862-39069., ~ t Typing, Copying Bindingoft Editing, Keypunching NMESSAGES FROM THE MANAGEH GIHECT PURHCHASING totlesll 6-11 Notary Service At I Fotito the61thrmooth -as 10000and 1marginal poitt asstreeyoo The Serretariatf IImonoter of thtit dept. I atmfnowthattt youtr diamonod will he 00n1in- Dissertation Speciliss looklintg 60c0 ot ott the foiblet and vetmnttrt stAutitnDiam~ontd, 1269 012 S. State Street { weird things thtot'leeotsitted S. University, 663-7151. cPtc 10 sm.-Ip.ns. 994-2594 oand wrtte.Idont'tregreeto in- u-tte otf it. Let toe toll you Ann HOARD EXAM TUTORING. enroll- ItANDS FOR weddings and partilet. Aebor, it's a fatatotic experiencer mtano0w beintg accepted for S. H. Itt, 7,61-9431 or 995-2659. ritst to 11now that outf there I hate a KaptlanOTtutoring Coutrte to prepore few people who realty entoy what for the MOCATS. DAT, LSAT, an4 N E1N SERV1E1I'mdointgalmtls as m0uchff asOfI do. Natt. Drnf. B~ords. Coall13131 254- Thantou00f forwtrtng at hankst lo 0005, lootaly,662-3149. e~tc otto for keepiog foe writing. No Experiencred, Error-Free.,Otuarasnteed moatter what aoyone toatsohbout Alto PERSONAL Mstcsript, Dissertatton, S p e e0c 6 Atrhor eihegfapathetic, I know one lTypewriting. Editing, Academic/Pro- fthlog . .. people donoot haveto60in- PREGNANT? Need help? C'a11 Prob- tessional, 2051 Selectrics. Reason- ilelots,'to rare, a11 hey 0avr to let tPre0,a009 Help, 769-72031 400 atbte Rates. Copying. Pich-tsp 6and do isleIt sotmroneknaw. All the S. Ditistoo. Pre pregnancy tests. GDelvery. Personalized. Confidrntial, lrtteersfloat Itve een receiving felt- Tteethone Dictation anod Notaty ton smr what't wrong with thr Daily FIREWAORKS! Sevcehave atmo let me know thot fterre Otty firett We ship fhrotughoot STEPHENS aee those who care. Keep it ttp the U.S. Send for frre prire lst to- PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING folkos, yot'rergrat. Debbie e,,oBox day. Putrchaters mutob e 18 yin. or SERVICE 21. oldee. Encloeropy of requilred P (1 Ronx11 Ypilanti bMich.-Mirchigan Stole permits ttpon pur- Nos Stephens 434-1914 WHAT'S NEW in acet cire01 yr chase. Are Fireworkstox a 221, Can- 563716 tmake-utp? At the Vittor eApoottte- neaut, Ohio 44636, Mantufactulrer, -Ca__ 'ry we wilt etnjoy takintg the timte Iooporter, Wholesaler, Distabuor, IAM a fttll-timse, free 1l1nce typitt to tshow y001 1112 S.Unoversity. ct h oh nsitderable experencte typing o~ts h ' dissettat1601, papets. I type PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS otre161 wpm., perfect acuac OPEN TONITE tilt 1 am. Billtards, Throutgh Be havor Modfiration. ':alosteed. Hate rate 70c per page. bowling and 11106a11 a1 the rool, Weght Control Natoal 994-6919. rN CorrctngSelectric. Ca11 0111, root 0nio1. P716 epte i-0166. It - - CRITICAL/RADICAL sofi1l-scientis ARO INT T LOST AND FOUND tn lis 30's lone in0 Ann Arbor for RO NT N the00summ0er eestoman0021-35 to PRINTING enjoy blutt, jaz, MSloar0, 611m0, Offset Printintg, Xerosropies ttOND:Vety frentdtypatorientl ttarhy atd whaoteve sei.usde- Xox redutitonsphotostatn, r ctOGe119ysf~ee dole- ,ttraoy we'cantohtnktip. ox 55. halfftones, typesetting nd f tner cattns,995-9456. dA7l3 47F'713 murh mnre 1S'T'UDENT ACCOUNTS WEL COME 1111 1OST:Horoi-erntted glatsrs 10 0 AND AS foe pnlol, t's0,colde 214 S. 0th Ate. 994-4664 ((111 lcase.If founld, Ittetse call 761- thrre thantobowtling eer w1,0Unono F6102 '}4(. dA7l6 111 pibaltt o79 'DON'T PAY for astore'sovrheod t-Vt LOST: grey tiger, shortthir, TYAGI JI vta fh ntmak-utp. Poethe orea's ice1chi, lightthotly, Ineutered CosmicTra Fntttttttor, wilt hold a tOO- towPst pies and0114itnest qua~lties let' tnamted Ra1oul. Mtissittgfrom .totafttohf 7 p.mat the riend's Iposstble 01100 entgagemernt ring, -Hl ar~t eat. Trtudy, 095-3653 or Mereting lHouse,1426 Rall. Admison shtt op Austlin iaontd, 1269 5. 001- eoesoaoe 25A709 frrr. Infola rll 663-0894. 52P709 tersitoy, 603-7151. cPtr Pooe Nine PERSONAL PERSONAL FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY. Si sore wildlife preserve nesr Chelse INPORS IAL STUDY 1'Grootpr inl cell swimming, ean 0o e i1n116, pirnicing. 1- - ltrn~npltyoiolooy 00e now lotmplog, Membership 650 per adtl~lt, ttlng tirledi. Poe intformlltiall roll Brochure from- Bloods. 2065PFenn- t rttcctt)'- 4,tte far7 pot. 87F713 ctft, Ann Arhor, Mich. 40100, 81714 Ali WOK _ SEE OUR cosmetician for youre littipp t lt~itttlf'c ndttl:tt toole-otp problemst. Village Apothr- Loot.',1: te'. cat, 11125 Untitvesity. Ft c041'709 r sut stteHELD OVER Third Hit Week! Shows Ton ight at 7& 9 Wle gavelys soul to tlje sea andJ4isleart to a woman II jeir-lve will arouse you. 71; estory will disturb you. Trje erg gmg will startle you. n Al-!1O PRODUCIC " yt O Jet 0WHO ULL(FROMI A A 0 t 280 t~by JOltttA7F AIE~ ' 010 00 7 RRESTRICTED,------ a 4 12J-4 university Theotr#'=' Phone 6b8-6436 cs . " a HELD OVER-=4TH BIG WEEK! Shows Tonightoat 7:00O& 9:15-OPEN 6:45 Sorry-No Posses, Guest Night, Bargoin Day "Second Smash Week I TONGHT t700 &9:20 0OP-N 6:45 CLI NT EAST;WOOD 1,O1SEY ,WALES f army of one. 1 H r oP 1 IA r YrA f t o iAC j16Uokr uu'f 0/ lB~ I ~A WALTERI MlIISCH PRODUCTIONI CHARLTON HESTON " HENRY FONDAI tANA JAMES COBUJRN" GLENN FORD * HAL HOLBROOK" TOSHIRO MIFUNE IROBERT MITCHUM ' CLIFF ROBERTSON ' ROBERT WAGNER 3IC 0'0OeSTRIN ROERIWEBBER -ED NELSON I JAMES SHIGETA " CHRISTINA KOKUBO an EWARD ALBERIT ASA NFVEJgAL PICTURE p uACuIIISUTD- TECHNICOLR0 PANAV S leo w ccNttnv.r F 5 , 1 o " 9111111 it