Friday, Jufy 9, 1976 THE MICHiGAN DAILY Page (hre$ .rid.. Ju-..1 97 TH MCI.G..AIL7Pgelher Nixon disbarred Former President Richard Nixon yes- terday was disbarred from the New York State Bar by the Appellate division of the State Supreme Court for his actions during the Watergate bugging and cover- up. In an opinion handed down by Jus- tice Xavier Riccobono, the court con- cluded Nixon "improperly concealed and encouraged others to conceal evidence relating to unlawful activities." Ricco- bono cited as "unlawful activities" Wa- tergate and the break-in of the Los Angeles office of psychiatrist Lewis Fielding, who treated Daniel Ellsburg, the government employe who released the Pentagon Papers. Nixon's disbarr- ment was to take effect Aug. 9, two years to the day after his resigna- tion from the presidency, the court said. Happenings . happenin's today are non-existent. Weather or not It will continue to be sunny atnd warm today, with a high of 85 Winds will be mild and there is no predicted pre- cipitation. The low tonight will be near 65. State ERAs are working WASHINGTON UP) - E q u a I rights amendments put into state constitutions have expanded the rights of women rather than eroded them as critics claim, the women's year commission reports. "Fairer decisions on divorce to home- makers, to children and to husbands are resulting from state ERAs," the report says. AN ANALYSIS of the impact of lan- guage banning sex discriimnation in 15 states was conducted by the Women's Law Project of Philadelphia. The an- alysis was in a report released this week by the National Commission on the Ob- servance of International Women's Year. The commission said the a n a 1 y s i s knocks down predictions by ERA critics that the amendment would lead to homo- sexual marriages, a ban on separate bathrooms and elimination of husbands' support of their spouses. "No laws prohibiting homosexualr tar- riage have been invalidated and no laws providing for separate toilets have been overturned," the commisison said in a final report to President Ford. "ARE LAWS have not been invali- dated hy state ERAs," it said. "State courts iin Colorado, Illinois, Maryland and Texas have all upheld rate provi- sions protecting tonly women and penal- izing men, or penalizing mten more se- verely " 'ennsy lttvania's state supreme court has issued rulings on the five-year old state ERA which have substantially im- proved the status of homemakers and mothers, said Marie Kenney, director of the-state commission for women. In child support cases the court said a homemaker's care of the children must be considered an economic contribution in assessing support obligations, she said. "FOR THE l'IRST time, a wonto's work in the hone is legally recognized," she said. Washington Gav atiet Evans, in re- sponse to questions about the impact of his state's ERA, told the researchers he knew of no privileges women had lost as a result. He said they had rarely been rewarded alimony previously hecause of See ERAs, Page 5 'U' personnel head complains of jump in unemployment costs By LANI JORDAN In a time when colleges and universi- ties are struggling to hold down their ot- erational budgets, and many even forced to make severe cutbacks due to lack of funds, the amount of money being paid out in unemployment compensation at state-supported universities is increasing at an alarming rate. Tiat is the opinion of Russell eister. University director of personnel, at least. In a recent letter to several key state legislators, Reister spoke for Michigan's universities-which, te says, are facing a serious problem in rising unemsploymnent conpensation costs. NEARLY All the persontel directors of the state unitiversities "tire very con- cerned abot unemtpltyment mpena- tion," said Reister. "We w:t someone to take a look at it," luritg the 1075-7t, fiscal year. the eleven stte tuntiersities taid three mil titus dlttlars its tttnetittltttsitmeni t ctttnt s -si t titt, tnttire th;itit dititscte tin' 1 74 7A liScti t 1,;tc i .t IIiittotI d itl:;it .1f lstt! i t~itey, the Univetrsit sf Michimit pttid St I mitl litan (compared to t i ,122 during 1972-73.) According ti Rest'r, payments made to persons who voluntarily quit their Jobs are the mitor cause of this cost inflation. During the ipt ftiscal year, $t million in unemipl ymtent benefits were paid in this ctitegtrv. "COLlEG-S ei ismtniats pe he o aren't pltint niket career tut iof working forir the shisl,"ti salI Reister in his letter. T hespeilel evcntily uit their tJohs tind, tinder the 172 rersitn Of the ntitstitviimeit cOtTmit-enstiion law, are eligible for paymentofI ncefits "I don't think the (ths t t-l itors) itoked at the ii' closely entgi wien it was changed" he sail. Meister isskigti i eI)isr to study th postsibilis' (fi cttinsisig the law to Neclide ishitpblic imtltyrs, I t(pairticular- iy i sii i's) 'fm tiavitg iunemploy- ment benefits tthos whof)vtiluntarily quit. "I CAN de-i-itei s- itratitnalet for exicding inuit cimsis-rs. In the pri- vale sectir e' Is'iare tiitd off due ts1n tacit iii wsrk- in lie stublic sectiir there is plenty of wirk; layoffs cie from a lack of funds," said Reister. "We cat sayp setle fr wiurking or pay people for not working," he con- tinued. "I don't think any political ex- tretnist tould go with the second." Squirting the ashes City firefighters hose down the wreckage of a storage shed behind the Village Corner market on South Forest. The shed caught fire early yesterday morning, but the blaze was contained and no one was injured. GEO, By GEORGE LOBSENZ In a relatively subdued session, Gradu- ate Employes Organization (GEO) and University bargainers yesterday made some headway in resolving several of the less controversial issues up for ne- gotiation. Reaction to the meeting varied between the two sides. "Frankly, I'm a little frustrated at this time," said John Forsyth, chief Univer- sIty negotiator, "we sat around for three hours and I don't feel we accomplished much of anything." But GEO prtsident Doug Moran said he thought the meeting had achieved 'U, make slim gains "minor gains on some of the less con- troversial issues." MOST OF the session was devoted to GEO responses to University proposals in the form of verbal comments and counter-proposals. No formal agree- ments were made on any issue. Of the topics discussed, information and agency shop proposals registered the widest splits between the two sides. A GEO counter-proposal called on the University to provide the union with all pertinent information about every Grad- uate Student Assistant (GSA) in several up-dated installments throughout any given term. The University proposal had stipulated that this information be con- veyed to GEO in one largely complete list halfway through the term. LABOR LAW requires the University as an employer to furnish GEO with in- formation about GSAs so that the union can perform its functions (collect dues, disseminate literature, counsel members, etc.). "It's necessary for us to obtain rela- tively early lists so we can carry out the provisions of the contract," claimed GEO bargainer Barbara Weistein, GEO president Doug Moran voiced another objection to the University's proposed plan. "THE UNIVERSITY say, we'll give you the list - reasotably complete.* and you'll receive it two months half- way through the term," noted Moran. "This effectively disenfranchises people like new GSAs or reappointed tGSAs we don't know about. Until we get the list. we can't do anything for them. We can't get to them for Iwo mouths out of a four-month term." However, Forsyth secned adamant in his refusal to accept the GEO modifics- tion. Citing the great amount of adminis- trative work involved in getting the lists out, Forsyth asserted, "We're not going through this process twice." See GEO, Page 6