The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 42-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 9, 1976
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Yy l Pat Nixon hit by
ILONG BEACH, Calif. () - Former first lady
Pat Nixon was reported in "serious" condition It
g ] yesterday after suffering a stroke which has F
left her with "slight slurring" of speech and
weakness in her face, arm and leg. F
"I think she will walk, she may not walk a;
normally," said Dr. John Mosier, a neurologist a
called to Mrs. Nixon's bedside at Memorial
Hospital Medical Center of Long Beach.
"IF THE STROKE doesn't get any worse, she's al
not going to die. If it gets worse, well, people fi
do die from strokes," said Mosier at a news V
briefing about two hours after the 64-year-old
wife of former President Richard Nixon was h
admitted. h'
"She had a stroke of maybe 35 to 50 per cent
completeness. We don't know if it will expand," Y
'" the doctor said. "At this point we don't know fl
how permanent this may be."
A hospital news release said, "Mrs. Nixon
suffered a dysarthria, a slight speech impediment p
or slurring of speech, and moderate weakness of P
the left arm, leg and face." p
AP Photo PRESSURES IN her life "certainly could have o
been a contributing factor" toward her illness,
Pat Nixon Mosier said.
Fear grows for Israeli woman left in Uganda
President Ford and his rival for the
ican presidential nomination, Ronald
n, called Nixon about 6 p.m. EDT.
hite House source quoted Nixon as telling
it could be serious." Reagan quoted Nixon
ing his wife's condition had stabilized and
"They are very hopeful."
AMBULANCE called by Secret Service
transported Mrs. Nixon to the hospital
her seaside San Clemente home, once the
on White House.
was accompanied on the 30-mile trip by
aband and younger daughter, Julie Eisen-
, who remained at her bedside.
r daughter Tricia Cox was called in New
>y the former president and was reported
out to join the family.
STROKE "occurred at approximately 4
Wednesday while she was sitting on the
reading," said Mosier. "She felt that she
ly had a little stroke. She went up and
to bed. She didn't tell the other members
Other family members "could tell when
they saw her" yesterday that she was ill,
Mosier said.
The decision to move Mrs. Nixon to
the hospital came after abe was exam-
ined by a physician at home.
"When we walked into the room, she
was sitting up," said Paul Cubak, 20,
the ambulance driver.
"SHE LOOKED tired and really didn't
talk too much," said Dave Neal, 18, the
ambulance attendant.
"She didn't seem to be in distress. She
was talkative and she looked good. We
were told it was possibly flu," he said.
"Mrs. Nixon did say she didn't see the
need for an ambulance. But it was a
precautionary measure" during the one-
hour northbound ride, Neal said.
MOSIER SAID Mrs. Nixon is expected
to remain in the hospital at least 10 days.
Mrs. Nixon's private room at the giant
medical center is on the seventh floor,
just down the hall from the room where
Nixon recovered from his bout with
By The Associated Press
Fears grew yesterday for the safety of
a 75-year-old British-Israeli widow re-
ported left behind in a Ugandan hospital
when Israeli commandos f r e e d other
The British ambassador to Uganda,
James Hennessy, asked urgently to see
Ugandan President Idi Amin about the
woman's fate, the British Foreign Office
in london said.
DORA BLOCH, a Tel Aviv resident
with dual citizenship, was reported left
behind last Sunday when Israeli com-
mandos raided Entebbe Airport and
rescued more than 100 hostages from
pro-Palestinian hijackers. Three hos-
tages, one Israeli officer and all the ter-
rorists were killed, along with an esti-
mtated 20 Ugandan soldiers.
Bloch's son, Ilan Hartuv, appealed to
Amin to send his mother home. Hartuv
was a passenger with his mother when
the plane was hijacked and he was res-
cued and returned to Tel Aviv by the
Israeli commandos.
Bloch, who was traveling on a British
passport, had been taken to a Kampala
hospital two days before the raid when
a piece of food stuck in her throat.
A BRITISH diplomat visited her in the
hospital 12 hours after the Israeli raid,
but was denied admission when he re-
turned an hour later with food for her,
a Foreign Office spokesman said.
The Foreign Office said it could not
confirm a report that Bloch was dragged
screaming from her hospital bed by four
men Sunday night. Another son, Daniel
Bloch, an Israeli journalist in New York
said there were such reports.
But CBS News, quoting diplomatic
sources, said Mrs. Bloch died Sunday as
Ugandan security police tried forcibly
to remove her from the hospital. The
network quoted a British diplomat as
saying the Ugandan security police tried
to muffle her screams by stuffing a
cloth in her mouth and that she suffo-
There was no confirmation of that
Daniel Bloch appealed on an Ameri-
can television show to heavyweight box-
ing champion Muhammad Ali to inter-
cede with Amin on his mother's behalf.
Bloch said he understood Ali was "a
good friend" of Amin. Ali was not im-
inediately available for comment,
MRS. BLOCH was going to Bloch's
wedding scheduled Sunday in New York
See FEAR, Page 2
Carter loo s Mondale, Glenn over
ny The Associated Press
After interviewing two more
prospective vice - presidential
nominees, Jimmy Carter said
yesterday he is having difficulty
making up his mind and is find-
ing the selection process more
difficult than he thought it
would be.
Carter, the apparent Demo-
cratic presidential nominee, met
with Sen. Walter Mondale of
Minnesota for several hours
yesterday morning and with
Sen. John Glenn of Ohio in the
BOTH MEN came to Carter's
ranch-style home, where Carter
met previously with another po-
tential running mate, Sen. Ed-
mund Muskie of Maine.
At a news conference after
his session with Glenn, Carter
said he would meet with Sen.
Henry Jackson of Washington
on Saturday after arriving in
New York City for the Demo-
cratic National Convention.
Carter said that all three sen-
ators he has interviewed so far
are "completely compatible"
with him and that compatibility
is high on his list of virtues for
a running mate.
AT THIS point, he said, "I
have honestly no preference
. . . It's a hard thing to decide.
It's much more difficult than I
thought at first . . ."
Carter said he had a wide-
ranging discussion with Mon-
dale on "litmus paper" issues
such as national defense, a bal-
anced budget and forced busing.
"I don't thinkthere would be
any philosophical incompatibili-
ties that would prevent our run-
ning as a harmonious ticket,"
he said.
"I'M COMPLETELY satisfied
that as president, Senator Mon-
dale could support with enthu-
siasm my own positions," he
However, Carter said that all
of the vice-presidential pros-
pects with whom he has met
or will meet are generally com-
patible with him on the issues,
and he said he would not select
a person with whom there was
strong disagreement over ma-
jor positions.
Asked whether he would be
willing to give up his Senate
See CARTER, Page 5