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July 08, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-08

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Thursday; July 9, 1976


Page Three

Israel defends Uganda raid

UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P) - Israel
prepared yesterday to defend before the
Security Council its military rescue op-
eration in Uganda and to provide what
it said was evidence of Ugandan Presi-
dent Idi Amin's cooperation with the air
"We believe the Ugandan government
was part and parcel of this operation,"
Israeli Ambassador Chaim Herzog said
in an interview on the NBC "Today
"IT IS quite clear they were accom-
plices . . . We have a right and duty by
international law to protect our citizens
. . . as long as we do not overstay our

welcome" or use excessive force, Her-
zog added.
A former hostage of the hijackers said
in an interview yesterday that there is
"no doubt whatever" that Ugandan Pres-
ident Idi Amin was an accomplice in
the hijacking.
The Organization of African Unity
(OAU) asked the council to take up
the charge that Israel had committed
aggression against Uganda, though some
Africans had misgivings about defend-
ing Amin. Many U. N. diplomats pri-
vately expressed the feeling that Amin
did cooperate with the hijackers during
the week is Uganda.
AN ISRAELI Foreign Ministry spokes-

man in Jerusalem said Israel will pre-
sent proof of Amin's complicity.
Several of the hostages freed by the
Israeli commando raid on Uganda's En-
tebbe Airport Sunday said Ugandan sold-
iers had fully cooperated with the Pal-
estinian and German hijackers. An Is-
raeli spokesman at the U. N. said his
government was preparing testimony
from the hostages and other sources.
The ordeal began with the hijack of
an Air France airbus over Greece on
June 27. A total of 149 persons were re-
leased over the next few days, and Is-
rael freed more than 100 others - most-
ly Israelis or other Jews - in its light-
ning airport raid. Three hostages, one

Israeli soldier, seven hijackers and 20
Ugandan soldiers died.
ISRAELI defense officials earlier said
Israel had evidence that the Ugandan
leader may have known about the hi-
jack plot in advance.
Amin has loudly criticized both Israel
and neighboring Kenya for the raid. He
said Israel violated his country's sove-
reignty and accused the Kenyan govern-
ment of collaborating with the Israeli
raiders before they landed in Uganda.
The three Israeli planes stopped in
Nairobi, Kenya, on the way home from
Uganda, an dthere have been various
reports that one or two planes stopped
en route to the raid.

Christians advance in Lebanon;
Syrian artillery pounds refinery

BEIRUT, Lebanon "' -Syrian artil-
lery pounded Palestinian guerrillas and
Lebanese leftist Moslems on two fronts
yesterday, supporting a Christian ad-
vance in the north and cutting fuel sup-
plies in the south.
The Palestinian guerrilla command
said Syrian artillery blasted leftist
forces on the northern edge of the Chris-
tian enclave, some 40 miles north of
Beirut, where Christians claimed ad-
vances across a broad front.
guns shelled a refinery near Sidon in
southern Lebanon, starting a fire. He
said the artillery had opened fire Tues-
day night, apparently to drive away
tankers approaching to unload fuel.
The refinery is not operating, but has
20,000 tons of gasoline in reserve tanks.
The tanks are one of the last leftist
.... -
t A
Enemy forces
While engaged in war games in Ger-
many, U. S. troops attacked and cap-
tured a group of Boy Scouts on an over
night camping trip. The Americans mis-
took the sleeping lads for "aggressors"
because the other sides in the war
games were using dirty tricks. 1st Lt.
Charles Fowler said the opposing forces
had used such tricks as employing ag-
ents with long hair and beards and his
men thought the Scout camp was an-
other ploy. The army decided the Boy.
Scouts were guerrillas and launched an
attack with helicopters sweeping in low
and armed men rushing out of the
woods as flares burst overhead. "When
we entered the camp and s-aw screaming
Scouts, we knew we had blundered,"
admitted Fowler.
- . . start at noon in the Pendelton
Arts rm. of the Union with Tom Nicely,
owner of the rare book shop "leaves of
grass, speaking on collecting old and
rare books . . . at 3 p.m. Students for
Riegle are holding a mass meeting in
the Kuenzel rm. of the Union.
Weather or not
Expect partly sunny skies today, with
a chance of rain before noon. The high
will be near 80. It will be partly cloudy
tonight with a 30-20 per cent chance of
rain. Tomorrow will be mostly sunny.

sources of fuel, without which their op-
erations would be crippled.
The reporter said the refinery appear-
ed damaged yesterday morning after the
shelling stopped, but it was not known
whether fuel stocks had been destroyed.
The Mediterranean Refining Co. plant
is owned in part by the Mobil and Caltex
oil companies.
TIlE REFINERY shelling sent gas -
line prices in Beirut soaring up to $5 a
g-alon, when it could be found at all.
t'aymnd Edde, a Christian politician
who has allied himself with the leftists, "
urged that an American tanker be hired
to transport fuel to Beirut. He said Sy-
rians would not have the courage to fire
on a ship flying an American flag.
The Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) charged that Syrian forces at-
tacked Palestinian refugee camps in
northern Lebanon at dawn, causing
heavy losses among civilians."
PLO CHIEF Yasir Arafat ordered the
headquarters of his Palestine Liberation
Arm -y shifted from Damascus to Beirut.
Observers saw the move as an attempt
to free the PLO from Syrian influence.
'Te PLO asked the International Red
Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, to pres-
sure Syria to halt the fighting and pro- AP P1to
tect the lives of Palestinian captives it
holds. Hands across the water
Daoud Barakat, the PLO's permanent President Ford greets Queen Elizabeth It of Great Britain upon her arrival at
observer at the United Nations office in the White House yesterday. She is the ninth European monarch to make a
See LEBANESE, Page 10 Bicentennial visit to the United States this year.
CouncilO.K.'sh igh -rise for elderly

After months of partisan bickering,
pressure-group blitzkrieg, and citizen
outrage, the Ann Arbor City Council
voted along party lines last night to al-
low construction of a controversial sen-
ior citizens high-rise at Briarwood Mall.
However, Mayor Albert Wheeler in-
formed Council members he intends to
veto the site plan, according to Council-
woman Liz Keogh (D-2nd Ward).
THE BRIEF Council meeting opened
with its usual public comments section
-and, as usual, this was dominated by
the proponents of the high-rise. Debate
between Council members over the
question was marked with hisses, boos,
and scornful laughter from members of
the audience who have come to be as-
soliated with the controversy.
Backers of the high-rise-some senior
citizens' groups, representatives of the
contractors and. developers, and labor

leaders - have all pointed out that the
project is to be federally funded, that
the city needs housing desperately, and
that another opportunity might never
Tlhe major critics - among them the
League of Women Voters, senior citi-
zeus' groups, and the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Council on the Aging - have decried
the site's lack of support facilities such-
as grocery and drug stores, its isola-
tion, the traffic in the Iriarwood area,
and the expected drain on city water
and sewage facilities.
NONE OF last night's arguments were
new. But as the debate progressed it
became obvious that each Council mern-
her was intent on making a momentous
stand of some kind.
Freshman Council member Wendell
Allen (R-1st Ward) began by listing the
virtues of Ann Arbor's elder citizens and
finished by saying, "I think that in the

autumn of their lives we ought to give
these folks a decent place to live."
Wheeler attempted to answer Allen,
but was interrupted so often by hecklers
that he was forced to stop and admonish
the audience
"I ALLOWEDI yu to, speak without
interrupting you," he said sternly, "and
I expect the saime from yout."
Retiring Mayor Pro Tem Robert henry
(1-3rd Ward) mde his position obvinus;
it would be a stand in fuivor of the high-
rise otin solid, Republican grorunds. Se
chided the Democratic minority for their
objections to the project, saying that
they were "trying to impose their con-
cepts of gain on other people" and "en-
tatitg in Big-Brotherism in iithe worst
sEtsre of the word."
"All right," said Idonry. "It's not the
greatest housing project in the world.
But it's a project."
See HIGIRISE, Page 10

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