Wednesday, July 7, 1976 High court reduces prisoners' rights (Continued from Page 1) plied in federal habeas corpus proceedings "deflects the truth- finding process and often frees the guilty." "Where the state has pro- vided an opportunity for full and fair litigation of a Fourth Amendment claim, a state pri- soner may not be granted fed- eral habeaus corpus relief on the ground that evidence in an unconstitutional search or seiz- ure was introduced at his trial," Powell said for the court. Chief Justice Warren Burger said in atseparate concurring opinion that he believed the ex- clusionary rule should at most be retained "for a small and limited category of cases." THE COURT expressed doubt as to how much good the rule has done on deterring police from illegalities. Justices William Brennan Jr., Thurgood Marshall and Byron White dissented. "I fear that the same treat- ment ultimately will be accord- ed state prisoners' claims of violations of other constitution- al rights," Brennan wrote. I N O T H E R decisions, the court: -Ruled 7-2 that border patrol may stop autos at regular checkpoints without having a particular reason to believe that there are illegal aliens in the car. -Ruled 5-4 that federal judges may not keep union workers from strikng in sym- pathy with another striking un- ion even though their own con- tract prohibits strikes. -Upheld by a 5-4 vote the use as evidence of a bag of marijuana which police found in the glove compartment of a car while making a routine search after impounding the ve- hicle for a parking violation. -Ruled 5-3 that evidence il- legally seized by police may be used in a civil proceeding, such a n suit for refund of taxes, in federal court. -Agreed to hear arguments net term on whether states must provide free abortions to women on welfare who choose to have them. It will also con- sider whether a municipal hos- pital may be required to make it posible for a woman to have an abortion if she chooses. THIE OKLAHOMA capital m'mishment law was the third tdltory death penalty sta- tte to be declared unconstitu- tional by the court. On Friday te jutices struck down the mandatory laws of Louisiana and North Carolina but upheld lea in Florida, Georgia and Te swhich allow judges and jries to decide on the sentence ht give them guidelines by which to do so. In yesterday's action the court declined to hear the ap- peals of nine men sentenced to death in Georgia and six sen- enced to death in Florida un- der the laws which it upheld as constitutional punishment for mwtier Ge, George G. Meade com- manded the forces of the vic- torious Union Army at the atl It 0 ettysburg from July 1 to 3, 1863. . THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven 'U' law profs oppose death penalty ruling By LOIS JOSIMOVICH Several University law profes- sors yesterday voiced firm dis- approval of last week's Supreme Court decision to uphold the death penalty, while comment- ing that, for the most part, the ruling came as no surprise. "I think it's been pretty well established that the death pen- alty doesn't do much for the public," said Law School Dean Theodore St. Antoine. "THE DECISION is obviously one that turns on fundamental beliefs about the role of the Supreme Court," he said, voic- ing his feeling that the decision was more philosophical than legal, and thus dependent on the personal opinions of the jus- tices rather than their interpre- tations of the law. St. Antoine added that he thought the penalty worked more against poor people than against the well off. Professor Yale Kamisar, a specialist in criminal law, said he was not surprised with the decision because the public, given a "sober second chance" to look at the death penalty, "came back strongly for it." "The Gallup polls showed more support for the death penalty than ever before after the 1972 decision," he said, re- ferring to the 5-2 decision strik- ing down then-current capital punishment statutes. SINCE THAT ruling, 34 states have put new capital punish- ment laws on their books. "I always thought that (Jus- tice John) Stewart (who wrote the main opinion in last week's decision) and (Byron) White were very shaky on this ques- tion," Kamisar said. "I'm against the death pen- alty personally, and I think probably most of -the judges are too," he commented, but added that "there's a big distinction between the Court calling some- thing constitutional and the Court calling it right." ASSISTANT Dean Rhonda Ri- vera claimed that reassertion of the death penalty is "consistent with the way the court's been moving" since the recent ap- pointment of several conserva- tives to the Supreme Court. Rivera criticized the decision partially because ist affects only murderers, who are, according to her, "the least likely people to recommit their crimes. What it comes down to is a matter of revenge." NONE OF the three lawyers were satisfied with the Court's reference to a ten per cent crime increase since the 1972 decision as a basis for the new ruling. "I am surprised and disap- pointed that that argument was used," declared Kamisar, say- ing that the rise was normal. St. Antoine expressed a hope that Michigan, the first state to oust the death penalty, will keep the door shut on it. "I SUSPECT that if we get a more liberal president that this matter could well be re-examin- ed," he said, adding that he thinks the practice is doomed. However, all three major con- tenders for the presidency - President Ford, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter - have ap- proved the latest decision. The professors concluded that any changes in the present state of capital punishment law will be very slow, perhaps occurring at the state court or administrative levels rather than in the Su- preme Court. PERFORMING ARTS BROCKVILLE, Canada (RPl- The eighth annual 1000 Islands International School of Scottish Performing Arts will be held here July 5-16. The program includes piping, highland dancing and drum- ming. Check your boat owner's manual before you decide how many persons to take aboard. 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