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July 07, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-07

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The Michigan Daily

Vol, LXXXVI, No. 40-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 7, 1976

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

High court cuts
prisoners' rights

Daily Photos by STEVE KAGAN
Struggle for freedom
The announcer looked foolish in the Uncle Sam get-up and the
crowd hooted skeptically as the ritual began, but for Magician
Dennis Loomis bone-crunching injury was only a hundred-
foot fall away. Loomis, a local talent who has displayed his
magic act around town for some time, took to the sky at Buhr
Park on the evening of July 4th, dangling from a helicopter
in a straitjacket in a Houdini-like attempt to startle and amuse
the Bicentennial crowd. Just before the fireworks display
began, Loomis was hauled aloft on a swing illuminated by
searchlights, and the bantering crowd was suddenly quiet.
A twist here and a jerk there, and Loomis was free. An
exultant moment later, he set his feet on the safe, sweet sod,
seconds over a record for the stunt.

WASHINGTON A' - The Su- federal court if they have al-
preme Court, in a break with ready had a fair chance to per-
the Earl Warren court, cut back suade state courts they were
the power of state prisoners to convicted with illegally obtain-
challenge their convictions in ed evidence.
federal court.
By a 6-3 vote yesterday, the AT THE same time, the court
court said prisoners are not en- followed up its decision on cap-
titled to a second chance in ital punishment last Friday by
PLO to release suspects
in Meloy murder incident
BEIRUT, Lebanon (P) - The Palestine Liberation Organiza-
tion (PLO) has agreed to turn over to the Arab League the sus-
pects in the murder of U. S. Ambassador Francis Meloy, a news-
paper with close connections to the Palestinians reported yester-
On the war front, Christians reported they had beaten back
an attack by leftist Lebanese Moslems and their Palestinian alaies
into the Christian enclave north of Beirut. Figures compiled from
hospitals and security sources indicated more than 200 persons
had been killed since Monday.
A PLO SPOKESMAN said last week the heavy fighting in the
Lebanese civil war had sidelined an investigation of the June
16 murder of Meloy, economic adviser Robert Waring and their
Lebanese driver.
The newspaper reported yesterday that PLO chief Yasir
Arafat had agreed to turn over the eight Lebanese and Pales-
tinian suspects and a report of the PLO investigation into the
killings, but did not say when this would occur.
Few international terrorists have been punished severely in
the past. A U. S. State Department adviser told a congressional
committee last week that many are released without trial and the
average sentence for those convicted is only 18 months.
See PLO, Page 10

striking down Oklahoma's man-
datory death penalty for several
categories of murder.
The court acted on a series
of oases, including the prison-
ers case, involving the guaran-
tee a g a i n s t unreasonable
searches and seizures in the
Fourth Amendment to the Con-
In 1961, the Supreme Court
ruled that state courts must
exclude from criminal trials
any evidence obtained in viola-
tion of this constitutional ban.
This is called the exclusionary
rule and is designed to deter
police misconduct.
IN YESTERDAY'S decision,
the high court specifically re-
tained that ruling as far as it
applies to the use of evidence
in trials and the right of the
defendant to appeal to state
The court, however, severely
weakened the impact of a 1969
decision which allowed prison-
ers to argue in federal court
that the evidence was obtained
The exclusionary rule deci-
sions were among the most con-
troversial rulings handed down
by the court under the late
Chief Justice Earl Warren as it
broadened the rights of crimi-
nal defendants.
IN AN opinion by Justice
Lewis Powell Jr., the court
said that the rule, as now ap-
See HIGH, Page 11

Local team
loses 'guts
"Come on, baby, shoot me,
shoot me," says the man in the
bright orange t-shirt, a member
of "Mr. Natural's Frisbee
Team." Your best shot, let's
see it."
Fifteen yards away the throw-
er goes into a baseball-like
wind--up and hurls the disc
across fifteen yards of lawn in
a split second. The receiver
clutches hard, but it pops out of
his grasp and flies thirty feet
in the air. The tosser grins.
"C'MON NOW," he shouts,
"right back at me."
The action took place in At-
lantic Mine, Michigan last week-
end is the 19th annual Interna-
tional F r i s b e a Tournament.
Teams from around the mid-
west and Canada competed in
"guts Frisbee," the flying disc
See LOCAL, Page 10

Day Phoo bey ST I MeCONE
Chuck Schultz of Ann Arbor's Humbly Magnificent Cham-
pions of the Universe goes high in the air to grab a toss
during an International Frisbee Tournament match with
Houghton's Library Bar team. The Air Aces of Roches-
ter, Mich. won the IFT title for the second consecutive

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