Seturdc v July 3, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven ,r , High Court upholds death penalty (Continued from Page 1) "We now hold that the pun- ishment of death does not in- variably violate the Constitu- tion" he said. WHITE CONCURRED in a separate opinion. Douglas re- tired from the court in Novem- ber and an aide said he would have no comment on Friday's decision. Voting with Stewart and White - to uphold both the death penalty for murder in general and the three specific state laws - were Chief Justice War- ren Burger and Justices William Rehnquist, Lewis Powell Jr., John Paul Stevens and Harcy Blackmun. Justices William Brennan Jr. and Thurgood Marshall, the only members of the court to say flatly in 1972 that capital punishment was unconstitution- al, expressed that view again. STEVENS, WHO succeeded Douglas on the court, joined in striking down the two manda- tory laws. With him in the ma- jority were Stewart, Powell, Brennan and Marshall. It will probably take a series of test cases to determine which states' laws are adequate and which are not. The main opinion, again writ- ten by Stewart, left open the possibility that mandatory death penalty laws which were nar- rower in scope might be con- stitutional. "THIS CASE does not involve a mandatory death penalty sta- lote limited to an extremely narrow category of homicide, such as murder by a prisoner serving a life sentence, defined in large part in terms of the character or record of the of- feinder," Stewart wrote. "We thus express no opinion regarding the constitutionality if s-ich a statute." Elsewhere in the complex set of opinions, Stewart said that "a prisoner serving a life sen- tence presents a unique problem that may justify such a law." STEWART SAID the court's decision was "concerned ... only with the imposition of capital punishment for the crime of murder." "We do not address here the question of whether the taking of the criminal's life is a pro- portionate sanction where no victim has been deprived of life - for example, when capital punishment is imposed for rape, kidnapping or armed robbery that does not result in the death of any human being." The Supreme Court has ruled previously that a punishment can be cruel and unusual be- cause it is disproportionate to the crime. The court yesterday left open the possibility that the death penalty for other offenses could be rejected on the grounds the court refused to invoke in the case of murderers. OF 63 PERSONS who were on death row according to a re- cent count at least 43 were con- demned for nonfatal crimes such as rape or kidnaping and robbery. No one has been executed in the United States since June 1967 when Luis Monge was as- phyxiated in the Colorado gas chamber for killing his pregnant wife and three of their ten children. Prosecutors and defense law- yers agreed it could be months before anyone is actually exe- ruled. Texas officials said the clemency and appeals of other elements of the sentencing. No plans had been made yet for executions. THE COURT'S decisions yes- terday specifically upheld the death sentences of Charles Wil- liam Proffitt, 30, of Tampa, Fla., Troy Leon Gregg, 27, who was convicted on a charge of murder, and Jerry Lane Jurek, 27, both of Cuero, Tex. It set aside the sentences giv- en to Stanislaus Roberts, 28, for the murder of a Lake Char- les, La., service-station attend- ant and Luby Waxton and Jam- es Woodson for the slaying of a food store clerk in Dunn, NC. Proffitt, a warehouseman for a Tampa department store, was convicted of stabbing a high- school wrestling coach to death during a burglary. Jurek was sentenced to the electric chair for strangling a ten-year-old girl and throwing her body into the Guadalupe River. Gregg was sentenced for the fatal shooting of two men who picked him up as he hitchhiked along a Geor- gia highway. THE GEORGIA and Florida laws, which were upheld, pro- vide for juries and judges to consider aggravating and miti- gating circumstances before de- cisions on whether the death penalty should be imposed. In Florida both the aggravating and mitigating circumstances are spelled. out in the law but in Georgia the law specifies on- ly the aggravating factors. The Texas law makes either life imprisonment or the elec- tric chair mandatory for sev- eral categories of murder. In order to impose the death pen- alty a jury must find that the killing was deliberate and that the defendant is a danger to society. If the defense offers evidence to show provocation, the jury must also find that the killing was not a reasonable response to the provocation. STEWART SAID the Georgia sentencing procedures "require as a prerequisite to the imposi- tion of the death penalty spe- cific jury finding as to the cir- cumstances of the crime or the character of the defendant." le said the basic difference between the Florida system and the Georgia system is that in Florida the sentence is deter- ,mined by the trial judge rather than by the jury. "It would appear that judicial sentencing should lead, if any- thing, to ever greater consisten- cy in the imposition at the trial court level of capital punish- ment," Stewart said for the court. THE COURT rejected argu- ments that the law was too vague because it required a jury or judge to decide such things as whether there are "sufficient" aggravating circum- stances which are not outweigh- ed by mitigating factors. "While these questions and de- cisions may be hard, they re- quire no more line-drawing than is commonly required of a fact- finder in a lawsuit," the opin- ion said. Similarly in dealing with the Texas law the court rejected an argument that a jury could not be expected to know wheth- er a defendant would be a dan- ger to soriety in the future. "IT IS, OF COURSE, not easy to predict future behavior," the opinion said. "The fact that such a determination is difficult however, does not mean that it cannot be made. Indeed, pre- diction of future criminal con- duct is an essential element in many of the decisions rendered throughout our criminal justice system." Stewart's opinion said the fact that so many state legislatures have enacted new death penalty laws disproves the contention that the penalty is unacceptable to the American people. "A heavy burden rests on those who would attack the judgment of the representatives of the people," he said. "In part capital punishment is an expression of society's moral outrage at particularly offensive conduct. This function may be unappealing to many, but it is essential in an ordered society that asks its citizens to rely on legal processes rather than self-help to vindicate their wrongs." The opinion cited FBI figures showing that murders increased almost ten per cent in the three years following the 1972 deci- SThdifference!!! a i PREARE FOR: over 35 years " MCAT ofxexperoence , DAT Small classes IQA * Voluminous home "" : GRt study materials ATGSB o us-es that are i " ostsantly updated" iTape facilities for i " C T reviews of class CPAT osupplementar : S FLEX materials SECFMG H AT'L MED DOS: NAT'L DENT BS i * WrIte nat eatn: " 1945Pauline mat. * "4,-3149 * " L i " . i, "EDUCATIONAL CENTER i " TET REAAIN i Lo. PC ALSTSSINE19S* U.s.m clean up Taamsters' pension (Continued from Page a) bor Department in all matters Javits, the committee's rank- involving pension funds. ini Republican, said a recent "WE HAVE called that to the federal law requires the IRS to attention of all concerned," Ja- share its tax files with the La- vita said. "They have heard us loud and clear." Sen. Richard Schweiker, (R- O eSS Pa.), the second ranking Re- publican on the committee, also said he was "favorably im- pressed" with the testimony of f e d e r a 1 investigators. They seem to be handling things (Continued from Page 3) in a competent way," he said. mnemployment, which jumped to 16.9 weeks, equal to the re- cession high of last December. at*5 10 Dennison Stars From Blackpool England 50c DISCOUNT on Admission with Student I.D. COMING JULY 7-11 RADIO KINGt HOURS: Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.-2 a m. WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 516 E. Liberty 994-5350 ' EdA E~MEM ___fE~ ifa Among adult men, unemploy- ment rose from 5.6 per cent in May to 6 per cent in June; for women, from 6.8 to 7.1 per cent; for whites, from 6.6 to 6.8 per cent, and for blacks, from 12.2 to 13.3 per cent. Teen-age un- employment remained unchang- ed at about 18.4 per cent. Unemployment among con- struction workers rose to 17 per cent, up from 14.1 per cent in May, and the jobless rate for blue collar craft workers climb- ed 7.3 per cent, up from 6.2 per cent. Manuafcturing employ- ment fell slightly for the sec- ond consecutive month. THlE RISE of two-tenths of 1 per cent in the over-all job- less rate was the biggest month- ly increase since last May, when the rate climbed three- tenths of 1 per cent to a total of 8.9 per cent, the highest job- less level during the recession. 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