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July 02, 1976 - Image 2

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Fridoy, July 2, 1976

High Ct. broadens abortion rights

Contiuned from Page 1)
cision would "de-escalate the
abortion controversy."
The National Abortion Rights
Action League said 12 states
require the consent of husbands
and 14 states impose parental
consent requirements of some
IN A SEPARATE decision the
court suggested that a parental-
consent law adopted by Massa-
chusetts might be constitution-
That law calls for consent of
both parents but permits a
judge to override their decision.
A three judge federal court
ruled the law unconstitutional.
Massachusetts officials ap-
pealed, arguing that the law
would permit a pregnant teen-
ager to get a court order for
an abortion even without con-
sulting her parents.
THE HIGH court did not rule
on the question, declaring unan-
imously that the supreme ju-
dicial court of Massachusetts
should be given a chance to in-
terpret the state law first.
But it did say that the Mas-
sachusetts law does not appear
to have the tone of a "parental
veto" like the Missouri law.
In another unanimous deci-
sion, the court set aside for
procedural reasons a ruling of
the 8th U. S. Circuit Court of
Appeals striking down a Mis-
souri law denying free abor-
tions under welfare unless they
are medically necessary.
IN THEIR only other decision
of the day, the justices upheld
a federal law requiring coal
mine operators to compensate

miners suffering from black
lung disease, an ailment caused
by breathing coal dust.
In rejecting the requirement
for the husband's consent, the
court said it was "difficult to
believe that the goal of foster-
ing mutuality and trust in a
marriage . . . will be achieved
by giving the husband a veto
power exercisable for any rea-
son whatsoever."
The court said its reckoning
in regard to parental consent
was the same.
"THE STATE does not have
the constitutional authority to
give a third party an absolute,
and possibly arbitrary, veto
over the decision of the phy-
sician and his patient to termi-
nate the patient's pregnancy,
regardless of the reason for
withholding the consent."
White, speaking for himself,
Burger and Rehnquist, said he
saw no constitutional reason
"that the state must assign a
greater value to a mother's de-
cision to cut off a potential hu-
man life by abortion than to a
father's decision to let it ma-
ture into a live child."
The three dissenters said the
parental consent requirement
was a legitimate means for the
state to "protect the minor un-
married woman from making
the decision in a way which is
not in her own best interests."
STEVENS expressed his dis-
sent in a separate opinion.
"Whatever choice a pregnant
young woman makes - to
marry, to abort, to bear her
child out of wedlock - the con-
sequences of her decision may
have a profound impact on her
entire future life," he said.

Statistics presented to the some cases girls as young as souri provision requiring the
court showed that at least 872,- 10 or 11 have sought abortions. patient to give consent and
000 abortions were performed The court also ruled that certify that she does so freely
in the United States in 1974. states need not set a specific and with knowledge of the con-
Nearly a third of the abor- number of weeks into pregnan- sequences.
lions are performed on teen- cy as the point at which via- IT ALSO upheld a require-
agers, the statistics showed. bility is reached and abortions ment that doctors keep records
Nearly three - quarters of the may be prohibited under the of abortions which they are not
women are unmarried. 1973 ruling. required to keep of other medi-
THE COURT noted that in The court also upheld a Mis- cal procedures.
Reactions differ on abortion decision

NEW YORK (J)-Bill Baird, a
leading birth-control advocate,
hailed the Supreme Court deci-
sion on abortion yesterday as a
"tremendous victory for the
rights of women."
But Ellen McCormack, who is
seeking the Democratic presi-
dential nomination on an anti-
abortion platform, called the de-
cision "incredible."
"I AM horrified and shocked,"
she said from her home in Mer-
rick on Long Island.
The Supreme Court ruled that
states may not require a woman
to obtain the consent of her hus-
band, nor force a girl under 18
to get the permission of a pa-
rent, to have an abortion.
Baird, reached by telephone
in Boston, said the ruling show-
ed "minors are not cattle or
property owned by the state or
their parents. This is the first
time minors have been seen as
total people. They now have an
absolute right to control their
"WE HAVE won this 13-year
fight not because of Women's
Laib, but in spite of it," he said.

"We have not had one bit of
support from women. Not one
women's g r o u p across the
United States, in spite of my
begging, supported me."
McCormack s a id "t h e r e
should be an outcry by parents.
"What this decision is saying,
in effect, is that a reasonable
standard of care of the life of
an aborted baby does not have
to be taken," she said. "The Su-
preme Court decision gives au-
thority to the state over minors.
Parents are being deprived of
their guardianship roles and
their responsibilities to their
o w n children. Children are
thereby denied the love, consul-
tation and protection of their
ILSE DARLING, executive di-
rector of the Religious Coalition
for Abortion Rights, said the de-
cision was "monumental" and
that it "buttressed the founda-
tion the court set in 1973 for
women's right to a safe and
legal abortion."
But Archbishop Joseph Ber-
nardin of Cincinnati, president
of the National Conference of
Catholic Bishops, said "This de-
cision does violence to the long-

standing support accorded by
law to the family," and will
"remove an important intimate
aspect of decision-making from
the family and lodge it with
third parties totally unrelated
to the family,"

Sign-up in the P TP Office
located in Michigan League Bldg.
Resident Staff Applications
for 1976-77 Academic Year
Advisorv eositions require Junior status or above for the
Resident Advisor aasitions.
QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Must be a registered U. of M. stu-
dent on the Ann Arbor Compus in osod academic standing
durinn the period of emplovment. (2) Must have lived in
resident halls at Universitv level for at least one veor.
(3) Must have a 2.5 erode ooint overone at time of oppii-
cotion. (4) Preference is given to opplicants who do not
intend to corrn heavy academic schedules and who do not
have riaorous outside commitments. (5) Proof of these ousl-
ificotions moo be ronuired.
Current stuff and other opolicants who hove on application
on file must come to this office to update their opplication
A Non-Discriminatory Affirmative Action Emplover

'U' Hospital steps up security

The University Hospital
stepped up its evening security
operations this week, imple-
menting a system that will re-
strict entrance to the facility
between the hours of 6 p.m. and
6 a.m.
Access during these hours will
be limited to the Outpatient
Emergency entrance, main hos-
pital entrance on Observatory,
and the Women's Hospital lob-
by. Each of these doors will be
guarded by a hospital officer.
UNTIL NOW, there has been
"no real, hard-set policy" dic-
tating which doors would be
locked in the evening, accord-
ing to Arthur Howison of the
hospital's security department.
He added that implementation
of the new policy marks the

first major change in the hos-
pital's security operations in
"quite a while."
Under the new system, only
authorized persons will be al-
lowed to enter the hospital dur-
ing the evening. Uniformed se-
curity guards will issue color-
coded passes to all nighttime
visitors, and staff members will
be required to display their
identification badges before
gaining admittance.
Hospital officialas had feared
that there would be complaints
about the inconvenience of the
new policies, but Bowison re-
ported thus far the reaction
from "99 per cent of the people"
has been favorable.
"THEY WANT to know why
it wasn't done before," he said.
Visitors and staff members

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are usually detained only a
minute by the security check
at the entrances, Howison said.
The hospital has hired nine
additional guards to help car-
ry out the new security mea-
ADOPTION OF the system
was prompted in part by re-
cent complaints about the in-
adequacy of the old security
"There are problems, you
can't deny it. This is true of
any large institution," Howi-
son said.
Be admitted that "things are
going on that shouldn't, people
are walking in and out at all
hours, things disappear."
BUT HOWISON expressed
hope that the new security mea-
sures would eliminate most of
these problems. A report will
be issued in a few months de-
tailing the results of the imple-
mentation of the new system.
"WE HOPE to smooth this
out as time goes on," Hwison
said, confessing that "We're
ro,1gh yet."
Programs similar to the one
adonted by University Hospi-
tnt have already been operating
successf"lly at other major
metropolitan hospitals across
the country.
Volume LXXXVI. No. 38-S
Friday, July 2, 1976
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan News
phone 764-0562. second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Mirhigan 4f109.
Published daily Tuesday through
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rates: $12 Sept. then Apri2 sesees-
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Summer session published Tues-
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