Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 1, 1976 Detroit police stage stay-at-home protest (Cas iaivd truem Pae 5 detectives who missed the cut. Others endured a slight de- crease in staffing. "We lost our share," said LtU Robert L e o n a r d, officer in charge of the vice squad. "Hut we'll still do the job. Prostitutes and gmblers still better be careful. If they goof up, they'll get had. We just won't have as big a voltme of arrests." M a n y businessmen didn't seemti too worried about the lay- affs. Some said they had private guards and police services in their areas to offset the drop in city patrols. One exceptioti as ('hail Hardy, manager of a hat store in northwestern shopping distri experiencing a rising crime rate. "Those policeoen arc a n cessity," Hlardy said. '"ur pc vate patrol is not sufticien Just the presence of those off cers has a tendency 1 tm don the temptation to coitro crime. Now we face any on her of dangers from holdups whlever." N .J. schools closed . teNTvN, N. An 1 jiy ipinin, wrin jtgo p n teted y eusd cifarks o F I rc s'idfthe jd e ta ecrtrn a slae siiisieic ( m n0 c nsititaion g rI ' ihert r er shat ca uld c ove r t h ei n i a thi e d ci r l N lcJrsey pub ic schioils at st''de't1 asd tat ih' judge stinihl hli pn el s ho on- "s''ll ol ror N'e J:; atutopen,- g canine In a pbi peietueni in iincnsiic The2ul'nacce st crt ri n ne a d ionwhichcool I itiding scho Is Ihiriugh prpI spcci T c'E s for 1PEI .11111 saun- Iy taxei is itconstilial sale scotlupi o thatlrhac cause, in effect, it dpris nci ine tate sen thematr ccdii in poar areas iif the samei AP Photso to the Heir Jersey I egaslalure' qoality educatiion available t wltere lawmakers argued ovet those in wealthier sections. apoviong $37 tottli in ne' T slate funding to keep school; hne court irderevl a huh i spending for public schiiii 12-day-old tie.i luy1ulesaiewfi i species 'THE SPECTAI. panel's iou- sculen liv lipprisedl Metamorphosis In sihal coald he the besl pictorial representation ever of the "generation gap," a Bighorn sheep in a Winnipeg zoo saunters cheek to jowl with an elder member of its Join the Daily Business Staff e t6Dennison From Blackpool England 50c DISCOUNT on Admission With Student I.D. COMING JULY 7-1 RADIO KING HOURS: Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. 516 E. Liberty 994-5350 Lei (Continuedfrom Page3) it receives its money from the University-more than $30,000 a year, according to Assistant Vice President for Student Ser- vices Tom Easthope. ABOUT HALF the office's workload involves landlord- tenant cases, said Rose, and Such cases have provei highly controversial--bringing the of- fice a lot of recognition. "It's not that we choose to do them," he added. "But land- lords are oppressive to stu- dents." A different view, however, is taken by landlord attorney Wil- liam Raymer. "PEOPLE take Ann Arbor out of context," Raymer said. "Landlords didn't create the need for housing" He considers the LAS em- phasis on housing cases un- warranted: "If people have real problems, they can come down- town." Raymer adds that "landlords are no more oppressive to ten- ants than General Motors is to someone who owns a GM car." ROSE suggests the opposite- that poor housing conditions of- ten deprive tenants of some real necessities of life, creating both physical and psychological prob- lems. LAS has recently begun a pro- gram of do-it-yourself landlord- tenant cases, according to Rose. This will allow tenants to actual- ly handle their own cases, with LAS advice. He hastened to add that this method, even though it will help relieve the overworked staff, would be useful only in care- fully selected instances. If a case is complex, or if the client is unable (or unwilling) to go to court alone, a lawyer would be necessary. ROSE FEELS that Legal Aid's work has improved the housing U of M CLERICALS * Did You Sign a Decertification Card and are Having Second Thoughts? * Were You Misled Into Signing One? * Were You Encouraged in Any Way by a Supervisor To Sign One? * Did Your Supervisor Pass Along Any Information To You About Signing a Decert. Card? CALL THE LOCAL UNION OFFICE AFTER 12 NOON 994-0808 situation for stueints "I think landlorvs ki have to be wore respa, now," he said. M a n y problems, h e- hase yet to be solved in te i of landlord-tenant relati 1in Rose cites the numerous ce LAS has fought in conjuncio with the Ann Arbor Teni Union (AATU). "TENANT organizers chiuse landlords whose tenants arc inr- ticularly oppressed by the c m- ditions of high rent or !)or maintenance."' Although Rose feels the hou ing problem is critical, he has an optimistic outlook. He pre- dicted "rent control or anotlier alternative will be here shori- ly," since the National Center for Housing Law Reform is cur- rently studying alternatives to rent control WHILE landlord-tenant cases have gotten the lion's share of the publicity given the Univer- sity LAS office, many other clients have been handled as well. In criminal casts, said David Binney, acting coordinator of the office (and a law student). LAS limits itself to misdemean- nra. Thin usually involves sliol- lifting incidents. Felony cases, he said, are generally han, li e d by a public defender, Another area of LAS concern is the promotion of students awareness of their legal rihts Some students are not aware that they need lawyers, accord- ing to Binney, though both he and Rose feel students are more aware of their rights than some other people. Rose also thinks students are sensitive to the need for judicial reform. "Thtre is a need for a 'egal insurance program,' says Iin ney, who believes more legal work should be of a "preventa- tive maintenance" n a 1 u re, where an individual would seek legal counseling before a situa- tion reaches the crisis stage