jfp LY ul ,15. 5 Oi5.'i.cM -tOL " 1 hurscioy, jUiy I, 1 7/ o IhGMR--iIU^N DRILY -oge Nisne ipin13 jiols g et the job (lone J (Continued from Page 8I LOST AND FOUND REWARD - Lotgry fme ict peiidestHihlandare. 63-2256 80A73 BUSINESS SERVICES ItZE OF CERAMIC P0TTRY goan.fuctionalimosais: 0i0rdo oil World. 58J70 Typing, Copying Binding Editing, Keypunching Nory Service The Secretariat Disettion Specialists 82 S. State Street 10 a.m-iO p.m. 994-354 pANDS FOR wedding and paris. Don 71-431 or 995-250, cte NEW SERVICE Expeienced, Error-Free, Gurnted Mnscript, Disertation, S p ee c 0 rvpewiting. Ediing, Aademic/Pro- fesona. IBM Selectric. Reson- able Rate. Copying. Pick-p ard Deliery. Peronaized. Confidential. Telephone Dictation and Notay 'eric. STEPHENS PROFESSIONAL TYPEWRITING SERVICE 0. Rcaoxi1l1 Ypilati Mich Ms Stephens 434-1984 83710 I AM a 'sll-time, free lner typit oithSconnsiderble experience typing socks. disertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm., perfect acracy guaranteed S-e rte 70c per page. 1PM Correcting Seectric. Cli ill,'. 665-166. Cte .......FOR SALE '00A AND LARGDE -drser echest. 15stoffer. 971-1027. '7B77 I hBO . 675; Champlio Juicer, t130;Ruliswoker Ioe msle, $30. C,11 Das, 60-3101 or 70-3324. 700170 67 INTERNATIONAT. T r a v e l5a0lI1 Goo cam csping vehicle. est offer $- .225. Dvi, 71-62evs 78B707 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS LASICAL nd Steel Gutr. Nrsw and us c 65-7348, 42,241. 5 Xs MISCELLANEOUS CA'T'OtICS WITH, HOMOSEXUAL e MIENTATION who re memberecof0 >t Mry's Chapel welcone to meet in Fcther Richad Center, Thr- o 3.8pm., oe preyr,spiritual ~psces 0n0 discussion. 74M71 MOSAIC POTTERY cc iordno Old Wcrld Ville Mal. 57M70 PERSONAL WANT10, senitve adult to proide tempcorarys housing for yocth in