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July 01, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-07-01

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Thursday, July 1, 1976THMIHGNDLYaeSvn


Page Seven

47 hostages released by
hijackers; 210 still held

New fighting strikes Leb.

KAM\PALA, Uganda (M19-
Hijackers of a French jetliner
freed 47 hostages yesterday, in-
cluding an American woman
ad her six - year - old son,
hat costinued to hold ahost 210
others utnder threat of death.
'hose freed - mothers, chil-
dren, the sick and elderly-
rft o a special flight to Paris.
Wth time running outt on
fe air pirates' deadline, Presi-
dcnt Idi Amin of Uganda took
central role in the affatir. HeI
ci over Ugandat radio he has
otl3to five governmtents
gitin to the hijackers' de-
and frrelease uif 53 prison-
hc] ? by them. 1He said the
cronternts httd notreplied.
MIN SI"SO s pitdhehaid heett
,tetcnatsince the hi-
'ig. sih t Israeli colonel
Is 'oded the Israeli otiitary
ttisioIt Uga.nda hefttre Amin
Is ked wot the Israelis in 1972
td 't1rned his country pro-
fhe hiackers, swho claim to
me motbers of the Popular
1a-nt for the Liheration of
Ptalestine (PFLP), said they
%'ould hlow op the hostages and
tie Air France airhus they
caiptured Sunday over Greece
finless their demand was met
hby 8 am. EDT today.
As Air France spokesman
said oe of the 47 hostages

freed, Simgonl Taieh, Ott St-year'-
old Frenebtulan, was seriously
ill in a htiopsp t~tital ansd
did not teasectin the flight to
Par is.
T EAMRCA NS set free
ivere fond lTot ltr, 3,and tier
iv'roll; , I ,rFei-. front
t'~ibrid', Mss. everl (th-
cc Aerictis ter 'believed
1 nIin saitdttt' ttite -~d to Is-
r ct h~st eroctsKenyat,
Ii ~ ~ ~ ~~t nm n svt~radtieet
'the siiitttiott is gttitta
si,,tots,'' Atnsasid itser the
'NOXNE (i t e Itotoscgrs
freedwa ts listed;tos.to 1Iraeli
ci''.Most tof te trisoniers
tttsfreedoitit h~e tijaickers
ig'7t ar" in Israeli jatls and
ut.t'rge.st grop if tt~e bost'
. -. s tiltltheld tiere Israelis.
\iio scid 143,tirtttore tin
tiifof te capttves, iseme Is-
r,;itis or Jios..
'lThe tsr-iet cainet tint its
eimergency session to ciosider
htto to meet the demntoIfree
411 prisoners held in Israel, most
of them Arabs.
'Tie West Gtermtan govern-
mnt stud its udecisiont on whe-
ther to release any prisoners
wrtld have to be miade jointly
wilb the tther governmsents in'

BEIRUT, Lebanon (MFl-Chris-
tians reportedly launched offen-
sives with Syrian help yesterday
against two more strongholds of
their Palestinian and Lebanese
Moslem foes after cotnqtuering
onun of twos reftugee cittmps in
eatstern IBeirtt
Christiain Presidentt Stuletisman
t'r'tojiett defended the Syriain
'stersetsti in in Lelsanot its a
noIstoArab Levii tiic fisreigit
tieh aee crisis , tte ('it to-
tilit Ant hit'tidit idu.
"lIEIIANON'S stecitit relation-
Cu3:7tub hStyria is n)iti tf the
oi''e, f tie AraibLetigue,"
qt o~uo ttedlFr~iieht's nstl.
Tie niteciarge({ Ptestitiois
iccuigtiti iii foitti inebanon if'
iii r 'ikitginxces tost if ILch-
p u li t e s - t fi t, u ' s , . i
'iiitf -tci'-, tat Sy i it's dnlay is
- ithraiiut its iiisfroits
T ha tn''is Itie citiseittthe
nes hIi ltiel,' ' tirestllthe
(tint tiectiog sacidi. The Sytrtan
f reitun iinistcr aind Palestiniain
ustierritto chief Ytisir Arafat
isr em tttetncing the session.
Incoinplete estimattes by so-
clirity officials and hiopitals in-
dicated more than 280 speson
htad been killed and 300 iviunded
since Tuesday. Thse total death
ciont in 14 montths it civil war
hats risen ts nearly 30,0011 itta
coiitry sit three tmiltioin inhabi-
PALESTINIANS c I a i no e d
'Syrian trotips tand tanks attacked
the Moslem port tif Sidlon, some
25 miles south of Beirut, and
were menacing a leftist toutnt-
lain stronghold east of the city
'The Christians said they had
comtnpleted the conquest ott the
disc el-Basha Palestinian refu-
gee ramp and had launched a
"final offensive" against neigh-

boring and much larger Tal Zaa-
The Palestinians conceded thse
loss of Jite el-Basha after a
tine-day siege, paying homtage
in a statement to "those who
sood firm atnti fitight" ttnd vita"
itg "defense tintil death'' it
Tl Ztttitr.
RESIDENTS itt Sicdiotoldye
tr~rs artillery pottnscedlihe
llihlicail city all motrnitng; killing
civiliatns ansi settintg fires.
"An armored Syriti n fitre alsit
tried litosdvtance towctrd Sidtn
fro ioits potsition in hiltslto the
etast, britt wasits cli vethck by
ittr fighters,'' <itPlteoini'to
cr in}iiiitesaid.
iThe leftist centrrti citittistnd
s."iuSyritan tirittery clsotsesit
I St'i shells smatshting itto its
tittstsinitountitains 90 titles
c tt t reit.
IND)EPENDENTr sotrces ;situ
Italestiiass atth le t-iittiistitt
strontghiold itt Agitin Sirmti item
srandisichoed betaweon the Syr Iani
donstatd tChristiantoftrces at-
tackiitg frota the otlier aisle.
Thte right-wing Chrisstian Pha-
tinge parny raciot scudparty
leilers were briefed ioIte disc
ohlIBasha victory by Batshir
fGemayel, son of patrty chief
Pierre Gemcayel and leather itt
the party's militia.
"NONE OF the residenits itt
the two camps was hurt after the
Lebanese forces took contriol of
security in the area'" the broa~d-
*0?n~ nIP00

cast quoted the younger Ge-
msayel saying.
lBst Ptalestinian officiatls said
the leftists stilt held Tal Zautar
despite hetavy shelling hyty 15mm
hi ttts-lers antd l25itsos tiortars,.
'lThey said lo lllsthadt
sen~cs thtilfited itt stilt wits
ni' iin.oh ttihdi.gs
ZCON IC T at :07 91
OT;N 6.43

Ma riposa: A festival
of fine folk music

('siontiuetfom Poat0006)
imitior to this year's festisal.
'Where were yous when the rain
hit?" tons probhably the m 05s 1
iii'ersalhy asked qusestiton fes-
alihgosers asked each other as
uss'tailed for the ferryboat tos
ike them back into thse city on
S today night. After a beasutiful
Idty, a susdden sorm struck
is ithiotwtrning at about a i x
'ctiock sin Saturday, which not
otly cortailed festival activities
nit crested alt manner of prnb-
lats since the festival is held
isi in island which comprises
i tart of Toronto's park system
ttsd is serviced by only one fee-
shboal. No one can prove it, of
citirse, but just hefore the storm
cowmenideed, Taj Mahal w asa
itoing a workshotp on work-songs
i-sd field hollers, where he did
rchant whoae chorous went,
Shiake 'em on down." Sure
cnou gh, a few drops actually did

citmssodustn bcefore ihe retiltin-
sla'ught ctommoenced -perhnps
Tajii hcasinore toiwer thatn that
'to' timed in his guitar.
Wbhat was protbably more im-
sportatat thIis yeatr's festival
than has been tit any otther, was
not the oermnally scheduled ae-
tiv-ity bitt the informal encttunt-
crs whi'h tosik place in transit
hetwseensostiskhops. In fact,
Mariposo really totoksin the spir-
t itt the Renaissance Faires in
Lass Asngeles daring the halcyon
idays itt the sixties. Strolling
minstrels, gr osps at English
Morris dancers and Frenoch-Can-
adian cltigers in calsirful c o a -
limes, a one-man puppet show,
craft booths, even a leather-np-
rutned broom-maker who loked
as5 if he'd stepped straight out
itt thoe Nevititionary War era,
ill added a dimensiton which
macic Maripsisa more thatn just
toolber mussic festival.

1Ait-stii,,itisg iece,.ofttshiht advtiure auitct( tt
-iuusyivery s oty itsiely bastd ott Kipin-s',puue's of t !its iitti Si
raicer.Oratsit's. se wcititen rbyOs tntfaimsusit i sit Bn
;'-hs-iatid(Charles Mavcirthur,- ttsitui~ tinet -ion bytoss.
cit ;the soes' ' sinso of caimas('!(, etisnd sduty si, t or
entirtatnctt,,.SCrtyiGriet, Vitri- Mt-lte, Joaut
i t1itiine, Itiugiintas,trbanks J.
-itis ,aotiic of those "reo o stt fitis. ° i tt Mit1
itt vn.Iii,-' wtso oitito(,,res iat the Istos;n..v_ 0 tir uith
Liiiic OtO. e'iiW y alsoat o)s ttu. ell-iiit ta
sun' ii vtit~iita tii it itin t iao': A so
lii5i~5 i ts n sitoc tilt.4 osui ' tt o fini1 t a
rtuit sits-tis 'Ot. >is, lo ci. c.. hive'-r t iiHopp',i;,,, %
t'siat;sas; tFJth'- solrt -s es~icito
$1.25, double otut-e $200O

- presents
JtiY 5-10
Ji I1A 27& 30; xi (;.2&5
ii IN 28& 31. AUG(. 3&6
.1tI Y2');iU(.14&7
kII i" 6ws in th sir-conditioned I er Centel
Fa'aet mmi bishure contactMenldoisseha Theatre
Th ce (Lais-e5gshyref' Mi higan, Ann Abor, MI18109
('315) 763-5213

"That's Entertainment 11"
/.00 & 9:05 Open 6:45
Clint's back. ..
An h' meaner 'n ever,
14,t~i '5p

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