Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 1, 1976 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, July 1, 1976 'Gag order' reversed in Supreme Court decision Communist parties reject Kremlin policy control (Ctcnue faa',a tT ) t .JUSTICES William Brennan, Potter Stewart and Thurgood Marshall said thev believed prior restraints on freedom of the press were 'constitutional- ly impermissible" even as a means of trying to insure a fair trial. In a concurring opinion writ- ten by Brennan, they said that "the decision of what, when and how to publish is for edi- tors, not judges." Justice John Paul Stevens said be agreed with most of what Brennan said and "if ever required to face the issue squarely, may well accept his ltlimate conclusion." IN OTHIER action, the jus- tices declined to review three lower court decisions involving the issues of press freedom and the right to a fair trial. They let stand the conviction *There IS a ' : difference!!! * * PREPARE FOR: " Over35 years A of experience « and success TSmallclasses * LSAT Olm "s en RE study materials " * SB Courses that are 0 constantly updated * SC T tape facitiessor: " AT lessons and for use * of supplementary o LEX :materialsn Make-ups for ' ECFMG missed lessons SNAT'L MEDBDOS: NATLDENTIBDS : 0 write or omt * " 1945P auline Blvd., 0 oA Arbor 48103 s er 0 * 66-34 EDUCATIONAL CENTER " * ECAISTS SE3e + L rancnes inMaror USCTes i of fwir Fresno, Calif., news- men who were found guilty of contempt of court in connection with a "gag order" issued by i judge in a corruption trial. They refused to review an order calling for the jailing of Los Angeles newsman William Farr for refusing to reveal his sources for a story about the Charles Manson murder cases. In his opinion on the Nebras- ka case, Burger declined to lay down general rules for sit- uations in which the constitu- tional rights to a free press and fair trial appeared in con- flict. POWEII, however, filed a separate opinion saying he would permit prior restraints only when "there is a clear threat to the fairness of trial, such a threat is posed by the actual publicity to be restrain- ed, and no less restrictive al- ternatives are available." The Nebraska case marked the first time the court has ruled on the issue of prior re- straint in connection with the constitutional guarantee of a fair trial. It had passed on the question in different contexts however. IN A landmark 1931 case, the court strtrck down a Minne- sota law providing for the abatement as a public nuis- ance of any "malicious scan- dalous and defamatory news- paper, magazine or other peri- odical." And in 1971 it ruled 6 to 3 that the government was not entitled to a court order pre- venting the New York Times THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vrxlumxe LXXXVI, No. 37-S Tlhuesday, July 1, 5576 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paidst Ann Arbor, Michigan 4109. Purblishsed da u lip Tuesday thrusghr sunday morning during the Univer- city year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbee, Michitaxn 40100 Subncrption rates: $12 Sept. thru Apri1 (2 semes- ters) ; $13 by mal outside Ann Arbor. Summer session raubinlred Tues- day t h ro 5 nsuaturda ymornng. Subscription rates: $650 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by malnoutside Ann Aebor. and Washington Post from publishing a classified study of U. S. policy in the Vietnam War. Burger said these decisions established the principle that "Iprior restraints on speech and publication are the most ser- ious and the least tolerable in- fringements on First Amend- ment rights. HE REFUSED, however, to say that the First Amend- ment right to freedom of the press is superior in all circum- stances to the Sixth Amend- ment right to a fair trial, "The authors of the Bill of Rights did not undertake to as- sign priorities as between First Amendment and Sixth Amend- ment rights," the chief justice said. "It is not for us to re- write the Constitution by un- dertaking what they declined." The coirrt's decision came amid increasing use by judges of orders restricting news cov- erage. THE Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said 213 orders which "in some way restricted access to or comment about the judicial process" had been issued since the Supreme Court reversed the murder conviction of Cleve- land osteopath Sam Sheppard in 1966 on grounds of preju- dicial publicity. The committee also issued a statement yesterday calling the Nebraska case "a victory for the First Amendment" It said the decision is 'a strong reaffirmation of the First Amendment principle, the public's right to know about its courts. "Unfortunately, the decision does not say - as we hoped it would - that the First Amend- ment absolutely stops judges from restraining publication of news about the courts." JOE SMITH, president of the American Newspaper Publish- ers Association, said the court "has administered a proper and firm setback to secrecy." G. Woodson Howe of the Omaha World - Herald, chair- man of Media of Nebraska, commented: "We are extreme- ly pleased, especially with the unanimity of the decision." BERLIN ') - Communists from both East and West Eu- rope stood before Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev yesterday and rejected Kremlin c ont r o1 of their policies, affirming inten- tions to follow their own paths. Italian Communist leader En- rico Berlinguer, buoyed by elec- tion gains at home, said the summit of 29 European Com- munist parties to which he spoke was "a free meeting among autonomous and equal parties." YUGOSLAV President Tito, the old lion who pioneered in- dependent Communism, said he opposed all forms of interfer- ence in internal affairs of other countries. French Communist chief Georges Marchais said the Soviet theme of the dictatorship of the proletariate does not cor- respond to French reality. A document issued as the two- day summit ended yesterday represented at least a verbal victory for the independent stand of the Yugoslavs, Roman- ians, Italians and French. The document, unsigned and therefore unbinding, 'endorsed independence for the parties of each country to choose their own way of achieving Com- munism. BERLINGUER m i n c e d no words, declaring an interna- tional Communist body "does not exist and could not exist in any form, on either the world or the European level." "Ours is a free meeting among autonomous and equal parties which does not seek to lay down guidelines for, or bind, any of our parties," he added. "And it is important that this debate is open and public." In his own speech Tuesday, Brezhnev said no one wanted a center of Communism as in the early days. While emphasizing the pioneer role of the Soviets and the value of their experi- ence, nowhere in his speech did he clearly assert the primacy of the Russians over the others. IT WAS objection to this primacy that had brought the Yugoslavs, Romanians, the Ital- ians, French and Spanish Com- munists to the point of boycot- ting this conference, the first of its kind in nine years and the first attended by Tito in almost 20 years. The document contained a little something for everybody. It praised the ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin, as the Rus- sians like to do. Buf it added the parties will "develop their internationalist, comradely and voluntary cooperation . .. strict- ly adhering to the principles of equality and sovereign independ- ence of each party, noninterfer- ence in internal affairs and re- spect for the free choice of dif- ferent roads in the struggle for social change of a progressive nature and for socialism. Arcade post office may be closing soon STUDENTS!I The Peer Counselors in Assertion Training at Counseling Services are offering a FREE ON-GOING GROUP IN ASSERTION TRAINING IT WILL FEATURE: * small groups of 4-6 people. * meeting for 2 hours weekly for 5 weeks. 9 supportive atmosphere. * focus will be on individual assertion issues. * teaching of learning skills of use in different life situations. To Register for an interview or obtain more information, please stop by. COUNSELING SERVICES - 304 Michigan Union Mon.-Fr.i 9-5, or Call 764-8437 for an appointment. (Continued from Page 1) counts in the fall when the students come back in full force to determine whether the win- dow service that the new (Fed- eral Building) station will have will accommodate the busi- ness" currently handled by the two other offices, Schneeberger explained, adding "I don't think it can." The Federal Building will be located at Fifth St. and Liber- ty, just a few blocks away from the Arcade station. S C H N E E B E R G E R pointed out that the new facili- ty is still within reasonable walking distance for most pa- trons, and that this factor of proximity will be taken into account when he decides whe- ther or not to close the Arcade office. He admitted, though, that the new location "won't be as convenient" for some customers, particularly stu- dents. After studying the situation, Schneeberger will consult with postal service officials in De- troit and then deliver his ver- dict. Closing the Arcade facility would result in an estimated annual saving of $50-60 thous- and. In spite of rate hikes and cuts in services, inflation has caused the U. S. Postal Service to lose over St billion a year and has forced the closing of many small post offices. A CONGRESSIONAL bill un- der consideration would "hold the line" on postal rates and maintain all present services, according to Schneeberger. In addition, the bill would block the closing of any post office that serves more than 35 families. In smaller com- munities, the measure would require the approval of 60 per cent of the adult residents be- fore a station could be shut. More importantly, the bill would provide a subsidy of $500,000 a year for the next two years to help bail out the financially plagued postal serv- ice. The U. S. House of Represen- tatives has already approved the bill, and the Senate is slat- ed to vote on the measure July 27. Schneeberger said Presi- dent Ford has indicated that he will also support it. Theodore Roosevelt became 26th president of the United States, Sept. 14, 1901, the day President McKinley died of wounds inflicted by an assassin at Buffalo, N. Y. USHERS NEEDED FOR MICHIGAN REP. '76 Sign-up in the PTP Office located in Michigan League Bldg. ALL ARE WELCOME TO SIGN-UP