Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 30, 1976 Carter pledges consolidated programs U.S. supports Israel MILWAUKEE (M - Jimmy Carter said yesterday that if elected president he would dam the flood of federal paperwork that suffocates city officials by consolidating as many federal programs as possible. In a speech before more than 300 members of the U.S. Con- ference of Mayors, Carter said categorical funding - money earmarked for specific problems - should be combined in block grants wherever possible. He said certain conditions would assure the money is properly spent. CARTER made no specific recommendations but said he intends to create an advisory panel this year to "determine in what instances consolidation of categorical grants would be desirable." President Ford has proposed a controversial program of block grants under which nearly all would be distributed with mini- mum direction as to how they federal social welfare funds would be spent. "We can no longer afford the price of red tape," said Carter. The Democratic candidate said his urban program also would offer greater federal aid for low-cost housing, fewer re- strictions on the use of federal funds for urban transit, and en- dorsement of anti-recession measures to bring down the rate of unemployment among adults and teen-agers. He noted the jobless rate of black teen-age males is above 40 per cent and said "it is unacceptable." MANY Democrats who said they liked Carter's programs and could think of no major criticisms said as an after- thought that they didn't know how he was going to pay for it. Carter didn't say either, though he implied that consoli- dating the categorical grants would free considerable money for problem-solving. Carter's speech predictably drew high marks, and enthusias- tic applause, from the mostly Democratic mayors. Republi- cans were restrained in their criticism, with Ralph Perk of Cleveland saying, "He's promis- ing to do what President Ford has already accomplished." PERK NOTED Carter's sup- port for general revenue sharing and his call for a federal pro- hibition of redlining, a practice where banks channel mortgage money into some neighborhoods and not others. If Republicans were partisan and wary, Democrats were par- tisan and ecstatic. "That's our next president; think of what he can do for the cities," said Harvey Sloane of Louisville, who handed his four- week-old infant to Carter for a ritual baby-kissing episode. RICHARD Hatcher, the mayor of Gary, Ind., said Carter's speech was good as far as it went but he was troubled by several things left unspoken. "I want to ask him what he means when he says he'll de- mand more efficiency from us in running local governments. That sounds like the old Nixon line. Our biggest problem isn't waste, it's lack of money." But Hatch- er said he was being patient, and emphasized that most black mayors feel getting Carter elected is the first priority, while winning his commitment on key urban issues can wait. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (M- The United States yesterday vetoed a Security Council resolu- tion endorsing a report that asks Israel to withdraw from all oc- coupied Arab territories by June 1, 1977. U.S. delegate Albert Sherer Jr. declared the resolution was "totally devoid of balance," stressing the rights and interests of one party to the Middle East dispute and ignoring those of other parties. THE VOTE in the 15-nation council was 10-1 with Britain, France, Italy and Sweden ab- staining. It was the 16th veto in the council and the second in less than a week. Last Wednesday, the United States vetoed An- gola's applicaiton for United Na- tions membership. UNDER THE vetoed resolu- tion, sponsored by Guyana, Pakistan, Panama and Tan- zania, the council would have taken note of a report by a 20- nation Palestine Rights Com- mittee that was dominated b3 Third World countries. The council also would have "affirmed the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right of return and the right to national independence and sov- ereignty in Palestine . . ." Israel boycotted the council debate on the committee report saying the document was a "cal- culated formula for the destruc- tion of Israel." THE COMMITTEE report said Israel should withdraw from the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip and they would be placed under U.N. ad- ministration an d eventualy turned over to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) It also envisaged a two-stage repatriation of Palestinian refu- gees. Those displaced by the 1967 Mideast war would return first, followed by those who fled after 1967. Persons not wishing to return would be given "just and equitable" compensation. Economic indicators rise HOUSING DIVISION BURSLEY HALL Resident Staff Applications for 1976-77 Academic Year AVAILABLE STARTING JUNE 28, 1976 IN HOUSING OFFICE, 1500 S.A.B. POSITIONS INCLUDE: RESIDENT ADVISOR, Van Duren (UNDERGRADUATE MALE CORRIDOR) RESIDENT ADVISOR, Bartlett (UNDERGRADUATE COED CORRIDOR) Advisory positions require Junior status or above for the Resident Advisor positions. QUALIFICATIONS: (1) Must be a registered U. of M. stu- dent on the Ann Arbor Campus in aood academic standing durina the period of employment. (2) Must have lived in resident halls at Universitv level for at least one year. (3) Must have a 2.5 orace point average at time of appli- cation. (4) Preference is aiven to applicants who do not intend to carry heavy academic schedules and who do not have riaorous outside commitments. (5} Proof of these oual- ifications may be reouired. Current staff and other applicants who have an application on file must come to this office to update their application form. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 3:00 P.M., JULY 9, 1976 A Non-Discriminatory Affirmative Action Employer WASHINGTON (AP) - The gov- ernment index which foresha- dows future developments in the economy climbed by the biggest margin in 10 months during May, signaling steady expansion of economic activity in the months ahead. The Commerce Department said Tuesday the composite in- dex of leading indicators rose 1.4 per cent in May, compared to a seven-tenths of 1 per cent rise in April. It was the biggest increase since July's 2.8 per cent. THE INDEX is composed of a dozen individual statistics selected for their ability to move in advance of general economic trends. Steady expansion of the econ- omy means more job opportuni- ties, increased revenues for business and more money avail- able for paychecks. But the sig- nal from the leading indicators was somewhat at odds with ex- pectations for a slower growth rate in the current quarter for the Gross National Product. Gross National Product, a broader guage of economic health, represents the total out- put of goods and services in the economy. A 1 a n Greenspan, chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, warned last week that the growth rate could slip to s per cent or less in the current three- month period. THE LEADING indicators of- fered some support, however, to Greenspan's thesis that statis- tical problems in the Gross Na- tional Product report due out next month will make economic activity appear lower than it really is. The latest increase left the composite index 13 per cent FIND A NEW CAR IN THE CLASSIFIEDS ahead of where it was a year ago. It has increased without pause since March, 1975. The Commerce Department said the biggest upward influ- ence on the index was the 5.2 per cent increase in the volume of new orders received by manufacturers of consumer pro- ducts and their suppliers. OTHER UPWARD influences were a longer average work week, a faster increase in as- sets of business and consumers, higher prices for key wholesale materials, faster formation of new businesses and issuance of a higher volume of new building permits. Council1 debates housing funds (Continued from age 3) A THIRD controversy cen- tered around the city's at- tempt to sponsor a Jewish or- ganization's bid for federal money to renovate Chabad House at 715 Hill St. The Coun- cil originally decided at their May 27th meeting to apply for a grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment (HUD) to renovate the house. - Opposition first surfaced at last week's meeting, and Mon- day night it was even strong- or. Led by Wilbur Cohen, dean of the University School of Education and former Secre- tary of Health, Education, and Welfare, opponents of the Coun- cil action contended that it was in violation of the principle of separation of church and state. Cohen said he represented a hundred persons who signed a petition denouncing the Cosn- cil's move. In other action, Mayor Pro Tem Robert Henry (R-3rd Ward) has announced his retire- ment from his honorary post. Though he will remain on as a Council member, the Republi- can leader said his duties as Mayor Pro Tem had beconte too weighty for his schedule. U of M CLERICAL Did You Sign a Decertification Card and are Having Second Thoughts? Were You Misled Into Signing One? Were You Encouraged In Any Way by a Supervisor To Sign One? Did Your Supervisor Pass Along Any Information To You About Signing a Decert. Card? CALL THE LOCAL UNION OFFICE AFTER 12 NOON 994808