Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 8, 1976 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 8, 1976 FRl.-SAT. ED TRICKET guitar, hammered dut 2#50 .T Best known among other musicians peccable bock-up instrumentals, ha arrangements, and as the leader o Ring, Ed is also on incredibly war with a beautiful repertoire. 1421 H I LL 8:00 Right now, up until June 15th, you can fly Ne w York to Lu xembourgfor only $360. That's $ th an the youth fareyou other schedulrd airline. (From Chicago yo save $tw.), A1l you have to do is be under t There are no hooking restrirtions. And n orals or service. Because we give you the y'iu'd get front Other airlines, without the: o. , if you're planningon Europe, fly Icelandic. We'll give you more titan the lo-A youth fares. We'll give you the best deal. S a ya rrIt t/ 14 it) br/ie Ot. Save 106 on jet to Europe and 1 anytime you M LOWESTJET AI FARES TO EUROI0E OFANYSCH .-.1-.. L k l s for his im- rmonies, and f the Golden m performer 761-1451 -.h rondtripftoot 'd pay on any u pay $401 and he age ofl24. to skimping 00 same service same high with us on crNeso / fares book V.P. candidate seeks support for recognition of Prohibition slate LANSING (UPI)-Earl Dodge, "MOST PEOPLE don't know Altogether, Dodge hopes to vice presidential nominee for the Prohibition Party is anything qualify in 15 states. the Prohibition Party, isn't plan- but a bunch of anti-liquor kooks "THERE'S NO way we can ning on winning any elections. and modern - day Carrie Na- But he does want people to know tions," he said. qualify for Michigan's ballot," Ihe's there.Thpltomhoerdes' he said. "While the major parties fight meanaatfo m,f owever 'an't e Dodge said major planks of for votes, Dodge is fighting most on the ballot, and Dodge, a for- the Prohibition platform are re- of the time and would consider mer Michigan resident now liv- ligious freedom, separation of it a major victory if he is car- ing in Colorado, returned to the church and state, enactment of ried on the ballot. Meanwhile, he state to ensure that election of- right-to-work laws and freedom expounds the party's conserva- ficials don't forget him again. for the individual from big gov- tive and wide-ranging platform ernment, big business and big whenever he gets the chance. The party, Dodge said, filed a labor. full slate in Michigan's 1972 "THERE IS no equity of treat- presidential primary, then was "We think the power of the ment for political minorities," informed after the election it president is much too great and he said yesterday at a news didn't get a single vote. Dodge favor restrictions onithe Su- conference. "There is a definite said he found out later that a preme Court because ithas al effort to keep us off the ballot state election official had "lost" most b ec o m e a legislative by fair means or foul." the entire slate. body," he said. Larger parties, he said, don't like even the possibility of los- THIS YEAR, he delivered the Ar s ing a few votes to their smaller write-in slate personally and got A mdrle t il rals a receipt. "This time, I'll have The Prohibition Party, he said, the receipt and make it a little ute a~rdb t dn-htfrhmi elssi. K d f rD m isfrther hampredb its iden hot for im ifhe loses it" 0 tte K'd for vemn. ification in the public mind with It may be the last time Mich- a single issue. igan voters will have the oppor- C tunity to select a Prohibition Party candidate. The state's NEW YORK (P) - Governors PARTICIPATE new requirements for the No- may come to the Democratic vember election ballot are too National Convention with one IN RESEARCH tough. gun-carrying guard each, the r anzmng committee ruled yes- r .PARTICIPANTS WANTED THE MICHIGAN DAILY ant.FOR OPINION RESEARCH EARN $7 in Saturday, May85,1976 is edited and managed by students 2 hours at the University of Michigan News phone 764-0562. Second class postage Call MHRC at paid at Ann Arbor, Miehigan 4809. 995-0160 unday morning during the Univer- 11DULEDAIRLIE . from 9-5 Weekdays sity year a 420 Maynards r5eel, Ann 1 -5 Saturdays Arbor, Michigan 48100. Subscription rates: $12 sept. thru Apr il(2 semes- ters $13 by mail outside Ann 1 Arbor. & A A A - A - A k _& _A . .RA A Aacrn An~lah~9 terday. But it added no weapons will be permitted lieutenant gov- ernors or senators. And, said convention manager Andrew Shea, any governor who arrives with an armed guard must see to it that the weapon is registered with the New York City Police Department. Another security detail an- nounced by Shea was the issu- ance of new passes every day for the convention which opens in Madison Square Garden July 12. 1NENTENNA* * '$PY2 E MNIAL APR.26 TO DEC.*20,76 540 ROOMS ALL ONE PRICE SFORlTo4 PERSONS * (THESE ROOMS UPTO $40. DAILY WINTER SEASON) 540 DELUXE AIR CONDITIONED GUEST ROOMS * (250 FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHENETTES) * REFRI- GERATOR AND 23" COLOR TV IN EVERY ROOM * 5 POOLS * SAUNA * TENNIS * WASHERS AND DRYERS * CHILDREN'S COUNSELORS * MIAMI BEACH'S YOUNGEST RESOR T ON THE OCEAN AND 163RD ST. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33160 TRAV 1* 00* 75271 BOOKING NOW/ FIRST COME/FIRST SERVED * day 0throug h Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $60 5In Ann Arbor; 07.50 by mol outside Ann Arbor. - ~~1I&DECU~F HINGS TO DO WHEN YOU VISIT MEXICO. Look at the sky. Go into an elevator and press 3. Have lunch. Ride in a taxicab or-bus. Ask a person for directions to the nearest post office. Have breakfast. Walk on the sidewalk. Chuckle. Have a shot of Jose Cuervo. Deliver a lecture to the Mexican National Assembly on the historical significance and potential peacetime uses of the nectarine, as seen through the eyes of Keats. < - JOSE cuesvorTEQUILA. 80 P'OOFr IMPORTDAD OTTL-rEDBY C 1475, EU5LEIN.itINC., HARTFORD.CONN.