Page I wo TH-E MIrHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 30, 1976 House pamsses energy biN WASHINGTON (A) - A com- promise bill appropriating $9.7 hiltion for energy research and f'r hndreds of water and power plblic works projects was pass- ed yesterday by the House. A 381-15 vote sent the measure to the Senate for final congres- si-al action. Both chambers had overwhelmingly passed bills of whi^h t'is is the compromise ve:rsion. The fnds appropriated are nrty $305 million above Presi- d -nt Ford's budget, but $434 mil- lion under the tentative budget Congress set for itself for the yoar beginning Oct. 1. The bill would allocate $5.7 billion to the Energy Research a n d Development Administra- tion for its wor kon improved nuclear power systems and re- search on such energy sources as fusion, solar and geothermal devices. The ERDA appropriation in- cludes $258.5 million for work in solar energy, up $116.7 million from the budget request. A sepa- rate item would provide an ad- ditional $31.9 million for solar plant construction and equip- ment. War rages in Lebanon A man looks at smoking debris of Middle East Airlines Boeing 707 passenger jet after it was blasted by artillery during bombard- ment of Beirut airport Monday. The plane had arrived from Amman, Jordan with a three-person Lebanese crew but no passengers. The pilot was killed, and the two others were seriously injured. Cka ireJ CpO s sfookkop WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW TITLESc in our modern poetry secton All at HALF PRICE I 3168S.State Ann Apbop,M.48YI08 fine books bought and sold. VA suspects may be released (Continued from Page 1) States and the Phillipines," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Delonis. Pratt made his decision to re- set the bond based on favorable character w it n e s s testimony given at a bond hearing last week. The judge pointed out that the women had never miss- ed a court date and had given no indication that they would flee the country. IN A RELATED incident, a key witness in the FBI'S investi- gation of the VA murders died Monday, apparently the victim of a heart attack. John McCrery, 50, wrote a note which made the FBI sus- pect that Narcisco and Perez were responsible for the rash of deaths and respiratory failures at the hospital. McCrery was a patient in the hospital's intensive care unit on August 15, 1975 when he suf- fered a sudden breathing failure. He survived the apparent at- tempt on his life, and, unable to talk, penned a note which identified Filipina Narcisco as his assailant. AFTER UNDERGOING open- heart surgery at University Hos- pital, McCrery suffered from memory loss and was unable to recall the names of the two nurses. He was, however, able to give a description that match- ed that of Leonora Perez, the other suspect in the case. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVI, No. 36-S Wednesday, June 30, 1976 iedited and managed hy students at the University o MchiganuNews phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published d a i tTuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru Aprl (2 semes- ters ; $1s by mal outside Ann Arhor. Summer session pubtished Tues- day t h r o u g h Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6500 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by matt outside Ann Arbor. Following an intensive FBI investigation, the two women were arrested June 16 and have been held in Washtenaw County Jail. They are accused of murder- ing five patients and poisoning ten others by injecting them with Pavulon, a powerful mus- cle-relaxing drug. NO TRIAL DATE has been set, but Prosecutor Delonis noted that if the two suspects are released on bail, law re- quires that the trial begin with- in 180 days. "But Delonis admits that there is always the "pos- sibility of delay and adjourn- ment." Because of all of the publicity the case has received, he said "It looks like it's going to be a long trial." Thomas O'Brien, attorney for Narcisco, and Laurence Bur- gess, counsel for Perez, were unavailable for comment. MUSIC HEAD NAMED NEW YORK (P)--Sun Kwak has been named music director of the Mannes College of Music Orchestra. Rise Stevens, president of the New York school, said Semyon Bychkov had been appointed associate conductor. STUDENTS!410 The Peer Counselors in Assertion Training at Counseling Services are offering a ASSERTION TRAINING FREE ON-GOING GROUP IN ASSERTION TRAINING IT WILL FEATURE: * small groups of 4-6 people. * meeting for 2 hours weekly for 5 weeks. 0 supportive atmosphere. 0 focus will be on individual assertion issues. *'teaching of learning skills of use in different life situations. To Register for an interview or obtain more information, please stop by. COUNSELING SERVICES-304 Michigan Union Mon.-Fr.i 9-5, or Call 764-8437 for an appointment.' PROJECT OUTREACH OPEN HO0USE- June 30-7-9 p.m. 554 Thompson For students interested in experiential learning in psychology through com- rnunity involvement. j on - mwm i