The Michigan Daily
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 33-S Ann Arbor, Michipon-Soturdoy, June 19, 1976 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
PLO assures safe evacuation
WASHINGTON (P) -- The Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) has giv-
en the United States its indirect assur-
ance that Americans being evacuated
from Lebanon will pass safely into Sy-
ria, sources said yesterday.
In arranging for evacuation, U. S.
officials concluded that the safety of
the Americans who choose to leave Leb-
anon in the British-run land convoy to
Damascus required authoritative guar-
UNTIL NOW, the United States has
carefully shunned any dealings with the
umbrella organization for various Pales-
tinian groups that include terrorists who
have conducted raids against civilian
populations in Israel.
The security assurances came before
the first group of Americans fleeing
war-torn Beirut was caught in an artil-
lery crossfire yesterday as the convoy
drove to Damascus with the bodies of
two slain U. S. diplomats. Shell frag-
ments hit one car, but no one was hurt.
President Ford and the National Se-
curity Council met for about 45 minutes
last night to review final plans for the
Afterward, White House Press Secre-
tary Ron Nessen told reporters, "I'm
not going to be able to tell you the de-
tails of the evacuation-for obvious rea-
sons." He said the President would
"keep in touch with the situation."
THE SPOKESMAN did say that there
was no plan to use American military
forces in the evacuation but said ele-
ments of the U. S. Sixth Fleet would re-
main off the Lebanese coast "to assist
if necessary."
The promise of "safe conduct" evi-
dently was one of the factors consider-
ed by President Ford and the National
Security Council in choosing a convoy
of buses and cars instead of a direct
U. S. military rescue operation.
Nessen said about 200 of the 1,400
Americans in the war-torn country have
signed up for the voluntary evacuation,
but he indicated that more were ex-
pected to do so.
M E A N WH I L E, other govern-
ment sources said U. S. warships were
moving closer to the Lebanese coast to
be in position to help if road convoys
evacuating Americans meet serious
Pentagon officials refused to either
confirm or deny the reported movements
by the giant aircraft carrier America
and an amphibious squadron headed by
the helicopter carrier Guadalcanal.
A force of 1,800 Marines is aboard the
amphibious ships.
See U.S., Page 4
Riots climax
in S. Africa
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (Wt-
Police in white-ruled South Africa used
automatic weapons against black rioters
and military reservists were placed on
alert yesterday, the third day of the na-
tion's bloodiest racial uprising.
Government spokesmen claimed last
night that police were in control and'the
riots were subsiding.
UNOFFICIAL reports said at least 101
persons were killed and more than 1,000
were injured in the revolt sparked by
student demonstrations against a rule
requiring that some courses be taught in
the whites' Afrikaans language.
Scores of shops, beer halls, government
buildings, schools and cars were set
ablaze in at least seven black townships
as the demonstrations grew into a vio-
lent protest against South Africa's racial
The townships serve as segregated
residential areas for blacks who travel
in buses and trains daily to work in zones
reserved for whites.
GOVERNMENT officials did not re-
lease updated casualty figures after con-
firming 58 dead and 788 wounded yester-
day morning. Separate death reports
indicated the total was higher.
Police Minister James Kruger declared
on national television there was still
"some arson, some looting," but "no
reason to worry at all" with police in
Reports from riot areas confirmed
calm was being restored after several
thousand heavily armed black and white
police under orders to use "every avail-
able means" to crush the disturbances
moved into the troubled areas.
IT WAS THE worst racial upheaval in
South Africa, which has 18 million blacks
and 4 million whites, since March 1960
when police in Sharpeville killed 69
blacks protesting laws requiring them
to carry passes.
See RIOTING, Page 4
THREE MEN FLEE past a burning bus to escape from rioting In Alexandra,
South Africa. Scores have been killed and hundreds injured in three days of civil
disorders throughout the country.
'U' thrives on people --not posts
Last of Five Parts
As I was leaving the office of Rack.
ham Dean Alfred Sussman after an
hour-long discussion on the women's
movement at the University, he said to
me, "If you find the answers to all the
problems we've been talking about, will
you please come back and tell me?"
As I sat in the brightly lit office of
Assistant Law School Dean Rhonda Ri-
vera, a professor interrupted our dis-
cussion, complaining about his fall
classroom assignment. He said it was
a, bad room to teach in and that this
was unfair because he had taught in a
bad room this year. As he left, Dean
Rivera turned to me and said, with bit-
terness and frustration in her voice,
"See 'vhat I have to put up with?"
4f hewz4 comnmeht'aq~
selling, Dorothy Townsend, is a di-
vorced woman who says that she does
more today according to what she wants
to do, rather than what is expected of
her. She is not sure if it is the women's
movement which has caused this change
or her own stubborness.
The women's movement, like the
counter-culture revolution of the 60's,
has affected each person in the Univer-
sity community in a very personal way.
I encountered men and women alike
who were reflecting with seriousness
and excitement on the many new alter-
natives which we now have available.
I am a young woman formulating
ideas about how I want to live. I am
trying to integrate my traditional values
with new feelings about the many ave-
nues which are opening up before me.
ONE PART OF this goal is trying to
find the most comfortable and satisfy-
ing combination of my personal and
professional lives. Each individual I in-
terviewed offered me a new perspective
to ponder. Male or female, young or old,
I saw over 50 different ways to live, 50
different ways to respond to the chang-
ing world.
As a young person, I feel the impact
of these changing times with a forceful-
ness, intensity, and impatience which
is particular to youth.
The women on this campus inspire
me. For the most part, they are highly
active and motivated. Perhaps, they are
forced into being more active than they
might wish to be, because there are so
few on campus. But as I walked away
from many interviews, especially with
See REPORTER'S, Page 4