Friday, June 18, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine O CLASS/F/ Continued from Page 81 REAL ESTATE C)1)D VINTAGE FARMHOUSE. 10 and a tree lined 1lan-. lea 111.beautiful woodwlllk. Asingas ,ogo.000. Laad cotracet possible. 769- 550. evenings 995-4021 or 971-8842 o475-2808. Robert H. Thornton Jr. P.C Healtor. 2711623 FOR SALE MOVING SALE-TV, bicycle, tape rocorder, vraddihes,021ns, 0winter cloth sseelleous. 761-5003. 1513619 ,sCHWINN Worl1d Traveller 10-speed, ,. Pereet condition. 632-8828. 0880818 FOLK GUITAR. Ncloa strings, ex- U 50010 isout0 with Studs r3 HOURS: Fri. & Sat k- WEEKLY HOURS: (3 516 E. Liberty 10 rrrW FOR SALE MUSICAL MDSE., ONE WEE8K ONLY- EXCLUSIVE RAISRE IS 1, G PRTED ME X IC AN SHIIRTS, 198) 5 piece621m018t.Aplllo 51118118ndWmen's. Cll 195-4467 MusicCenter.769-14008 12608 otter 4:088 990622 USED YAMAHA PG-160 GUITAR. lE'N SFPEE81Coliunb11i1, 1914 slape. 7617-94308 1X60 511191 . II for 1211211. $50.DanI, 965528.6019 1TCl AS CAL -n4 Steel G0it1rsNvw 2118 t eel.665-7348. 42889241. 159 CRSNER 000'(01 TABLE SET. 975 or best offe.668f-8888. 57818 WANTED TO RENT MUSICAL MDSE,, W NrEDo BR 02119 o1 ap1.112w81 RADIOS, REPAIRS Aull. 15. NOT near2 cam11s:1mo184- 'tlely ploved:89124, 2aeniti1eswel- NEWY GIBSON-MARK i82t11,rs 1in come. M111. y92r2leas.15.995-9456. stock. Apllo usic1212Ceile. 32:3S.dL6l8 M12111, vX630 WANTED F0R FALL: M~y ownI room FENDE BAS113A CABIET: 1wo i a2c-op 8171221ho2useer campus. lENDER PAOINCBNT W lease calil Jlile, 701-6884, 761-6085. 12" Jensen1s. 71168, 665-7630. 73X618 76L618 GIBSGN 59 Les Paul 9111122. 0804d SMELLOW GRAD stuident seeks conl- shape for collectors. Doal 761 -9431. 7111181 household for flll Close to C.X630 1a01u21 Tony, 663-900. 51L619 04 0 04 4 S04 0 0S BUSI NESS SERVICES fl HOUSE AND YARD WORK-Eapriecd.Fue:lson.Pul I6-692 1111 4 s~te 90115 2211,6022 TYPING-$1-lI, 21111e. 25-yrs. exper. tI 1-928-6687. eJ6lO 1 TYPING -Raonab01 5ate,.IBM 1 lelI7925 27J017 FOR lYPING/EDITING/TUTORING Y [ J817 fl 994-90159 81J619 r ^ DAVE'0 GARAGE A misson ( Honest ,,ouarontee4auto 0an4 trulck J 1rpai a 0reaonale prices. 662-2791. Admision67J622 ent 1. D. ~ I AM a full-time, free lance typist wi11h Eoniderable experience typing books, disserations, papers. I type over I0n wpm., perfect accuracy a:x . y11-2xm11 guaranteed. Ease raae10 per page. 121t IBM Gorreeling Selectre. Gall Bill, 9 p.m._2 am. 65-016.2250c 994-535Fyping, Copyit Binding Noary Service The ecrletaa Di.ssert2atn Specialists C C CC C C 1812 N. Ntose Street 160a.111-10 plO. 994-3594 BUSINESS SERVICES NEW SERVICE Expeeed21. Ercll;FCe,. Glilyn~e 91911110v2pf, D12erl.ll201, S ple c C9 Tyllaw 1t1111. Fdillao,. Avll41111,'P-ll- 9012 R les CopsilO. Pick-u~p 11111 Deliserye, lelltltalc. 29111214 1al. Telephlonle Dictation 2114d 211217 S1evices. S'I'IIP'HEN8 PROFESSIOINAL 'IYPOWII~i S SERVICE PDO B~ox 181 Ypsilanti M'c112 Ms. Stephenls 434-184 BANDS FOR wed~ding~s and partles. D211 761-9421 82 99-2659, 1111. LOST AND FOUND LOST-An orange1, lon~g-hal1red CAT. Respondo s to salo Colt Malria, 995-9456. dA6l9 WALLET FOUND ill Gyros Parthe1- non restaulrant on Moin SI. Wed- nesday afternoon. No ca110. Conltact 1.02 1011a0e22to claimo. dA622 PERSONAL PLAY THE quiet 91gam 1111Biis 28 the 001011. vF6l9 I NEED A RIDE so Vs. or Boston Jully 3 so I 010on'tlmissthe tire- wcorks. 80022gas and6d4210111. Doe, 763-6360. 12F623 We hose aecompletesrop~phylactic depolralent. Trhe Village Apothe- corys 1112 8. University. eIIC TENNIS PLAYING, aspilin; Doctor seeks compnonship, a 081 shot. Saoreone an the ball who doesn't play games. Write Boo 19. 62F622 DON'T PAY far a stare's overhead via high mark-ulp. For the area's lowestpriesran004finest qua~lities possible on an enragem021800ring, shop Austin Diamonad, 1209 S. Uni- versity, 663-7121. cPtc WE CAN GIVE YOU a new 1102g7. GM Stylists ot 1112UDion. vI6lO BOARD EXAM TUTORING: e811221- moent nowsbeig acceptedfor S. H. KaplanlTultoring Coulese to prepoe 102 the MCATS, DAT, LSAT, an4 Not. 02115. Boards. CaIll 313) :154- 0085, locally, 002-3849. Isv SOPHIE ThoughlI t1 11120 been 8a11111,- i inie since1 wt122 19 1l 5112d w2;112 riU2 gal 701'll be p11ease4d1to ki 71 1yo haven't miss11a thing. 41610 Shatter the Heat with Our Cold Beer S. University at Forest PERSONAL P'FIMANEN1T WEIC IT LOSS T1'ho1, B ellta olrlMdiicaltin. reWContro1111Ntiona1l94-019 [910811 PIIIII1AS91NG vol11ume2sell- 11191 1 ' ,921 1oat pr111 oll, assue 91YO1U v,,r,,tl llI I 815111 1291119Ind.1,1209 S. 111s . l, 63-7151. Fla ICE CREAM- CARAMEL CORN CASTLE Now Open 11-1 No1t811e1n 111119115 0'61 ME2SSA9ES 1811)7 1118 IANA(919 ,neeei .I le I 92find wat:1aper 20 119h11f1pri11.07111, 61111Abor isn' 11112ow~ls anyt1hing111t1h911I -lee 11111 11ease write111Sing1118off, the 111192111brthday9l, at 111z21a 01ob's. 14 s 1112 11fifth 11ann1iversary yo14BBob death11 9111d tt everything1'lin1 01e 81o22 is half 11212e 110n 111911dy Well, It118 AlPFarrell' 91111ca00ge1 the. V-Bel 12f18ou'2e2111118to be 21 thenll 7181nl!;et 1 12e-2pitchebr2of bee.And I111112e91t.11o1,good1author0- 11ty1119t 021111l11ce2in11Blooigton 11h2re's1x1free2car wash 00n 70o12 B-dlay. -So.,0w11911d414I1 129122 0118 Please he112111Debbie .'2 2 11x 21. I 91111s11111b17 and11sa12Hi 48'616 FIREWORKS! 0Buy dilret.We sip thoghot thoe US. 8211d1fo e 212ce list11t1- 4ay. Purchaes 1111101be 10 yr. 02 01l122 Ecloe 2011y of 280111224 MchiganloStale erpmits10upon00pr- chase Ae Frewok, Box 221, Cal- 118011, (311104400, Maufacturer, Imlportr, Wolesaler, Dsrbto. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING Offse Printing, X22110copie Xerox redoti~tons, phlotstts, STUDIENTI ACOUNTS WELCOME 214 9. 4th Ae 994-4664 PREG0NANT? INed 012119?GCal Prob- 1le0 Pregnanlcy elp. 79-7283. 400 5. 010101011 122e pegnancy17tes. BITCH, YOU CRAZY! Will be bck 2u11'1, 19, 25, 26, 27 STIUDY GR00P FOMING: Gra9d stdts9ol11 as--211o 112- 111 n eading12txrt118le189abot cel1 blloy 1and/o18r1human11pyolol- 99' 11and me22ting 1once2o twine8 a 12eek 1fo2 11181111121119 17 so, 1call 091214at9 95,-46, 0f11r 7 11111 8910619 HEOART IC08NTEGR S'1OL OF AS- 1067.('1,1se2, Nat9l1C('0911, 1Retail 66-81-797. 611051 9ItIENIIS 9LA1KECOMMUNITIY. 8 9111e21911 919 el-re=.9,9991 Chele1 19811 , AAl 1911,7111::99031 499P1991 11,11 , 991 1,11,'I'999911 CAMPUS 199. 12199 1111 l,^:, l pers1l9 . 911 Read and Use Daily Classifieds FRI. SAT. $ 2.50 RITCHIE ;2.50 i f IL RI By whotever idiom of authority one wants to 0709 there is no disputing that Jeon Ritchie is one of the f i n e s t authentic traditional folk singers we hove iD the U.S. today."--N.Y. Times 1421 HILL 8:30 761-1451