Thursday, June 17, 1976
Page Eleven
Thursday, June 17, 1976 TI-IE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven
A's trades spark hearing
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Baseball com-
missioner Bowie Kuhn, acknowl-
edging that the sale of three of
Oakland's top players "raises
questions,' has scheduled a
hearing in his office today to
discuss the matter with Marvin
miller and officials of the Oak-
l:nd A's, New York Yankees
and Boston Red Sox.
The fast and furious dealing
of Oakland owner Charles O.
Finley and Gabe Paul, presi-
dent of the New York Yankees,
echoed through baseball yester-
day, shocking owners and play-
ers, alike.
In New York, Vida Blue
joins a pitching staff headed
by Catfish Hunter, another
alumnus of "Finley Tech."
Also Paul turned around and
completed a mammoth 10-play-
er trade with Baltimore that
supplied the Y a n k e e s with,
among others, left-hander Ken
Holtzman, the third member of
the pitching staff that hurled
the A's to three straight world
championships and five conse-
cutive American League West
Division titles.
Besides Holtzman, the Yan-
kees acquired pitchers Grant
Jackson and Doyle Alexander,
catcher Eltie Hendricks and
minor league pitcher Jim Free-
man. In exchange, Baltimore
received pitchers Rudy May,
Dave Pagan and Tippy Marti-
nez, catcher Rick Dempsey and
minor league hurler Scott Mac-
Elsewhere, the Los Angeles
Dodgers acquired outfielder
Reggie Smith from St. Louis,
sending outfielder-catcher Joe
Ferguson and minor leaguers
Bobby Dethrage and Fred
Tinsdale to the Cardinals.
The Texas Rangers purchased
outfielder Joe Lehoud from Cal-
ifornia and the Chicago White
Sox purchased another ex-Fin-
ley employe, Blue Moon Odom
from the Atlanta organization
and sold the Braves catcher
Pete Varney.
A spokesman for the commis-
sioner declined to answer any
further questions "because of
the nature of the hearing."
Olympic hopes sunk
for water polo team
By The Associated Press
BERKELEY, Calif.-The U.S.
olsmpic water polo team offi-
ially broke up yesterday after
Icarning that Romania's team
id decided to enter the Mon-
iral Gamnes.
The American team failed to
iish high enough in the 1975
isrld Games or Pan-Am Games
is qualify for the Olympic field.
l;t there was some doubt, un-
i Tuesday, whether Romania
sould accept its invitation.
East-West bust
LUBBOCK, Tex. -With only
2,l000 tickets sold, the 16th an-
ntal East-West Coaches All-
.imerica football game Saturday
night could have the smallest
ittendance since the All-Star
cissic moved to this football-
niade West Texas city seven ago.
the contest has played to
wre than 40,000 fans every
ceur except for last season
sn 36,000 watched the West's
.siting 23-21 victory.
A lack of big-name players
O pled with the late National
hmtball League draft and the
fliliing of the World Football
I'eugue have been blamed for
lhe expected low turnout.
Howe now?
EDMONTON - Former Red
%ing Gordie Howe, the veteran
iickey superstar, says he's
inking about playing another
ason. But he's also consider-
ig a suggestion that he be-
)me president of the World
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Hockey Association.
Howe, 48, playing president
of the Houston Aeros, said in
an interview the odds of his
playing again in the upcoming
season are about 50-50.
JOIt RUDI sports his new Boston Red Sox uniform. He and
former Oakland teammate Rollie Fingers were sold to the Sox
by A's owner Charley Finley for $1 million each. The rash of
recent trades by Finley has led Commissioner Bowie Kuhn
to schedule a conference to discuss the matter.
When someone drinks too coffee never made anyone sober.
much and then drives, it's the silence Maybe it would keep him awake
that kills. Your silence. long enough to have an accident.
It kills your friends, your But that's about all.
relatives, and people you don't even The best way to prevent a
know. But they're all people you drunk from becoming a dead drun
could save. is to stop him from driving.
If you knew what to say, . Speak up. Don't let silence b
maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe the last sound he hears.
fewer people would die.
What you should say is, "I'll
drive youhome."Or,"Let me call a r---------------------------
cab." Or, "Sleep on my couch t DRUNK DRIVER, DlEPT' Y A I
tonight. BOX 2.345
tonight. I ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852
Don't hesitate because your I I don't want to remain silent.
friend may have been drinking only I'fell me what else I can do.
beer. Beer and wine can be just as t
intoxicating as mixed drinks. I My nare is__
And don't think that black Aires_ _ _
coffee will make him sober. Black L - - :- i.e _Z____P--
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